@inproceedings{MeyerHirschHameretal.2016, author = {Meyer, Christian H. and Hirsch, Darya and Hamer, Martin and Terlau, Wiltrud}, title = {Corporate social responsibility under scrutiny - A web content analysis referring to German animal welfare initiatives}, booktitle = {IFAMA 26th Annual World Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, June 19-23, 2016}, institution = {Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Large sections of the German society are able to buy and consume meat on a daily basis due to progress in the agri-food sector. However, the way meat is produced, traded and consumed increasingly has become an issue that is controversially discussed by the media, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), lobbyists, the industry itself and consumers - often with a negative connotation. The meat industry reacts to this. By creating information campaigns and animal welfare initiatives it aims to stress that it is going to take its corporate social responsibilities (CSR) for consumers and animal welfare seriously. But, the industry's actions are still criticised as being not sufficient to improve animal welfare levels significantly. Much of this criticism can be observed in online news portals, where articles about the issue get published and commented by readers. This makes online portals a valuable source for information that is to be tapped in this study. It aims to better understand the multifaceted discussions concerning animal welfare initiatives in online portals. By applying qualitative content analysis and web mining techniques to a sample of documents taken from three major German news sites it can be shown that online discussions refer to various aspects of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Findings also indicate that the discussions are framed by financial aspects.}, language = {en} }