@inproceedings{JakobiStevens2013, author = {Jakobi, Timo and Stevens, Gunnar}, title = {Always beta: cooperative design in the smart home}, booktitle = {UbiComp '13: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Adjunct Publication. Zurich, Switzerland, September 08-12, 2013}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2215-7}, doi = {10.1145/2494091.2497325}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Verbraucherinformatik (IVI)}, pages = {837 -- 844}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In Software development, the always beta principle is used to successfully develop innovation based on early and continuous user feedback. In this paper we discuss how this principle could be adapted to the special needs of designing for the Smart Home, where we do not just take care of the software, but also release hardware components. In particular, because of the 'materiality' of the Smart Home one could not just make a beta version available on the web, but an essential part of the development process is also to visit the 'beta' users in their home, to build trust, to face the real world issues and provide assistance to make the Smart Home work for them. After presenting our case study, we will then discuss the challenges we faced and how we dealt with them.}, language = {en} }