@article{NeherBuchmannCrewelletal.2017, author = {Neher, Ina and Buchmann, Tina and Crewell, Susanne and Evers-Dietze, Bernd and Pfeilsticker, Klaus and Pospichal, Bernhard and Schirrmeister, Christopher and Meilinger, Stefanie}, title = {Impact of atmospheric aerosols on photovoltaic energy production - Scenario for the Sahel zone}, journal = {Energy Procedia}, volume = {125}, issn = {1876-6102}, doi = {10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.168}, institution = {Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation}, pages = {170 -- 179}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Photovoltaic (PV) energy is one option to serve the rising global energy need with low environmental impact. PV is of particular interest for local energy solutions in developing countries prone to high solar insolation. In order to assess the PV potential of prospective sites, combining knowledge of the atmospheric state modulating solar radiation and the PV performance is necessary. The present study discusses the PV power as function of atmospheric aerosols in the Sahel zone for clear-sky-days. Daily yields for a polycrystalline silicon PV module are reduced by up to 48 \% depending on the climatologically-relevant aerosol abundances.}, language = {en} }