@incollection{RandallDachteraDyrksetal.2018, author = {Randall, Dave and Dachtera, Juri and Dyrks, Tobias and Nett, Bernhard and Pipek, Volkmar and Ramirez, Leonardo and Stevens, Gunnar and Wagner, Ina and Wulf, Volker}, title = {Research into Design Research Practices: Supporting an Agenda towards Self-Reflectivity and Transferability}, booktitle = {Wulf, Pipek et al. (Eds.): Socio-Informatics: A Practice-Based Perspective on the Design and Use of IT Artifacts}, isbn = {978-0-19-873324-9}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Verbraucherinformatik (IVI)}, pages = {491 -- 540}, year = {2018}, language = {en} }