@techreport{CastelliStevensJakobi2019, author = {Castelli, Nico and Stevens, Gunnar and Jakobi, Timo}, title = {Information Visualization at Home: A literature survey of consumption feedback design}, series = {International reports on socio-informatics}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, editor = {Pipek, Volkmar and Rohde, Markus}, issn = {1861-4280}, url = {https://www.iisi.de/international-reports-on-socio-informatics-irsi/}, institution = {Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, pages = {31}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Designing consumption feedback to support sustainable behavior is an active research topic. In recent years, relevant work has suggested a variety of possible design strategies. Addressing the more recent developments in this field, this paper presents a structured literature review, providing an overview of current information design approaches and highlighting open research questions. We suggest a literature-based taxonomy of used strategies, data source and output media with a special focus on design. In particular, we analyze which visual forms are used in current research to reach the identified strategy goals. Our survey reveals that the trend is towards more complex and contextualized feedback and almost every design within sustainable HCI adopts common visualization forms. Furthermore, adopting more advanced visual forms and techniques from information visualization research is helpful when dealing with ever-increasing data sources at home. Yet so far, this combination has often been neglected in feedback design.}, language = {en} }