@inproceedings{MeilingerHerman-Czezuch2019, author = {Meilinger, Stefanie K. and Herman-Czezuch, Anna}, title = {Impact of atmospheric parameters on the performance of photovoltaic systems - study of spectral effects}, booktitle = {6th International Conference Energy \& Meteorology, ICEM 2019, 24.-27. Juni 2019, Kopenhagen, D{\"a}nemark}, url = {http://icem2019-abstract-submission.p.wemc.currinda.com/days/2019-06-26/abstract/773}, institution = {Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Background \& Objective: Due to the policy goals for sustainable energy production, renewable energy plants such as photovoltaics are increasingly in use. The energy production from solar radiation depends strongly on atmospheric conditions. As the weather mostly changes, electrical power generation fluctuates, making technical planning and control of power grids to a complex problem. Due to used materials (semiconductors e.g. silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium telluride) the photovoltaic cells are spectrally selective. It means that only radiation of certain wavelengths converts into electrical energy. A material property called spectral response characterizes a certain degree of conversion of solar radiation into the electric current for each wavelength of solar light.}, language = {en} }