@article{Perez Arredondo2022, author = {Perez Arredondo, Ana Maria}, title = {Research-Practice-Collaborations Addressing One Health and Urban Transformation. A Case Study}, journal = {The European Journal of Development Research}, volume = {34}, number = {4}, issn = {0957-8811}, doi = {10.1057/s41287-022-00553-x}, institution = {Internationales Zentrum f{\"u}r Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE)}, pages = {1745 -- 1756}, year = {2022}, abstract = {One Health is an integrative approach at the interface of humans, animals and the environment, which can be implemented as Research-Practice-Collaboration (RPC) for its interdisciplinarity and intersectoral focus on the co-production of knowledge. To exemplify this, the present commentary shows the example of the Forschungskolleg "One Health and Urban Transformation" funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State Government of Nord Rhine Westphalia in Germany. After analysis, the factors identified for a better implementation of RPC for One Health were the ones that allowed for constant communication and the reduction of power asymmetries between practitioners and academics in the co-production of knowledge. In this light, the training of a new generation of scientists at the boundaries of different disciplines that have mediation skills between academia and practice is an important contribution with great implications for societal change that can aid the further development of RPC.}, language = {en} }