TY - JOUR U1 - Wissenschaftlicher Artikel A1 - Felappi, Jéssica Francine A1 - Sommer, Jan Henning A1 - Falkenberg, Timo A1 - Terlau, Wiltrud A1 - Kötter, Theo T1 - Urban park qualities driving visitors mental well-being and wildlife conservation in a Neotropical megacity JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Green infrastructure has been widely recognized for the benefits to human health and biodiversity conservation. However, knowledge of the qualities and requirements of such spaces and structures for the effective delivery of the range of ecosystem services expected is still limited, as well as the identification of trade-offs between services. In this study, we apply the One Health approach in the context of green spaces to investigate how urban park characteristics affect human mental health and wildlife support outcomes and identify synergies and trade-offs between these dimensions. Here we show that perceived restorativeness of park users varies significantly across sites and is mainly affected by safety and naturalness perceptions. In turn, these perceptions are driven by objective indicators of quality, such as maintenance of facilities and vegetation structure, and subjective estimations of biodiversity levels. The presence of water bodies benefited both mental health and wildlife. However, high tree canopy coverage provided greater restoration potential whereas a certain level of habitat heterogeneity was important to support a wider range of bird species requirements. To reconcile human and wildlife needs in green spaces, cities should strategically implement a heterogeneous green infrastructure network that considers trade-offs and maximizes synergies between these dimensions. Y1 - 2024 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-79047 SN - 2045-2322 SS - 2045-2322 U6 - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55357-2 DO - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55357-2 PM - 38418539 VL - 14 SP - 16 S1 - 16 PB - Springer Nature ER -