@inproceedings{StevensMeurerPakuschetal.2019, author = {Stevens, Gunnar and Meurer, Johanna and Pakusch, Christina and Bossauer, Paul}, title = {Investigating Car Futures from Different Angles}, booktitle = {Mensch und Computer 2019: Workshopband}, doi = {10.18420/MUC2019-WS-453}, institution = {Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, pages = {400 -- 409}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The design of self-driving cars is one of the most exciting and ambitious challenges of our days and every day, new research work is published. In order to give an orientation, this article will present an overview of various methods used to study the human side of autonomous driving. Simplifying roughly, you can distinguish between design science-oriented methods (such as Research through Design, Wizard of Oz or driving simulator ) and behavioral science methods (such as survey, interview, and observation). We show how these methods are adopted in the context of autonomous driving research and dis-cuss their strengths and weaknesses. Due to the complexity of the topic, we will show that mixed method approaches will be suitable to explore the impact of autonomous driving on different levels: the individual, the social interaction and society.}, language = {en} }