@article{LehmannBakanovBehnischetal.2021, author = {Lehmann, Gerlind U. C. and Bakanov, Nikita and Behnisch, Martin and Bourlat, Sarah J. and Br{\"u}hl, Carsten A. and Eichler, Lisa and Fickel, Thomas and Geiger, Matthias F. and Gemeinholzer, Birgit and H{\"o}rren, Thomas and K{\"o}the, Sebastian and Lux, Alexandra and Meinel, Gotthard and M{\"u}hlethaler, Roland and Poglitsch, Hanna and Sch{\"a}ffler, Livia and Schlechtriemen, Ulrich and Schneider, Florian D. and Schulte, Ralf and Sorg, Martin and Sprenger, Maximilian and Swenson, Stephanie J. and Terlau, Wiltrud and Turck, Angela and Zizka, Vera M. A.}, title = {Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas (DINA): an interdisciplinary German research project}, journal = {Biodiversity and Conservation}, volume = {30}, number = {8-9}, issn = {0960-3115}, doi = {10.1007/s10531-021-02209-4}, institution = {Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, pages = {2605 -- 2614}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Insect declines and biodiversity loss have attracted much attention in recent years, but lack of comprehensive data, conflicting interests among stakeholders and insufficient policy guidance hinder progress in preserving biodiversity. The project DINA (Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas) investigates insect communities in 21 nature reserves in Germany. All selected conservation sites border arable land, with agricultural practices assumed to influence insect populations. We taught citizen scientists how to manage Malaise traps for insect collection, and subsequently used a DNA metabarcoding approach for species identification. Vegetation surveys, plant metabarcoding as well as geospatial and ecotoxicological analyses will help to unravel contributing factors for the deterioration of insect communities. As a pioneering research project in this field, DINA includes a transdisciplinary dialogue involving relevant stakeholders such as local authorities, policymakers, and farmers, which aims at a shared understanding of conservation goals and action pathways. Stakeholder engagement combined with scientific results will support the development of sound policy recommendations to improve legal frameworks, landscape planning, land use, and conservation strategies. With this transdisciplinary approach, we aim to provide the background knowledge to implement policy strategies that will halt further decline of insects in German protected areas.}, language = {en} }