@article{PlohmannGerhards-Padilla2012, author = {Plohmann, Daniel and Gerhards-Padilla, Elmar}, title = {Malware and Botnet Analysis Methodology}, journal = {ERCIM News}, number = {90}, issn = {0926-4981}, url = {https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en90/special/malware-and-botnet-analysis-methodology}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Cyber Security \& Privacy (ICSP)}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Malware is responsible for massive economic damage. Being the preferred tool for digital crime, botnets are becoming increasingly sophisticated, using more and more resilient, distributed infrastructures based on peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols. On the other side, current investigation techniques for malware and botnets on a technical level are time-consuming and highly complex. Fraunhofer FKIE is addressing this problem, researching new ways of intelligent process automation and information management for malware analysis in order to minimize the time needed to investigate these threats.}, language = {en} }