@incollection{Sch{\"u}ring2021, author = {Sch{\"u}ring, Esther}, title = {Social transfers}, booktitle = {Sch{\"u}ring, Loewe (Eds.): Handbook on Social Protection Systems}, isbn = {978-1-83910-911-9}, doi = {10.4337/9781839109119.00014}, institution = {Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung}, publisher = {Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg}, pages = {40 -- 53}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Social transfers are on the rise in the Global South but they have also been in the centre of discussion in the Global North as an attractive instrument to buffer new risks and uncertainties in a changing world. They have experienced a dramatic change since the beginning of the new century, starting off as a revolutionary programmatic intervention in countries such as Mexico and Brazil or as a fledgling pilot programme in countries such as Zambia, Kenya and Malawi. They have now become a standard intervention across the globe, a truly global social policy as Hickey and Seekings (2019, 249) coined it. This global trend has been facilitated by donors' strive to move away from ever recurring humanitarian actions, by increased pressure on donors to show aid effectiveness with the money finally reaching the most vulnerable as well as by international concerted actions such as the United Nations initiative of a global social protection floor.}, language = {en} }