@incollection{Schuering2021, author = {Esther Sch{\"u}ring}, title = {Introduction: Political economy}, series = {Sch{\"u}ring, Loewe (Eds.): Handbook on Social Protection Systems}, publisher = {Edward Elgar Publishing}, address = {Cheltenham, UK}, isbn = {978-1-83910-911-9}, doi = {10.4337/9781839109119.00064}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:1044-opus-58099}, pages = {489 -- 490}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Designing a social protection system is of course not only a technical exercise but a very political affair. A systems approach to social protection is shaped by the political elites and the respective coalitions of change, the political institutions as well as the political system of a country. This explains why also seemingly similar countries in terms of their risk profile, poverty situation and economic situation can adopt very different social protection systems or make very different progress with respect to social protection expansion. Not only are the established welfare states of the Global North but also the nascent social protection systems in the Global South a testimony of this variety.}, language = {en} }