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Performance estimation and optimization of the IEEE802.11 MAC layer for long distance point-to-point links

  • Rural areas often lack affordable broadband Internet connectivity, mainly due to the CAPEX and especially OPEX of traditional operator equipment [HEKN11]. This digital divide limits the access to knowledge, health care and other services for billions of people. Different approaches to close this gap were discussed in the last decade [SPNB08]. In most rural areas satellite bandwidth is expensive and cellular networks (3G,4G) as well as WiMAX suffer from the usually low population density making it hard to amortize the costs of a base station [SPNB08].

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Document Type:Report
Author:Michael Rademacher
Number of pages:118
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Date of first publication:2015/03/26
Award:Förderpeis des Verbands Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) Köln 2014, 1. Platz
Award:Gesellschaft der Förderer der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg e.V.: Beste Masterarbeit im Studiengang Informatik 2014
Award:Studienpreis des AFCEA Bonn e.V.: Förderpreis für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit besonders ausgeprägtem Praxisbezug 2014, 1. Preis
Series (Volume):Technical Report / Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Department of Computer Science (01-2015)
Keywords:802.11; DCF; long-distance modeling
Departments, institutes and facilities:Fachbereich Informatik
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC):0 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke / 00 Informatik, Wissen, Systeme / 004 Datenverarbeitung; Informatik
Series:Technical Report / University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Department of Computer Science
Entry in this database:2015/03/26
Licence (Multiple languages):License LogoIn Copyright (Urheberrechtsschutz)