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- Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation (705)
- Institut für funktionale Gen-Analytik (IFGA) (591)
- Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE) (548)
- Präsidium (541)
- Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung (432)
- Institute of Visual Computing (IVC) (318)
- Institut für Cyber Security & Privacy (ICSP) (316)
Document Type
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Year of publication
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- Virtual Reality (21)
- Management (20)
- Betriebswirtschaftslehre (19)
- Digitalisierung (19)
- Corporate Social Responsibility (18)
Irrigation is often celebrated as a means of intensifying agricultural production and improving food and nutrition security. In the context of semi-subsistence smallholder agriculture irrigation can have a positive impact on dietary diversity through various pathways. However, studies on the linkages between irrigation and rural household nutrition show mixed results. This study argues that irrigation is not a simple agricultural input factor but is embedded in socio-technical conditions. It compares two different irrigation arrangements to understand how irrigation can contribute to transforming local food systems through different pathways. The impact of irrigation on dietary diversity and the potential impact pathways (agricultural income, production diversity and women’s empowerment) are analyzed using a propensity score matching (PSM) approach. The analysis is repeated for subsets of farmer-led and public irrigation to explore how different irrigation arrangements lead to different outcomes. The results show that both farmer-led and public irrigation have a positive impact on agricultural income and dietary diversity. The positive effect on dietary diversity was stronger in farmer-led irrigation while the income effect was stronger in public irrigation arrangement. However, the positive impact on dietary diversity appears to be dampened by a reduction in production diversity, particularly in the case of public irrigation. This study highlights that irrigation development may lead to a more diverse diet, strengthen the income pathway but weaken the production diversity pathway with the extent of this effect depending on the irrigation arrangement. Therefore, policy makers should be aware of this trade-off and seek to support irrigation that allows increased production for urban markets without compromising the dietary intake of rural households.
Investigating digital privacy behavior requires consideration of its contextual nuances and the underlying social norms. This study delves into users' joint articulation of such norms by probing their implicit assumptions and "common sense" surrounding privacy conventions. To achieve this, we introduce Privacy Taboo, a card game designed to serve as a playful breaching interview method, fostering discourse on unwritten privacy rules. Through nine interviews involving pairs of participants (n=18), we explore the decision-making and collective negotiation of privacy's vagueness. Our findings demonstrate individuals' ability to articulate their information needs when consenting to fictive data requests, even when contextual cues are limited. By shedding light on the social construction of privacy, this research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of usable privacy, thereby facilitating the development of democratic privacy frameworks. Moreover, we posit Privacy Taboo as a versatile tool adaptable to diverse domains of application and research.
Illegal wildlife trade is a growing problem internationally. Poaching of animals not only leads to the extinction of populations and species but also has serious consequences for ecosystems and economies. This study introduces a molecular marker system that authorities can use to detect and substantiate wildlife trafficking. SNPSTR markers combine short tandem repeats with single nucleotide polymorphisms within an amplicon to increase discriminatory power. Within the FOGS (Forensic Genetics for Species Protection) project, we have established SNPSTR marker sets for 74 vertebrate species. On average, each set consists of 19 SNPSTR markers with 82 SNPs per set. More than 1300 SNPSTR markers and over 300 STR markers were identified. Also, through its biobanking pipeline, the FOGS project enabled the cryopreservation of somatic cells from 91 vertebrate species as well as viable tissues for later cell initiation from a further 109 species, providing future strategies for ex situ conservation. In addition, many more fixed tissues and DNA samples of endangered species were biobanked. Therefore, FOGS was an interdisciplinary study, combining molecular wildlife forensics and conservation tools. The SNPSTR sets and cell culture information are accessible through the FOGS database ( that is open to scientists, researchers, breeders and authorities worldwide to protect wildlife from illegal trade.
One of the most significant challenges facing the world today is rapid climate change and the negative effects it is having on our environment. The transport sector is responsible for high CO2 emissions, and will have to make fundamental contributions to climate goal targets in the medium to long-term future. In the past, far-reaching measures have been tested regarding how to encourage people to switch from their own cars or motorised private transport (MPT) to the more emission-friendly local public transport (PT). Previous projects have only been able to convince people to switch temporarily through subsidised public transport. Detached from the ecological aspects, the turmoil in the global economy at the end of February 2022 resulted in a price shock in mineral oil prices, which shifted the primary focus of mobility behaviour from ecological to economic concerns. The logistic regression analysis of a quantitative survey (n = 611) in Germany confirms that a large number of journeys taken via private car were saved due to the increased price. However, despite high mineral oil prices, travelling by private car remains the primary means of transport for many people. Switching to public transport is particularly noticeable among women. This is due, among other things, to their lower incomes. Contrary to results of prior studies, the present analysis shows that participants from large cities have saved fewer trips by private car compared to people living in rural areas, even though large cities generally have a denser infrastructure with a more comprehensive range of mobility options. Travel time and reliability are the main factors in our respondents' choice of transport mode and are more compatible in large cities with denser public transport than in rural areas. The avoided car journeys are predominantly in the leisure sector and have not been substituted by other means of transport.
Das Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement hat an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg große Bedeutung. Dieses Poster illustriert die Positionierung des Themas an der Hochschule. Dazu zählen die Verortung bei den Forschungsservices der Bibliothek, die getroffenen Awareness -Maßnahmen, das Service-Angebot und die interne und externe Zusammenarbeit. Abschließend wird auf verschiedene Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungen eingegangen.
Dieses Poster wurde im Rahmen der VW-Themenwoche "Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft" im Workshop "FDM mit geringen Ressourcen. Kompetenzaufbau durch Vernetzung von Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften" am 02. Dezember 2024 vorgestellt.
This specification defines a method for computing a hash value over a CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) Key. It specifies which fields within the COSE Key structure are included in the cryptographic hash computation, the process for creating a canonical representation of these fields, and how to hash the resulting byte sequence. The resulting hash value, referred to as a "thumbprint", can be used to identify or select the corresponding key.
This paper presents a new numerically efficient implementation of flow mixing algorithms in dynamic simulation of pipeline fluid transport. Mixed characteristics include molar mass, heat value, chemical composition and the temperature of the transported fluids. In the absence of chemical reactions, the modeling is based on the universal conservation laws for molar flows and total energy. The modeling formulates a sequence of linear systems, solved by a sparse linear solver, typically in one iteration per integration step. The functionality and stability of the developed simulation methods have been tested on a number of realistic network scenarios. The main output of the paper is a functioning and stable implementation of flow mixing algorithms for dynamic simulation of fluid transport networks.
Because of their resilience, Time-of-Flight (ToF) cameras are now essential components in scientific and industrial settings. This paper outlines the essential factors for modeling 3D ToF cameras, with specific emphasis on analyzing the phenomenon known as “wiggling”. Through our investigation, we demonstrate that wiggling not only causes systematic errors in distance measurements, but also introduces periodic fluctuations in statistical measurement uncertainty, which compounds the dependence on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Armed with this knowledge, we developed a new 3D camera model, which we then made computationally tractable. To illustrate and evaluate the model, we compared measurement data with simulated data of the same scene. This allowed us to individually demonstrate various effects on the signal-to-noise ratio, reflectivity, and distance.
Visuelle Darstellungen von MINT-Berufen durch Bildgeneratoren: Wie viel Vielfalt ist möglich?
In den vergangenen Jahren haben sich Text-zu-Bild-Transformer-Modelle wie DALL·E, Stable Diffusion und Midjourney etabliert, die realitätsnahe Bilder generieren. So wurden zwischen 2022 und 2023 über 15 Milliarden KI-Bilder produziert, Midjourney alleine zeigt eine Nutzendenbasis von 16 Millionen (Broz 2023; Valyaeva 2023; Zhou et al. 2024). Diese kritische retrospektive Analyse beschäftigt sich mit DALL·E Mini, einem der ersten öffentlich weit verbreiteten schwächeren Modelle, das für viele Nutzende den initialen Kontaktpunkt mit dieser Technologie darstellte.
Bei der Entwicklung von Kunststoffbauteilen kommen in kontinuierlich zunehmendem Maße Simulationen zum Einsatz. Vor dem Hintergrund von steigenden Produktanforderungen als auch dem unausweichlichen Zwang zur Schonung von Ressourcen ist der erweiterte Einsatz von Simulationswerkzeugen wichtiger Teil des Lösungsweges. Zu den nutzbaren, aber in Bezug zu Realprozessen bisher wenig eingesetzten Methoden gehört die Molekulardynamik Simulation. Auf Grundlage dieser Methode können auf mikroskopischer Ebene die tatsächlichen physikalischen Abläufe, die bei der Verarbeitung von Kunststoffen im Prozess auftreten, sichtbar gemacht werden. In dieser Arbeit wird beleuchtet, wie Randbedingungen in Anlehnung an den Extrusionsblasformprozess den Werkstoff Polyethylen auf mikroskopischer Ebene beeinflussen. Hierzu wird ein mesoskopisches Modell (Coarse-Graining) zur Beschreibung des Polymers genutzt. Dieses Modell wird durch die Bestimmung von Materialkennwerten verifiziert. Es wird der uniaxiale Zugversuch auf der Mikroskala modelliert, um Größen wie beispielsweise Elastizitätsmodul, Streckspannung oder Querkontraktionszahl zu ermitteln. Ebenso werden thermische Kenngrößen, insbesondere zur Charakterisierung des Kristallisationsverhaltens, bestimmt. Ziel dieser Untersuchungen ist, Effekte, die bei dynamisch ablaufenden Dehnungs- bzw. Kristallisationsvorgängen stattfinden, mikroskopisch zu beobachten und zu quantifizieren. Die ermittelten Kennwerte liegen insbesondere für die thermischen Größen in dichter Nähe zu experimentellen Daten. Das Spannungs-Dehnungs Verhalten wird qualitativ mit guter Übereinstimmung mit dem realen Verhalten wiedergegeben. Die kurze Zeitskala, auf der sich die Simulationsmodelle befinden, hat jedoch mikromechanisch extremeres Verhalten zur Folge, als makroskopisch beobachtet wird. Durch Erweiterung der Modelle werden biaxiale Verstreckvorgänge, wie sie im Extrusionsblasformprozess beispielsweise während des Aufblasens des Vorformlings auftreten, nachgebildet. Die Betrachtung verschiedener Abkühlbedingungen, insbesondere unter Formzwang, ist in Anlehnung an den Realprozess weiterer Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen. Die Analyse der biaxial verstreckten Modelle offenbart, dass Entschlaufungsvorgänge während des Verstreckens die weitere Entwicklung der Polymersysteme dominieren. Es gelingt, die Dynamik von Kristallisationsvorgängen in Abhängigkeit von Verstreckgrad und Abkühlbedingungen durch unterschiedliche Größen (Verteilung von Verschlaufungspunkten, lokale Orientierungen) zu quantifizieren. Die erzielten Resultate zeigen auf, dass es mittels vergröberten Molekulardynamik Simulationen möglich ist, das mikromechanische Verständnis von Vorgängen, die bei der Verarbeitung von Kunststoffen auftreten, signifikant zu erweitern.
During the development phase of plastic components, simulations are being used to an increasing extent. Against the background of product requirements and the inevitable necessity of conserving resources, the expanded use of simulation tools is an essential part of the solution. Among available methods, but so far underutilized with respect to real-life processes, is the molecular dynamics simulation. By the use of this method it is possible to visualize the physical processes occurring on the microscopic level, as e.g. those that arise during plastics processing. This thesis examines how boundary conditions, which mimic the extrusion blow molding process, affect the behavior of polyethylene on the microscopic level. A mesoscopic model (coarse-graining) is applied to describe the polymer. Initially, this model is verified by determining material properties. The uniaxial tensile test is modeled on the micro-scale to identify parameters such as the elastic modulus, yield stress, and Poisson’s ratio. Additionally, thermal properties, particularly those characterizing the crystallization behavior, are identified. The objective of these investigations is the microscopic observation and quantification of effects that occur during dynamic stretching and crystallization processes. The calculated properties show good agreement with the experimental data, especially regarding the thermal parameters. Qualitatively, the stress-strain behavior is reproduced in alignment with experimentally observed results. However, the short time scale of the simulation models leads to micromechanical behavior that is more extreme than what is monitored on a macroscopic level. By extending the simulation models, biaxial stretching processes are simulated. These stretching processes resemble the situation during the inflation of the parison in the extrusion blow molding process. The examination of various cooling conditions, particularly by the use of mold constraints, is another focus of the investigations. The analysis of the biaxially stretched simulations reveals that disentanglement processes during stretching dominate the further development of polymer systems. It is possible to quantify the dynamics of crystallization processes depending on the degree of stretching and cooling conditions through various parameters (distribution of entanglement points, local orientations). The results indicate that coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations are able to significantly enhance the micromechanical understanding of local events occurring during plastic processing.
Das Unterhaltungsmedium Videospiel ist in Deutschland von gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Relevanz. Daraus ergibt sich ein Informationsbedürfnis, das durch einen Videospieljournalismus befriedigt werden soll. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das Publikum dieses journalistischen Themenfeldes zu charakterisieren, dessen Nutzung zu identifizieren und Einschätzungen gegenüber dieser zu ermitteln. Diese Betrachtung schließt sowohl den professionellen Videospieljournalismus als auch Blogs, Influencer und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ein. Dazu wurde eine standardisierte Befragung als Online-Umfrage angewandt, die auf Videospielende des deutschsprachigen Raums abzielt.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Publikum des deutschsprachigen Videospieljournalismus im Vergleich zu den Videospielenden Deutschlands jünger und eher männlich ist. Es weist ein hohes Interesse für die Thematik auf und fordert Fachkenntnisse von den Medien ein, zeigt ihnen gegenüber aber Vertrauen. Da auch Influencer und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit als Informationsquellen dienen, besteht hier eine Konkurrenzsituation, die der Journalismus durch eine Abgrenzung von diesem mit unabhängigen Inhalten lösen muss. Die Ergebnisse dienen vornehmlich der redaktionellen Publikumsforschung als Denkanstoß für zukünftige Maßnahmen.
This CSV provides the corresponding RGB values for a specific color temperature (measured in Kelvin). It can be used to determine the appropriate RGB color values for a given color temperature. This dataset provides an approximation following the CIE 1964 colour-matching functions that is intended for low to mid quality output media (such as LED lighting, consumer screens and consumer grade VR headsets).
The datacontains a sample of 300 respondents obtained at a German university of applied sciences (Bonn-Rhine-Sieg) from October 2023 to December 2023, and consisting of students, scientific and non-scientific staff and alumni. It was part of the evaluation of the project "SUPRA- Start Up Manufaktur St. Augustin".
The decline of insect abundance and richness has been documented for decades and has received increased attention in recent years. In 2017, a study by Hallmann and colleagues on insect biomasses in German nature protected areas received a great deal of attention and provided the impetus for the creation of the project Diversity of Insects in Nature protected Areas (DINA). The aim of DINA was to investigate possible causes for the decline of insects in nature protected areas throughout Germany and to develop strategies for managing the problem. A major issue for the protection of insects is the lack of insect-specific regulations for nature protected areas and the lack of a risk assessment and verification of the measures applied. Most nature protected areas border on or enclose agricultural land and are structured in a mosaic, resulting in an abundance of small and narrow areas. This leads to fragmentation or even loss of endangered habitats and thus threaten biodiversity. In addition, the impact of agricultural practices, especially pesticides and fertilisers, leads to the degradation of biodiversity at the boundaries of nature protected areas, reducing their effective size. All affected stakeholders need to be involved in solving these threats by working on joint solutions. Furthermore, agriculture in and around nature protected areas must act to promote biodiversity and utilise and develop methods that reverse the current trend. This also requires subsidies from the state to ensure economic sustainability and promote biodiversity-promoting practices.
This dataset contains questions and answers from an introductory computer science bachelor course on statistics and probability theory at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. The dataset includes three questions and a total of 90 answers, each evaluated using binary rubrics (yes/no) associated with specific scores.
This dataset contains multimodal data recorded on robots performing robot-to-human and human-to-robot handovers. The intended application of the dataset is to develop and benchmark methods for failure detection during the handovers. Thus the trials in the dataset contain both successful and failed handover actions. For a more detailed description of the dataset, please see the included Datasheet.
RoboCup @work 2023 dataset
RoboCup 2023 dataset
The present study investigates the phenomenon of domestic violence perpetrated against women in Bangladesh, and endeavors to identify potential determinants that may underlie its prevalence. By employing a multivariate logistic regression model and utilizing a national representative dataset comprising 5044 households in rural Bangladesh, the present study reveals noteworthy correlations between domestic violence and various factors, including but not limited to women's age, poultry farming, total land ownership, working in rural areas, and women's decision-making authority in agriculture. The age of female individuals is a crucial factor in the occurrence of domestic violence, as there exists a positive correlation between age and the likelihood of experiencing such violence, with older women being more susceptible to it. Nevertheless, the probability of violent behavior decreases after a specific period. The rearing of poultry in farms seems to have a noticeable effect on the incidence of violence, whereas the possession of extensive land holdings reduces the probability of violent occurrences. Men who work in rural areas are more likely to engage in violent behavior, possibly due to economic instability and adherence to traditional gender norms. Research indicates that female individuals who possess decision-making power in the realm of agricultural production tend to experience reduced levels of violence. In general, the aforementioned discoveries illuminate the intricate mechanisms that underlie domestic violence in rural areas of Bangladesh.
Several species of (poly)saccharides and organic acids can be found often simultaneously in various biological matrices, e.g., fruits, plant materials, and biological fluids. The analysis of such matrices sometimes represents a challenging task. Using Aloe vera plant materials as an example, the performance of several spectroscopic methods (80 MHz benchtop NMR, NIR, ATR-FTIR and UV-Vis) for the simultaneous analysis of quality parameters of this plant material was compared. The determined parameters include (poly)saccharides such as aloverose, fructose and glucose as well as organic acids (malic, lactic, citric, isocitric, acetic, fumaric, benzoic and sorbic acids). 500 MHz NMR and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used as the reference methods.UV-VIS data can be used only for identification of added preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids) and drying agent (maltodextrin) and semiquantitative analysis of malic acid. NIR and MIR spectroscopies combined with multivariate regression can deliver more informative overview of Aloe vera extracts being able to additionally quantify glucose, aloverose, citric, isocitric, malic, lactic acids and fructose. Low-field NMR measurements can be used for the quantification of aloverose, glucose, malic, lactic, acetic, and benzoic acids. The benchtop NMR method was successfully validated in terms of robustness, stability, precision, reproducibility and limit of detection and quantification (LOD and LOQ).All spectroscopic techniques are useful for the screening of (poly)saccharides and organic acids in plant extracts and should be applied according to its availability as well as information and confidence required for the specific analytical goal. Benchtop NMR spectroscopy seems to be the most feasible solution for quality control of Aloe vera products.
The relevance of introducing digital twin technology in robotics is substantiated, which allows testing and modelling the capabilities of robots, such as manipulation, grasping, etc., using virtual robot prototypes that are identical copies of physical robot prototypes. An overview of the key components of the digital twin framework for robotics, including the physical element, virtual element, middleware, service and transport components, is provided. A technology for designing a robot using digital twins is proposed, including the design of a computer model of a robot using a computer-aided design system or three-dimensional graphics packages, the use of robot simulation systems, data management, data analysis and human-machine interaction. The further development of the research is the implementation of digital twin technology for a rescue robot according to the proposed stages: building a computer model, programming robot behaviour in a simulation system, developing a mathematical and digital model of the robot, implementing human-machine interaction between a physical robot and its digital replica, which will allow testing the interaction of the main components of the digital twin, performing data exchange between the physical and digital replica, and building a digital data model to verify the main operations.
An der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein Sieg gibt es auf dem Campus St. Augustin seit kurzem Spenderautomaten für kostenlose Menstruationsartikel. Barbara Hillen, Zentrale Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der Hochschule, hat sie anbringen lassen als Teil eines Pilotprojekts, das struktureller Bildungsbenachteiligung entgegenwirken soll.
Introduction: Celiac Disease (CD) is a multisystemic auto-mmune disorder triggered by gluten in HLA genetically predisposed individuals. HLA-DQ genotyping is useful to assess the individual susceptibility to CD but still not sufficient for early diagnosis. Here, we propose HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 gene typing and exosomes characterization as new tool for CD prevention and diagnosis.
Methods: A Chilean population (n=30) was investigated for SNPs mutations in HLA Class II alleles associated with CD predisposition, using the GenoChip Food Technology. Exosomes have been isolated from donors’ serum by ultracentrifugation and characterized by Western Blotting (for CD63 and CD9) and transmission electron microscopy. Exosomes were also studied for their interleukin-1ra content.
Results: Among the studied population, 45.84, 37.46, and 16.70% were carrying alleles encoding for MHC-DQ heterodimers associated with extremely high, high, and extremely low risk to develop CD. The exosome size decreased significantly (p<0.05) when derived from extremely low CD risk donors (44.58 ± 7.88 nm). In parallel, isolated Exosomes from donors with high and extremely high CD risk showed higher IL-1ra content. The values increase within the extremely high-risk group (108.8 ± 15.91 and 148.8 ± 12.37 pg/mL), as the CD persons were not following any treatment. However, these values were lower (52.50 ± 3.54 and 48.75 ± 6.52 pg/mL) in exosomes isolated from CD patients after treatment.
Conclusion: A relationship between exosomes’ size and IL-1ra content, and genetic susceptibility for CD has been observed, suggesting their possible use as biomarkers for CD prevention and diagnosis.
Based on an analysis of the aerosol optical properties for Cotonou, Benin from the DACCIWA measurement campaign, we investigate the impact of aerosols on PV power for polycrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon technology using a spectrally resolved model chain. The model considers both spectral effects on global irradiance due to different aerosol properties as well as the spectral response of different PV technologies. The results show that aerosol emissions due to the biomass outbreak lead to solar flux losses of up to 55%, which correspond to a reduction in photovoltaic power of up to 81% for the polycrystalline cell and 78% for the amorphous cell. Comparing the effects of aerosols on the photovoltaic power between the two technologies, we find that during the morning and evening hours, when there is more diffuse irradiance, the amorphous cell suffers a greater reduction in power (36%) than the polycrystalline cell (27%). Conversely, in the middle of the day, we observe a greater PV power reduction of 12% for the polycrystalline cell compared to that for the amorphous cell (8%).
Extensive data from both in vitro and animal studies have demonstrated the potency of a deregulated activated Wnt pathway. Herein, we report the antitumor effects of already established novel Wnt pathway inhibitors – ethacrynic acid (EA) and Ciclopiroxolamine (CIC) on various cancer cell lines using the WST-8 assay. Our results demonstrate the significant cytotoxic potency of EA and CIC in vitro and display their strong efficacy on various tumor cells. Of particular interest, colon cancer was the most significantly affected by both drugs of all the tumor types tested in this study. This study provides a strategy for targeting Wnt-driven cancers and highlights those cancers that show a higher susceptibility to the cytotoxic effects of the Wnt inhibitors as potential candidates for further study.
Ventricular Pressure-Volume Loops Obtained by 3D Real-Time Echocardiography and Mini-Pressure Wire
Background. This study was performed to investigate the influence of a short-term treatment with pioglitazone versus placebo on inflammatory activation of mononuclear cells (mRNA expression/protein secretion of inflammatory markers). Methods and Results. Sixty-three patients with well-controlled type 2 diabetes (52 males, 11 females, age (Mean ± SD): 66 ± 7 yrs, disease duration: 6.6 ± 9.6 yrs, HbA1c: 6.7 ± 0.6%) were randomized to additional 45 mg of pioglitazone or placebo to their existing metformin and sulfonylurea therpay for four weeks in a double-blind study design. Protein risk marker levels (hsCRP, MMP-9, MCP-1, etc.) and the expression of NFκB subunits and NFκB-modulated cytokines from isolated peripheral monocyte/macrophages were determined at baseline and endpoint. There were no changes in HbA1c, but significant biomarker improvements were seen with pioglitazone only. The mRNA marker expression was downregulated by pioglitazone and further up-regulated with placebo (e.g., P105 pioglitazone: -19%/placebo: +6%, RelA: -20%/+2%, MMP-9: -36%/+9%, TNFα: -10%/+14%, P < 0.05 between groups in all cases). Conclusions. Pioglitazone very rapidly down-regulated the activated state of peripheral monocytes/macrophages as assessed by mRNA expression of NFκB and NFκB-modulated cytokines and decreased plasma levels of cardiovascular risk marker proteins independent of glycemic control.
Insulin treatment is considered to be the final option for patients with progressive type 2 diabetes. This study investigated, whether reconverting type 2 patients from insulin treatment to oral treatment using pioglitazone is possible without deterioration of blood glucose control.
The PioSwitch study was a prospective, open label, proof of concept study. Thiazolidinedione-naïve patients with residual beta-cell function were switched from an existing insulin therapy to treatment with pioglitazone and glimepiride for 6 months. Efficacy was assessed by laboratory parameters and scores for evaluation of metabolic control, beta-cell function, insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk.
In total, 98 patients [66 men, 32 women, age (mean +/- s.d.): 59 +/- 9 years; disease duration: 5.6 +/- 3.6 years; Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c): 6.9 +/- 0.8%; body mass index (BMI): 33.9 +/- 5.2 kg/m(2), initial daily insulin therapy dose: 0.36 +/- 0.3 U/kg body weight] out of 117 screened patients were treated. During the observation period, 23 patients were prematurely terminated because of an increase in HbA1c from baseline > 0.5% or other reasons. In 75 patients (76%), no deterioration of glucose metabolism occurred and additional improvements were seen in the majority of the observation parameters [baseline vs. endpoint; HbA1c: 6.79 +/- 0.74%/6.66 +/- 0.69% (p < 0.05), glucose: 6.4 +/- 1.5/5.2 +/- 1.4 mmol/l (p < 0.001), adiponectin: 7 +/- 3 mg/l/17 +/- 8 mg/l (p < 0.001), C-peptide: 987 +/- 493/1756 +/- 789 (p < 0.001), sensitivity index derived from the intravenous glucose tolerance test (SI(ivGTT)): 1.21 +/- 0.85/1.49 +/- 0.95 (p < 0.05), hsCRP: 3.3 +/- 2.4/2.6 +/- 2.4 mg/l (p < 0.01), macrophage chemo-attractant protein 1 (MCP1): 487 +/- 246/382 +/- 295 ng/l (p < 0.05)]. BMI increased from 33.8 +/- 5.1 to 34.4 +/- 5.3 kg/m(2) (p < 0.001).
The switch from insulin therapy resulting in a moderately HbA1c level, to oral treatment with pioglitazone was successful in a majority of patients with sufficient residual beta-cell function. It allows a simple and less expensive therapy with a better cardiovascular risk marker profile.
Energy meteorology is an applied research field of meteorology that focuses on the study and prediction of weather conditions and events that affect energy production and use. This field has become increasingly important as the energy industry has become more dependent on weather conditions, especially in the areas of renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy, and hydropower. The following paper has been written by experts of the Committee on Energy Meteorology of the German Meteorological Society summarizing their more than 30 years of experience and lessons learnt. It gives an overview of activities in energy meteorology that are already essential for the transformation of energy systems to systems with high shares of renewable energies. Building on this, the experts have created a vision of future topics that describe the future research landscape of energy meteorology. The authors explain that work in energy meteorology in recent years has primarily been concerned with the physically based modeling of wind and solar power generation and the development of short-term forecasting systems. In future years, a significant expansion of work in the areas of energy system modeling, digitalization, and climate change is expected. This includes the detailed consideration of regionally specified spatiotemporal variability for system design, the integration of artificial intelligence skills, the development of weather-related consumption based on smart meters, and the mapping of the effects of climate change on the energy system in planning and operating processes.
Optimal placement and upgrade of solar PV integration in a grid-connected solar photovoltaic system
The shift towards renewable energy sources has heightened the interest in solar photovoltaic (SPV) systems, particularly in grid-connected configurations, to enhance energy security and reduce carbon emissions. Grid-tied SPVs face power quality challenges when specific grid codes are compromised. This study investigates and upgrades an integrated 90 kWp solar plant within a distribution network, leveraging data from Ghana's Energy Self-Sufficiency for Health Facilities (EnerSHelF) project. The research explores four scenarios for SPV placement optimization using dynamic programming and the Conditional New Adaptive Foraging Tree Squirrel Search Algorithm (CNAFTSSA). A Python-based simulation identifies three scenarios, high load nodes, voltage drop nodes, and system loss nodes, as the points for placing PV for better performance. The analysis revealed 85 %, 82.88 %, and 100 % optimal SPV penetration levels for placing the SPV at high load, voltage drop, and loss nodes. System active power losses were reduced by 72.97 %, 71.52 %, and 70.15 %, and reactive power losses by 73.12 %, 71.86 %, and 68.11 %, respectively, by placing the SPV at the above three categories of nodes. The fourth scenario applies to CNAFTSSA, achieving 100 % SPV penetration and reducing active and reactive power losses by 72.33 % and 72.55 %, respectively. This approach optimizes the voltage regulation (VR) from 24.92 % to 4.16 %, outperforming the VR of PV placement at high load nodes, voltage drop nodes, and loss nodes, where the voltage regulations are 5.25 %, 9.36 %, and 9.64 %, respectively. The novel CNAFTSSA for optimal SPV placement demonstrates its effectiveness in achieving higher penetration levels and improving system losses and VR. The findings highlight the effectiveness of strategic SPV placement and offer a comprehensive methodology that can be adapted for similar power distribution systems.