H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (98)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (70)
- Article (20)
- Report (4)
- Preprint (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Research Data (1)
Year of publication
- Virtual Reality (4)
- Ray Tracing (3)
- foveated rendering (3)
- 3D user interface (2)
- 3D user interfaces (2)
- Augmented Reality (2)
- CUDA (2)
- Computer Graphics (2)
- Distributed rendering (2)
- Garbage collection (2)
Clusters of commodity PCs are widely considered as the way to go to improve rendering performance and quality in many real-time rendering applications. We describe the design and implementation of our parallel rendering system for real-time rendering applications. Major design objectives for our system are: usage of commodity hardware for all system components, ease of integration into existing Virtual Environments software, and flexibility in applying different rendering techniques, e.g. using ray tracing to render distinct objects with a particularly high quality.
Interactive rendering of complex models has many applications in the Virtual Reality Continuum. The oil&gas industry uses interactive visualizations of huge seismic data sets to evaluate and plan drilling operations. The automotive industry evaluates designs based on very detailed models. Unfortunately, many of these very complex geometric models cannot be displayed with interactive frame rates on graphics workstations. This is due to the limited scalability of their graphics performance. Recently there is a trend to use networked standard PCs to solve this problem. Care must be taken however, because of nonexistent shared memory with clustered PCs. All data and commands have to be sent across the network. It turns out that the removal of the network bottleneck is a challenging problem to solve in this context.In this article we present some approaches for network aware parallel rendering on commodity hardware. These strategies are technological as well as algorithmic solutions.
A New Approach of Using Two Wireless Tracking Systems in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications
The Render Cache [1,2] allows the interactive display of very large scenes, rendered with complex global illumination models, by decoupling camera movement from the costly scene sampling process. In this paper, the distributed execution of the individual components of the Render Cache on a PC cluster is shown to be a viable alternative to the shared memory implementation.As the processing power of an entire node can be dedicated to a single component, more advanced algorithms may be examined. Modular functional units also lead to increased flexibility, useful in research as well as industrial applications.We introduce a new strategy for view-driven scene sampling, as well as support for multiple camera viewpoints generated from the same cache. Stereo display and a CAVE multi-camera setup have been implemented.The use of the highly portable and inter-operable CORBA networking API simplifies the integration of most existing pixel-based renderers. So far, three renderers (C++ and Java) have been adapted to function within our framework.
This paper describes the work done at our Lab to improve visual and other quality of Virtual Environments. To be able to achieve better quality we built a new Virtual Environments framework called basho. basho is a renderer independent VE framework. Although renderers are not limited to graphics renderers we first concentrated on improving visual quality. Independence is gained from designing basho to have a small kernel and several plug-ins.
Phase Space Rendering
Todays Virtual Environment frameworks use scene graphs to represent virtual worlds. We believe that this is a proper technical approach, but a VE framework should try to model its application area as accurate as possible. Therefore a scene graph is not the best way to represent a virtual world. In this paper we present an easily extensible model to describe entities in the virtual world. Further on we show how this model drives the design of our VE framework and how it is integrated.
"Visual Computing" (VC) fasst als hochgradig aktuelles Forschungsgebiet verschiedene Bereiche der Informatik zusammen, denen gemeinsam ist, dass sie sich mit der Erzeugung und Auswertung visueller Signale befassen. Im Fachbereich Informatik der FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg nimmt dieser Aspekt eine zentrale Rolle in Lehre und Forschung innerhalb des Studienschwerpunktes Medieninformatik ein. Drei wesentliche Bereiche des VC werden besonders in diversen Lehreinheiten und verschiedenen Projekten vermittelt: Computergrafik, Bildverarbeitung und Hypermedia-Anwendungen. Die Aktivitäten in diesen drei Bereichen fließen zusammen im Kontext immersiver virtueller Visualisierungsumgebungen.
We present an interactive system that uses ray tracing as a rendering technique. The system consists of a modular Virtual Reality framework and a cluster-based ray tracing rendering extension running on a number of Cell Broadband Engine-based servers. The VR framework allows for loading rendering plugins at runtime. By using this combination it is possible to simulate interactively effects from geometric optics, like correct reflections and refractions.
Ray Tracing, accurate physical simulations with collision detection, particle systems and spatial audio rendering are only a few components that become more and more interesting for Virtual Environments due to the steadily increasing computing power. Many components use geometric queries for their calculations. To speed up those queries spatial data structures are used. These data structures are mostly implemented for every problem individually resulting in many individually maintained parts, unnecessary memory consumption and waste of computing power to maintain all the individual data structures. We propose a design for a centralized spatial data structure that can be used everywhere within the system.
An electronic display often has to present information from several sources. This contribution reports about an approach, in which programmable logic (FPGA) synchronises and combines several graphics inputs. The application area is computer graphics, especially rendering of large 3D models, which is a computing intensive task. Therefore, complex scenes are generated on parallel systems and merged to give the requested output image. So far, the transportation of intermediate results is often done by a local area network. However, as this can be a limiting factor, the new approach removes this bottleneck and combines the graphic signals with an FPGA.
This paper describes FGPA-based image combining for parallel graphics systems. The goal of our current work is to reduce network traffic and latency for increasing performance in parallel visualization systems. Initial data distribution is based on a common ethernet network whereas image combining and returning differs to traditional parallel rendering methods. Calculated sub-images are grabbed directly from the DVI-Ports for fast image compositing by a FPGA-based combiner.
In Mixed Reality (MR) Environments, the user's view is augmented with virtual, artificial objects. To visualize virtual objects, the position and orientation of the user's view or the camera is needed. Tracking of the user's viewpoint is an essential area in MR applications, especially for interaction and navigation. In present systems, the initialization is often complex. For this reason, we introduce a new method for fast initialization of markerless object tracking. This method is based on Speed Up Robust Features and paradoxically on a traditional marker-based library. Most markerless tracking algorithms can be divided into two parts: an offline and an online stage. The focus of this paper is optimization of the offline stage, which is often time-consuming.
In diesem Beitrag wird der interaktive Volumenrenderer Volt für die NVIDIA CUDA Architektur vorgestellt. Die Beschleunigung wird durch das Ausnutzen der technischen Eigenschaften des CUDA Device, durch die Partitionierung des Algorithmus und durch die asynchrone Ausführung des CUDA Kernels erreicht. Parallelität wird auf dem Host, auf dem Device und zwischen Host und Device genutzt. Es wird dargestellt, wie die Berechnungen durch den gezielten Einsatz der Ressourcen effizient durchgeführt werden. Die Ergebnisse werden zurückkopiert, so dass der Kernel nicht auf dem zur Anzeige bestimmten Device ausgeführt werden muss. Synchronisation der CUDA Threads ist nicht notwendig.
We present our approach to extend a Virtual Reality software framework towards the use for Augmented Reality applications. Although VR and AR applications have very similar requirements in terms of abstract components (like 6DOF input, stereoscopic output, simulation engines), the requirements in terms of hardware and software vary considerably. In this article we would like to share the experience gained from adapting our VR software framework for AR applications. We will address design issues for this task. The result is a VR/AR basic software that allows us to implement interactive applications without fixing their type (VR or AR) beforehand. Switching from VR to AR is a matter of changing the configuration file of the application. We also give an example of the use of the extended framework: Augmenting the magnetic field of bar magnets in physics classes. We describe the setup of the system and the real-time calculation of the magnetic field, using a GPU.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode zur Darstellung und Generierung von natürlich wirkendem Bewuchs auf besonders großen Arealen und unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer Faktoren vorgestellt. Die Generierung und Visualisierung von Bewuchs ist aufgrund der Komplexität biologischer Systeme und des Detailreichtums von Pflanzenmodellen ein herausforderndes Gebiet der Computergrafik und ermöglicht es, den Realismus von Landschaftsvisualisierungen erheblich zu steigern. Aufbauend auf [DMS06] wird bei Silva der Bewuchs so generiert, dass die zur Darstellung benötigten Wang-Kacheln und die mit ihnen assoziierten Teilverteilungen wiederverwendet werden können. Dazu wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, um Poisson Disk Verteilungen mit variablen Radien auf nahtlosen Wang-Kachelmengen ohne rechenintensive globale Optimierung zu erzeugen. Durch die Einbeziehung von Nachbarschaften und frei konfigurierbaren Generierungspipelines können beliebige abiotische und biotische Faktoren bei der Bewuchsgenerierung berücksichtigt werden. Die durch Silva auf Wang-Kacheln erzeugten Pflanzenverteilungen ermöglichen, die darauf aufgebauten beschleunigenden Datenstrukturen bei der Visualisierung wieder zu verwenden. Durch Multi-Level Instancing und eine Schachtelung von Kd-Bäumen ist eine Visualisierung von großen bewachsenen Arealen mit geringen Renderzeiten und geringem Memoryfootprint von Hunderten Quadratkilometern Größe möglich.
We present a graph-based framework for post processing filters, called GrIP, providing the possibility of arranging and connecting compatible filters in a directed, acyclic graph for realtime image manipulation. This means that the construction of whole filter graphs is possible through an external interface, avoiding the necessity of a recompilation cycle after changes in post processing. Filter graphs are implemented as XML files containing a collection of filter nodes with their parameters as well as linkage (dependency) information. Implemented methods include (but are not restricted to) depth of field, depth darkening and an implementation of screen space shadows, all applicable in real-time, with manipulable parameterizations.
We present the extensible post processing framework GrIP, usable for experimenting with screen space-based graphics algorithms in arbitrary applications. The user can easily implement new ideas as well as add known operators as components to existing ones. Through a well-defined interface, operators are realized as plugins that are loaded at run-time. Operators can be combined by defining a post processing graph (PPG) using a specific XML-format where nodes are the operators and edges define their dependencies. User-modifiable parameters can be manipulated through an automatically generated GUI. In this paper we describe our approach, show some example effects and give performance numbers for some of them.
Application performance improvements through VM parameter modification after runtime analysis
Generating and visualizing large areas of vegetation that look natural makes terrain surfaces much more realistic. However, this is a challenging field in computer graphics, because ecological systems are complex and visually appealing plant models are geometrically detailed. This work presents Silva (System for the Instantiation of Large Vegetated Areas), a system to generate and visualize large vegetated areas based on the ecological surrounding. Silva generates vegetation on Wang-tiles with associated reusable distributions enabling multi-level instantiation. This paper presents a method to generate Poisson Disc Distributions (PDDs) with variable radii on Wang-tile sets (without a global optimization) that is able to generate seamless tilings. Because Silva has a freely configurable generation pipeline and can consider plant neighborhoods it is able to incorporate arbitrary abiotic and biotic components during generation. Based on multi-levelinstancing and nested kd-trees, the distributions on the Wang-tiles allow their acceleration structures to be reused during visualization. This enables Silva to visualize large vegetated areas of several hundred square kilometers with low render times and a small memory footprint.
Robust Indoor Localization Using Optimal Fusion Filter For Sensors And Map Layout Information
Real-Time Simulation of Camera Errors and Their Effect on Some Basic Robotic Vision Algorithms
In this paper we present the steps towards a well-designed concept of a 5VR6 system for school experiments in scientific domains like physics, biology and chemistry. The steps include the analysis of system requirements in general, the analysis of school experiments and the analysis of input and output devices demands. Based on the results of these steps we show a taxonomy of school experiments and provide a comparison between several currently available devices which can be used for building such a system. We also compare the advantages and shortcomings of 5VR6 and 5AR6 systems in general to show why, in our opinion, 5VR6 systems are better suited for school-use.
Current computer architectures are multi-threaded and make use of multiple CPU cores. Most garbage collections policies for the Java Virtual Machine include a stop-the-world phase, which means that all threads are suspended. A considerable portion of the execution time of Java programs is spent in these stop-the-world garbage collections. To improve this behavior, a thread-local allocation and garbage collection that only affects single threads, has been proposed. Unfortunately, only objects that are not accessible by other threads ("do not escape") are eligible for this kind of allocation. It is therefore necessary to reliably predict the escaping of objects. The work presented in this paper analyzes the escaping of objects based on the line of code (program counter – PC) the object was allocated at. The results show that on average 60-80% of the objects do not escape and can therefore be locally allocated.
Improving data acquisition techniques and rising computational power keep producing more and larger data sets that need to be analyzed. These data sets usually do not fit into a GPU's memory. To interactively visualize such data with direct volume rendering, sophisticated techniques for problem domain decomposition, memory management and rendering have to be used. The volume renderer Volt is used to show how CUDA is efficiently utilised to manage the volume data and a GPU's memory with the aim of low opacity volume renderings of large volumes at interactive frame rates.
This article describes an approach to rapidly prototype the parameters of a Java application run on the IBM J9 Virtual Machine in order to improve its performance. It works by analyzing VM output and searching for behavioral patterns. These patterns are matched against a list of known patterns for which rules exist that specify how to adapt the VM to a given application. Adapting the application is done by adding parameters and changing existing ones. The process is fully automated and carried out by a toolkit. The toolkit iteratively cycles through multiple possible parameter sets, benchmarks them and proposes the best alternative to the user. The user can, without any prior knowledge about the Java application or the VM improve the performance of the deployed application and quickly cycle through a multitude of different settings to benchmark them. When tested with the representative benchmarks, improvements of up to 150% were achieved.
In contrast to projection-based systems, large, high resolution multi-display systems offer a high pixel density on a large visualization area. This enables users to step up to the displays and see a small but highly detailed area. If the users move back a few steps they don't perceive details at pixel level but will instead get an overview of the whole visualization. Rendering techniques for design evaluation and review or for visualizing large volume data (e.g. Big Data applications) often use computationally expensive ray-based methods. Due to the number of pixels and the amount of data, these methods often do not achieve interactive frame rates.
A view direction based (VDB) rendering technique renders the user's central field of view in high quality whereas the surrounding is rendered with a level-of-detail approach depending on the distance to the user's central field of view. This approach mimics the physiology of the human eye and conserves the advantage of highly detailed information when standing close to the multi-display system as well as the general overview of the whole scene. In this paper we propose a prototype implementation and evaluation of a focus-based rendering technique based on a hybrid ray tracing/sparse voxel octree rendering approach.
We present basho, a light weight and easily extendable virtual environment (VE) framework. Key benefits of this framework are independence of the scene element representation and the rendering API. The main goal was to make VE applications flexible without the need to change them, not only by being independent from input and output devices. As an example, with basho it is possible to switch from local illumination models to ray tracing by just replacing the renderer. Or to replace the graphical representation of the scene elements without the need to change the application. Furthermore it is possible to mix rendering technologies within a scene. This paper emphasises on the abstraction of the scene element representation.
We present a system that combines voxel and polygonal representations into a single octree acceleration structure that can be used for ray tracing. Voxels are well-suited to create good level-of-detail for high-frequency models where polygonal simplifications usually fail due to the complex structure of the model. However, polygonal descriptions provide the higher visual fidelity. In addition, voxel representations often oversample the geometric domain especially for large triangles, whereas a few polygons can be tested for intersection more quickly.
A recent trend in interactive environments are large, ultra high resolution displays (LUHRDs). Compared to other large interactive installations, like the CAVE tm , LUHRDs are usually flat or (slightly) curved and have a significantly higher resolution, offering new research and application opportunities.
This tutorial provides information for researchers and engineers who plan to install and use a large ultra-high resolution display. We will give detailed information on the hardware and software of recently created and established installations and will show the variety of possible approaches. Also, we will talk about rendering software, rendering techniques and interaction for LUHRDs, as well as applications.
This presentation gives an overview of current research in the area of high quality rendering and visualization at the Institute of Visual Computing (IVC). Our research facility has some unique software and hardware installations of which we will describe a large, ultra- high resolution (72 megapixel) video wall in this presentation.
Rendering techniques for design evaluation and review or for visualizing large volume data often use computationally expensive ray-based methods. Due to the number of pixels and the amount of data, these methods often do not achieve interactive frame rates. A view direction based rendering technique renders the users central field of view in high quality whereas the surrounding is rendered with a level of detail approach depending on the distance to the users central field of view thus giving the opportunity to increase rendering efficiency. We propose a prototype implementation and evaluation of a focus-based rendering technique based on a hybrid ray tracing/sparse voxel octree rendering approach.
We propose a high-performance GPU implementation of Ray Histogram Fusion (RHF), a denoising method for stochastic global illumination rendering. Based on the CPU implementation of the original algorithm, we present a naive GPU implementation and the necessary optimization steps. Eventually, we show that our optimizations increase the performance of RHF by two orders of magnitude when compared to the original CPU implementation and one order of magnitude compared to the naive GPU implementation. We show how the quality for identical rendering times relates to unfiltered path tracing and how much time is needed to achieve identical quality when compared to an unfiltered path traced result. Finally, we summarize our work and describe possible future applications and research based on this.
Most VE-frameworks try to support many different input and output devices. They do not concentrate so much on the rendering because this is tradi- tionally done by graphics workstation. In this short paper we present a modern VE framework that has a small kernel and is able to use different renderers. This includes sound renderers, physics renderers and software based graphics renderers. While our VE framework, named basho is still under development we have an alpha version running under Linux and MacOS X.