Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (22)
- Article (13)
- Part of a Book (3)
- Book (monograph, edited volume) (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Year of publication
- Mobility (6)
- Public Transport (6)
- Modal Shift (5)
- Shared autonomous vehicles (5)
- Sustainability (4)
- Autonomous Driving (3)
- Bonn (3)
- Environmental benefits (3)
- Peer-to-Peer (3)
- Quantitative survey (3)
Companies often have difficulties determining which criteria to base their investment decisions in different countries on. When considering direct foreign investment several risk indices are available. The PCI (Peren-Clement-Index) in its original form was developed in 1998. Its further refinement improves the PCI in three major ways: First, it offers a dynamic adjustment of criteria and consideration of recent changes in the international environment. Second, it provides business specificities of a company or its industrial sector to be considered in addition to macroeconomic aspects by a two-dimensional presentation, which ensures a customized assessment. Third, the PCI allows for consolidating investment decisions by combining a resource-orientated with a market-oriented view. The PCI allows, unlike other indices, a customized and company-specific strategic planning process. Ultimately companies must take up both perspectives in the context of an international investment decision. The use of risk indices in corporate planning for assessing global investments decision creates a fundamentally new of risk assessment.
Within qualitative interviews we examine attitudes towards driverless cars in order to investigate new mobility services and explore the impact of such services on everyday mobility. We identified three main issues that we would like to discuss in the workshop: (I) Designing beyond a driver-centric approach; (II) Developing mobility services for cars which drive themselves; and (III) Exploring self-driving practices.
The development of fully automated vehicles is becoming more and more present in the social discussion. The image of fully automated cars is determined by automobile manufacturers and placed in the context of individual traffic. In contrast to fully autonomous private cars, fully automated public transport is already operating in some cities and is to be expanded in the future. Autonomous public transport offers great potential for the development and promotion of sustainable mobility concepts. However, the user acceptance is important for the enforcement and widespread use of these technical innovations. An online study on the acceptance of fully automated public transport based on quantitative data of a sample of N = 201 is presented. The results show a high level of familiarity with the topic and a very high level of overall intention to use fully automated public transport in the future.
Traditionally automotive UI focusses on the ergonomic design of controls and the user experience in the car. Bringing networked sensors into the car, connected cars can provide additional information to car drivers and owners, for and beyond the driving task. While there already are technological solutions, such as mobile applications commercially available, research on users’ information demands in such applications is scarce. We conducted four focus groups to uncover what kind of information users might be interested in to see on a second dashboard. Our findings show that besides control screens of todays’ dashboards, people are also interested in connected car services providing context information for a current driving situation and allowing strategic planning of driving safety or supporting car management when not driving. Our use cases inform the design of content for secondary dashboards for and especially beyond the driving context with a user perspective.
Vehicle emissions have been identified as a cause of air pollution and one of the major reasons why air quality in many large German cities such as Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg, Cologne or Munich does not meet EU-wide limits. As a result, in the recent past, judicial driving bans on diesel vehicles have been imposed in many places since those vehicles emit critical pollutant groups. For the increasing urban population, the challenge is whether and how a change of the modal split in favor of the more environmentally and climate-friendly public transport can be achieved.
This paper presents the case of the Federal City of Bonn, one of five model cities sponsored by the German federal government that are testing measures to reduce traffic-related pollutant emissions by expanding the range of public transport services on offer. We present the results of a quantitative survey (N = 14,296) performed in the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg area and the neighboring municipalities as well as the ensuing logistic regressions confirming that a change in individual mobility behavior in favor of public transport is possible through expanding services. Our results show that individual traffic could be reduced, especially on the city's main traffic axes. To sustainably improve air quality, such services must be made permanently available.
Digitaler Haushalt und Markt
In diesem Kapitel werden die Perspektive des Privathaushalts und die Perspektive des Marktes erörtert. Ein:e Verbraucher:in, welche:r innerhalb eines Haushalts zur Bedürfnisbefriedigung wirtschaftet, erledigt dabei Hausarbeit durch Kochen, Putzen, Waschen, tätigt den Abschluss von Verträgen, die Pflege von Einkaufslisten oder eine Finanzplanung. Dabei haben Verbraucher:innen unterschiedliche Praktiken und Bewältigungsstrategien entwickelt, die es in der Verbraucherinformatik zu analysieren gilt. Physische Hausarbeit wird bereits im Smart-Home-Kontext durch intelligente Maschinen (oft Roboter genannt) ausgelagert. Kognitive Hausarbeit im alltäglichen Handeln (bspw. bei Verträgen) kann und wird in Zukunft durch Software wie auch Intermediäre unterstützt werden. Digitale Märkte stellen eine häufige Form der Intermediation dar, die Besonderheiten und Effekten unterliegt, welche das Verbraucherverhalten beeinflussen können. So gewinnen zum Beispiel einige wenige Anbieter mithilfe von Netzwerkeffekten, Skaleneffekten und Lock-in-Effekten zunehmend an Marktdominanz und verdrängen kleinere Anbieter, was zu Quasimonopolen führen kann. Digitale Märkte zeichnen sich zudem durch ihre Vertrauensfunktion in der Internet-Ökonomie aus.
Digitale Verantwortung
Die Verbreitung digitaler Systeme beeinflusst Entscheidungen, Gesetze, Verhalten und Werte in unserer Gesellschaft. Dies wirkt sich auf Konsumgewohnheiten, Marktbeziehungen, Machtverteilung, Privatsphäre und IT-Sicherheit aus. Damit einhergehende Veränderungen haben direkte Auswirkungen auf unser Leben, was im Bereich der Technikfolgenabschätzung bzw. der angewandten Informatik unter dem Stichwort ELSI diskutiert wird. Dieses Kapitel fokussiert auf entsprechende Fragestellungen bezüglich ethischer Auswirkungen. Insbesondere rückt Fairness im Kontext automatisierter Entscheidungen in den Fokus, da Verbraucher:innen diesen zunehmend ausgesetzt sind. Zudem wird im Rahmen der gestiegenen Besorgnis über ökologische Auswirkungen das Thema Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel von „Sharing Economy“ und „Shared Mobility“ weiter vertieft.
Durch die Digitalisierung befindet sich die Mobilitätsbranche im starken Umbruch. So wird man bei der Verkehrsmittelwahl zukünftig wohl auch auf selbstfahrende Autos zurückgreifen können. Die Studie erweitert die Verkehrs- und Nutzerakzeptanzforschung, indem unter Berücksichtigung relativer Teilmehrwerte tiefergehend analysiert wird, wie sich die neuen Verkehrsmodi autonomer Privat-PKW, autonomes Carsharing und autonomes Taxi aus heutiger Sicht in den bestehenden Verkehrsmix einsortieren. Hierzu wurde auf Basis der Nutzerpräferenztheorie eine Onlineumfrage (n=172) zu den relativen Mehrwerten der neuen autonomen Verkehrsmodi durchgeführt. Es zeigt sich, dass Nutzer im Vergleich zum PKW bei den autonomen Modi Verbesserungen im Fahrkomfort und in der Zeitnutzung sehen, in vielen anderen Bereichen – insbesondere bei Fahrspaß und Kontrolle – hingegen keine Vorteile oder sogar relative Nachteile sehen. Gegenüber dem ÖPNV bieten die autonomen Modi in fast allen Eigenschaften Mehrwerte. Diese Betrachtung auf Teilnutzenebene liefert eine genauere Erklärung für Nutzerakzeptanz des automatisierten Fahrens.
Vertrauen ist das Schmiermittel der Shareconomy. Einen zentralen Mechanismus hierfür stellen Crowd-basierte Reputationssysteme dar, bei denen Informationen und Bewertungen anderer Nutzer dazu dienen Vertrauen aufzubauen. Die Vernetzung zu teilender Gegenstände bietet hierbei neue Potentiale, um die Reputation eines Anbieters oder Nachfragers zu bewerten und einzuschätzen. In diesem Beitrag untersu-chen wir daher das Potential eines IoT-basierten Reputationssystems im Kontext von Peer-to-Peer Car-sharing, bei dem Informationen und Bewertungen mittels Sensorik während der Nutzung des Fahrzeugs erhoben und ausgewertet werden. Hierzu wurden zwei Fokusgruppen mit insgesamt 12 Personen durch-geführt. Die Ergebnisse deuten an, dass datenbasierte Reputationssysteme das Vertrauen nicht nur vor, sondern auch während der Vermietung und in der Nachkontrolle für Ver- und Entleiher steigern können. Jedoch sollten bei der Gestaltung solcher Systeme die Prinzipien der mehrseitigen Sicherheit wie Spar-samkeit, Verhältnismäßigkeit, Transparenz und Reziprozität beachtet werden.
Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Potentials for a Sustainable Mobility and Risks of Unintended Effects
Automated and connected cars could significantly reduce congestion and emissions through a more efficient flow of traffic and a reduction in the number of vehicles. An increase in demand for driving with autonomous vehicles is also conceivable due to higher comfort and improved quality of time using driverless cars. So far, empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis is missing. To analyze the influence of autonomous driving on mobility behavior and to uncover user preferences, which serve as an indicator for future travel mode choices, we conducted an online survey with a paired comparison of current and future travel modes with 302 German participants. The results do not confirm the hypothesis that ownership will become an outdated model in the future. Instead they suggest that private cars, whether traditional or fully automated, will remain the preferred travel mode. At the same time, carsharing will benefit from full automation more than private cars. However, findings indicate that the growth of carsharing will mainly be at the expense of public transport, showing that more effort should be placed in making public transportation more attractive if sustainable mobility is to be developed.
Digitisation has brought a major upheaval to the mobility sector, and in the future, self-driving cars will probably be one of the transport modes. This study extends transport and user acceptance research by analysing in greater depth how the new modes of autonomous private cars, autonomous carsharing and autonomous taxis fit into the existing traffic mix from today's perspective. It focuses on accounting for relative added value. For this purpose, user preference theory was used as a base for an online survey (n=172) on the relative added value of the new autonomous traffic modes. Results show that users see advantages in the autonomous modes for driving comfort and time utilization whereas, in comparison to conventional cars, in many other areas – especially in terms of driving pleasure and control – they see no advantages or even relative disadvantages. Compared to public transport, the autonomous modes offer added values in almost all characteristics. This analysis at the partwor th level provides a more detailed explanation for user acceptance of automated driving.
Innovations in the mobility industry such as automated and connected cars could significantly reduce congestion and emissions by allowing the traffic to flow more freely and reducing the number of vehicles according to some researchers. However, the effectiveness of these sustainable product and service innovations is often limited by unexpected changes in consumption: some researchers thus hypothesize that the higher comfort and improved quality of time in driverless cars could lead to an increase in demand for driving with autonomous vehicles. So far, there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting either one or other of these hypotheses. To analyze the influence of autonomous driving on mobility behavior and to uncover user preferences, which serve as indicators for future travel mode choices, we conducted an online survey with a paired comparison of current and future travel modes with 302 participants in Germany. The results do not confirm the hypothesis that ownership will become an outdated model in the future. Instead they suggest that private cars, whether conventional or fully automated, will remain the preferred travel mode. At the same time, carsharing will benefit from full automation more than private cars. However, the findings indicate that the growth of carsharing will mainly be at the expense of public transport, showing that more emphasis should be placed in making public transport more attractive if sustainable mobility is to be developed.
Trust is the lubricant of the sharing economy, especially in peer-to-peer carsharing where you leave a valuable good to a stranger in the hope of getting it backunscathed. Central mechanisms for handling this information gap nowadays are ratings and reviews of other users. The rising of connected car technology opens new possibilities to increase trust by collecting and providing e.g. driving behavior data. At the same time, this means an intrusion into the privacy of the user. Therefore, in this work we explore technological approaches that allow building trust without violating the privacy of individuals. We evaluate to what extent blockchain technology and smart contracts are suitable technologies to meet these challengesby setting upa prototype implementation of a block-chain-based carsharing approach. In this context, we present our research approachand evaluate the prototype in terms of trust and privacy.
The design of self-driving cars is one of the most exciting and ambitious challenges of our days and every day, new research work is published. In order to give an orientation, this article will present an overview of various methods used to study the human side of autonomous driving. Simplifying roughly, you can distinguish between design science-oriented methods (such as Research through Design, Wizard of Oz or driving simulator ) and behavioral science methods (such as survey, interview, and observation). We show how these methods are adopted in the context of autonomous driving research and dis-cuss their strengths and weaknesses. Due to the complexity of the topic, we will show that mixed method approaches will be suitable to explore the impact of autonomous driving on different levels: the individual, the social interaction and society.
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie sich Apple, Amazon, Facebook und Google zu den wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt entwickeln konnten. Ihr Erfolg basiert auf dem Ergreifen von Chancen, die die digitale Welt und das Internet bieten. Traditionelle Geschäftsmodelle werden dadurch verändert und über Jahrzehnte gewachsene Marktstrukturen teilweise in Frage gestellt.
Advocates of autonomous driving predict that the occupation of taxi driver could be made obsolete by shared autonomous vehicles (SAV) in the long term. Conducting interviews with German taxi drivers, we investigate how they perceive the changes caused by advancing automation for the future of their business. Our study contributes insights into how the work of taxi drivers could change given the advent of autonomous driving: While the task of driving could be taken over by SAVs for standard trips, taxi drivers are certain that other areas of their work such as providing supplementary services and assistance to passengers would constitute a limit to such forms of automation, but probably involving a shifting role for the taxi drivers, one which focuses on the sociality of the work. Our findings illustrate how taxi drivers see the future of their work, suggesting design implications for tools that take various forms of assistance into account, and demonstrating how important it is to consider taxi drivers in the co-design of future taxis and SAV services.
Autonomous driving enables new mobility concepts such as shared-autonomous services. Although significant re-search has been done on passenger-car interaction, work on passenger interaction with robo-taxis is still rare. In this paper, we tackle the question of how passengers experience robo-taxis as a service in real-life settings to inform the interaction design. We conducted a Wizard of Oz study with an electric vehicle where the driver was hidden from the passenger to simulate the service experience of a robo-taxi. 10 participants had the opportunity to use the simulated shared-autonomous service in real-life situations for one week. By the week's end, 33 rides were completed and recorded on video. Also, we flanked the study conducting interviews before and after with all participants. The findings provided insights into four design themes that could inform the service design of robo-taxis along the different stages including hailing, pick-up, travel, and drop-off.
Sharing economies enabled by technical platforms have been studied regarding their economic, legal, and social effects, as well as with regard to their possible influences on CSCW topics such as work, collaboration, and trust. While a lot current research is focusing on the sharing economy and related communities, there is little work addressing the phenomenon from a socio-technical point of view. Our workshop is meant to address this gap. Building on research themes and discussion from last year’s ECSCW, we seek to engage deeper with topics such as novel socio-technical approaches for enabling sharing communities, discussing issues around digital consumer and worker protection, as well as emerging challenges and opportunities of existing platforms and approaches.
Since its advent, the sustainability effects of the modern sharing economy have been the subject of controversial debate. While its potential was initially discussed in terms of post-ownership development with a view to decentralizing value creation and increasing social capital and environmental relief through better utilization of material goods, critics have become increasingly loud in recent years. Many people hoped that carsharing could lead to development away from ownership towards flexible use and thus more resource-efficient mobility. However, carsharing remains niche, and while many people like the idea in general, they appear to consider carsharing to not be advantageous as a means of transport in terms of cost, flexibility, and comfort. A key innovation that could elevate carsharing from its niche existence in the future is autonomous driving. This technology could help shared mobility gain a new boost by allowing it to overcome the weaknesses of the present carsharing business model. Flexibility and comfort could be greatly enhanced with shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs), which could simultaneously offer benefits in terms of low cost, and better use of time without the burden of vehicle ownership. However, it is not the technology itself that is sustainable; rather, sustainability depends on the way in which this technology is used. Hence, it is necessary to make a prospective assessment of the direct and indirect (un)sustainable effects before or during the development of a technology in order to incorporate these findings into the design and decision-making process. Transport research has been intensively analyzing the possible economic, social, and ecological consequences of autonomous driving for several years. However, research lacks knowledge about the consequences to be expected from shared autonomous vehicles. Moreover, previous findings are mostly based on the knowledge of experts, while potential users are rarely included in the research. To address this gap, this thesis contributes to answering the questions of what the ecological and social impacts of the expected concept of SAVs will be. In my thesis, I study in particular the ecological consequences of SAVs in terms of the potential modal shifts they can induce as well as their social consequences in terms of potential job losses in the taxi industry. Regarding this, I apply a user-oriented, mixed-method technology assessment approach that complements existing, expert-oriented technology assessment studies on autonomous driving that have so far been dominated by scenario analyses and simulations. To answer the two questions, I triangulated the method of scenario analysis and qualitative and quantitative user studies. The empirical studies provide evidence that the automation of mobility services such as carsharing may to a small extent foster a shift from the private vehicle towards mobility on demand. However, findings also indicate that rebound effects are to be expected: Significantly more users are expected to move away from the more sustainable public transportation, leading to an overcompensation of the positive modal shift effects by the negative modal shift effects. The results show that a large proportion of the taxi trips carried out can be re-placed by SAVs, making the profession of taxi driver somewhat obsolete. However, interviews with taxi drivers themselves revealed that the services provided by the drivers go beyond mere transport, so that even in the age of SAVs, the need for human assistance will continue – though to a smaller extent. Given these findings, I see action potential at different levels: users, mobility service providers, and policymakers. Regarding environmental and social impacts resulting from the use of SAVs, there is a strong conflict of objectives among users, potential SAV operators, and sustainable environmental and social policies. In order to strengthen the positive effects and counteract the negative effects, such as unintended modal shifts, policies may soon have to regulate the design of SAVs and their introduction. A key starting point for transport policy is to promote the use of more environmentally friendly means of transport, in particular by making public transportation attractive and, if necessary, by making the use of individual motorized mobility less attractive. The taxi industry must face the challenges of automation by opening up to these developments and focusing on service orientation – to strengthen the drivers’ main unique selling point compared to automated technology. Assessing the impacts of the not-yet-existing generally involves great uncertainty. With the results of my work, however, I would like to argue that a user-oriented technology assessment can usefully complement the findings of classic methods of technology assessment and can iteratively inform the development process regarding technology and regulation.
Bei genauer Betrachtung heutiger Sharing Plattformen wie AirBnB, Uber, Drivy oder Fairleihen fällt auf, dass diese eines gemein haben. Als Plattformökonomien basieren sie auf mindestens zwei Nutzergruppen, Anbietern und Nachfragern für Güter oder Dienstleistungen. Ein Problem solcher zweioder mehrseitigen Märkte ist jedoch häufig, dass der Wertezuwachs, der durch die Nutzer generiert wird, nicht gleichmäßig unter der Plattform und den aktiven Nutzern verteilt wird, sondern meist ausschließlich als Gewinn an die Plattformen geht. Mit der Blockchain-Technologie könnte dieses Problem gelöst werden, indem der Informations- und Wertetransfer sicher und dezentral organisiert wird und viele Funktionen traditioneller Intermediäre dadurch obsolet werden. Diese Arbeit bietet einen Überblick über Anwendungsfelder und das Grundkonzept der Sharing Economy. Wir zeigen auf, wie sich Geschäftsmodelle und Infrastrukturen in einer Blockchain abbilden lassen, welche Potentiale eine Blockchain-basierte Infrastruktur bietet, wann diese in der Sharing Economy sinnvoll sein kann und welche Probleme dadurch gelöst werden können.
Personal-Information-Management-Systeme (PIMS) gelten als Chance, um die Datensouveränität der Verbraucher zu stärken. Datenschutzbezogene Fragen sind für Verbraucher immer dort relevant, wo sie Verträge und Nutzungsbedingungen mit Diensteanbietern eingehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund diskutiert dieser Beitrag die Potenziale von VRM-Systemen, die nicht nur das Datenmanagement, sondern das gesamte Vertragsmanagement von Verbrauchern unterstützen. Dabei gehen wir der Frage nach, ob diese besser geeignet sind, um Verbraucher zu souveränem Handeln zu befähigen.
Trust-Building in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing: Design Case Study for Algorithm-Based Reputation Systems
Peer-to-peer sharing platforms become increasingly important in the platform economy. From an HCI-perspective, this development is of high interest, as those platforms mediate between different users. Such mediation entails dealing with various social issues, e.g., building trust between peers online without any physical presence. Peer ratings have proven to be an important mechanism in this regard. At the same time, scoring via car telematics become more common for risk assessment by car insurances. Since user ratings face crucial problems such as fake or biased ratings, we conducted a design case study to determine whether algorithm-based scoring has the potential to improve trust-building in P2P-carsharing. We started with 16 problem-centered interviews to examine how people understand algorithm-based scoring, we co-designed an app with scored profiles, and finally evaluated it with 12 participants. Our findings show that scoring systems can support trust-building in P2P-carsharing and give insights how they should be designed.
The transport sector is a major source of air pollution and thus a major contributor to the changing climate. As a result, in the recent past, driving bans have been imposed on cars with critical pollutant groups. As an international UN campus and self-proclaimed climate capital, the Federal City of Bonn declared a climate emergency in 2019 and participated in a federally funded “Lead City” project to optimise air quality. A key goal of the project is to reduce private motorised transport and strengthen public transport. Among the implemented measures, a “climate ticket” was introduced in 2019 whereby consumers could purchase an annual 365 € ticket for all local public transport. This paper reports on an analysis of that ticket’s changes in travel behavior.
A quantitative survey (n = 1,315) of the climate ticket users as well as the multiple regressions confirm that the climate ticket attracted more customers to the buses and trams and that a modal shift for the period of the measure was recognisable. The multiple regressions showed that the ticket was perceived significantly more positively by full-time employed users than by unemployed people. The results also show that, in addition to the price, it is essential that travel time and reliability are ensured. Furthermore, the eligible groups of people, the area of coverage, and good connecting services should be extended. To sustainably improve air quality, this type of mobility service must be optimised and introduced on a permanent basis.
With the debates on climate change and sustainability, a reduction of the share of cars in the modal split has become increasingly prevalent in both public and academic discourse. Besides some motivational approaches, there is a lack of ICT artifacts that successfully raise the ability of consumers to adopt sustainable mobility patterns. To further understand the requirements and the design of these artifacts within everyday mobility adopted a practice-lens. This lens is helpful to get a broader perspective on the use of ICT artifacts along consumers’ transformational journey towards sustainable mobility practices. Based on 12 retrospective interviews with car-free mobility consumers, we argue that artifacts should not be viewed as ’magic-bullet’ solutions but should accompany the complex transformation of practices in multifaceted ways. Moreover, we highlight in particular the difficulties of appropriating shared infrastructures and aligning own practices with them. This opens up a design space to provide more support for these kinds of material-interactions, to provide access to consumption infrastructures and make them usable, rather than leaving consumers alone with increased motivation.
The air quality in many German cities does not comply with EU-wide standards. Vehicle emissions, in particular, have been identified as an important cause of air pollution. As a result, driving bans for diesel vehicles with critical pollutant groups have been imposed by courts in many places in recent history. Against the backdrop of the growth of major German cities over the last few years, the question has become whether and how a change in the modal split in favor of more environmentally and climate-friendly public transport sector can be achieved. The Federal City of Bonn is one of five model cities that is testing measures to reduce traffic-related nitrogen dioxide emissions through a Climate Ticket as a mobility flat rate for one year for 365 €, which is part of the two-year "Lead City" project funded by the federal government. A quantitative survey (n = 1,315) of Climate Ticket users as well as the logistic regression carried out confirm that a change in individual mobility behavior in favor of public transport is possible by subsidizing the ticket price. The results show that individual traffic could be saved on the city's main congestion axes. In order to achieve a sustainable improvement in air quality, such a Climate Ticket must be granted on a permanent basis, with a well-designed mobility offer and must be generous in terms of the group of authorized persons and the area of validity.
The megatrends towards both a digital and a usership economy have changed entire markets in the past and will continue to do so over the next decades. In this work, we outline what this change means for possible futures of the mobility sector, taking the combination of trends in both economies into account. Using a sys-tematic, scenario-based trend analysis, we draft four general future scenarios and adapt the two most relevant scenarios to the automotive sector. Our findings show that combing the trends from both economies provides new insights that have often been neglected in literature because of an isolated view on digital technology only. However, service concepts such as self-driving car sharing or self-driving taxis have a great impact at various levels including microeconomic (e.g., service and product design, business models) and macroeconomic (e.g., with regard to ecological, economical, and social impacts). We give a brief outline of these issues and show which business mo dels could be successful in the most likely future scenarios, before we frame strategic implications for today’s automobile manufacturers.
The alternative use of travel time is one of the widely discussed benefits of driverless cars. We therefore conducted 14 co-design sessions to examine how people manage their time, to determine how they perceive the value of time in driverless cars and to derive design implications. Our findings suggest that driverless mobility will affect both people’s use of travel time as well as their time management in general. The participants repeatedly stated the desire of completing tasks while traveling to save time for activities that are normally neglected in their everyday life. Using travel time efficiently requires using car space efficiently, too. We found out that the design concept of tiny houses could serve as common design pattern to deal with the limited space within cars and support diverse needs.
One of the most significant challenges facing the world today is rapid climate change and the negative effects it is having on our environment. The transport sector is responsible for high CO2 emissions, and will have to make fundamental contributions to climate goal targets in the medium to long-term future. In the past, far-reaching measures have been tested regarding how to encourage people to switch from their own cars or motorised private transport (MPT) to the more emission-friendly local public transport (PT). Previous projects have only been able to convince people to switch temporarily through subsidised public transport. Detached from the ecological aspects, the turmoil in the global economy at the end of February 2022 resulted in a price shock in mineral oil prices, which shifted the primary focus of mobility behaviour from ecological to economic concerns. The logistic regression analysis of a quantitative survey (n = 611) in Germany confirms that a large number of journeys taken via private car were saved due to the increased price. However, despite high mineral oil prices, travelling by private car remains the primary means of transport for many people. Switching to public transport is particularly noticeable among women. This is due, among other things, to their lower incomes. Contrary to results of prior studies, the present analysis shows that participants from large cities have saved fewer trips by private car compared to people living in rural areas, even though large cities generally have a denser infrastructure with a more comprehensive range of mobility options. Travel time and reliability are the main factors in our respondents' choice of transport mode and are more compatible in large cities with denser public transport than in rural areas. The avoided car journeys are predominantly in the leisure sector and have not been substituted by other means of transport.
Opportunities for Sustainable Mobility: Re-thinking Eco-feedback from a Citizen's Perspective
In developed nations, a growing emphasis is being placed on the promotion of sustainable behaviours amongst individuals, or ‘citizen-consumers’. In HCI, various eco-feedback tools have been designed as persuasive instruments, with a strong normative appeal geared to encouraging citizens to conduct a more sustainable mobility. However, many critiques have been formulated regarding this ‘paternalistic’ stance. In this paper, we switched the perspective from a designer’s to a citizen’s point of view and explored how people would use eco-feedback tools to support sustainable mobility in their city. In the study, we conducted 14 interviews with citizens who had used eco-feedback previously. The findings indicate new starting points that could inform future eco-feedback tools. These encompass: (1) better information regarding how sustainable mobility is measured and monitored; (2) respect for individual mobility situations and preferences; and (3) the scope for participation and the sharing of responsibility between citizens and municipal city services.
Trust is the lubricant of the sharing economy. This is true especially in peer-to-peer carsharing, in which one leaves a highly valuable good to a stranger in the hope of getting it back unscathed. Nowadays, ratings of other users are major mechanisms for establishing trust. To foster uptake of peer-to-peer carsharing, connected car technology opens new possibilities to support trust-building, e.g., by adding driving behavior statistics to users' profiles. However, collecting such data intrudes into rentees' privacy. To explore the tension between the need for trust and privacy demands, we conducted three focus group and eight individual interviews. Our results show that connected car technologies can increase trust for car owners and rentees not only before but also during and after rentals. The design of such systems must allow a differentiation between information in terms of type, the context, and the negotiability of information disclosure.
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland erlebt in jüngster Vergangenheit verstärkt Dieselfahrverbote in Großstädten. Gleichzeitig erfahren Großstädte als Lebensmittelpunkt eine steigende Beliebtheit. Für Verkehrsunternehmen gilt es, der Bevölkerung nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen zu bieten, die ein Höchstmaß an Flexibilität ermöglichen. Moderne Mobility-as-a-Service-Konzepte und Innovationen in der Mobilität stellen den klassischen, planorientierten, öffentlichen Personennahverkehr und damit auch die Existenz von Bushaltestellen infrage. Mittels qualitativer Experten-Interviews lässt sich feststellen, dass sich die Bushaltestelle in den Innenstädten vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender digitaler Vernetzung von Mobilitätsanbietern und daraus resultierender modernen Mobility-as-a-service-Konzepte verändern wird. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Bushaltestelle in den Innenstädten auch in Zukunft bestehen bleibt und um „on demand“-Verkehre ergänzt wird. Ein radikaler Wandel, wie eine flächendeckende Einführung von autonom fahrenden Bussen, könnte langfristig eine Runderneuerung der Haltestelle zur Folge haben.