H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (25)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Article (9)
- Conference Object (7)
- Part of a Book (6)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Report (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Year of publication
- ICT (4)
- Dementia (3)
- Exergame (3)
- Design (2)
- Videogame (2)
- usability (2)
- Accessibility (1)
- Active and Healthy Aging Technologies (1)
- Active healthy ageing (1)
- Appropriation (1)
This article concerns with the accessibility of Business process modelling tools (BPMo tools) and business process modelling languages (BPMo languages). Therefore the reader will be introduced to business process management and the authors' motivation behind this inquiry. Afterwards, the paper will reflect problems when applying inaccessible BPMo tools. To illustrate these problems the authors distinguish between two different categories of issues and provide practical examples. Finally the article will present three approaches to improve the accessibility of BPMo tools and BPMo languages.
This article concerns the design and development of Information- and Communication Technology, in particular computer systems in regard to the demographic transition which will influence user capabilities. It is questionable if current applied computer systems are able to meet the requirements of altered user groups with diversified capabilities. Such an enquiry is necessary based on actual forecasts leading to the assumption that the average age of employees in enterprises will increase significantly within the next 50-60 years, while the percentage of computer aided business tasks, operated by human individuals, rises from year to year. This progress will precipitate specific consequences for enterprises regarding the design and application of computer systems. If computer systems are not adapted to altered user requirements, efficient and productive utilisation could be negatively influenced. These consequences constitute the motivation to extend traditional design methodologies and thereby ensure the application of computer systems that are usable, independent of user capabilities.
Daryoush Daniel Vaziri illustrates that the use of mixed methods designs may support the induction of more subtle and complete theories about older adults’ use of technologies for the support of active and healthy aging. The results show that older adults’ social contexts and environments considerably affect their perspectives, practices and attitudes with respect to health, quality of life, well-being and technology use for active and healthy aging support. Results were collected with older adults aged 60+ as well as relevant secondary stakeholders like caregivers, policy makers or health insurance companies.
In this paper, we provide a participatory design study of a mobile health platform for older adults that provides an integrative perspective on health data collected from different devices and apps. We illustrate the diversity and complexity of older adults’ perspectives in the context of health and technology use, the challenges which follow on for the design of mobile health platforms that support active and healthy ageing (AHA) and our approach to addressing these challenges through a participatory design (PD) process. Interviews were conducted with older adults aged 65+ in a two-month study with the goal of understanding perspectives on health and technologies for AHA support. We identified challenges and derived design ideas for a mobile health platform called “My-AHA”. For researchers in this field, the structured documentation of our procedures and results, as well as the implications derived provide valuable insights for the design of mobile health platforms for older adults.
There has been increasing interest in designing for dementia in recent years. Empirical investigation is now needed of the long-term role of caregivers in appropriating ICTs into the complex daily life of people with dementia (PwD). We present here the outcomes of a 4-month evaluation of the individual, social and institutional impact of a videogame-based training system. The everyday behavior and interactions of 52 PwD and 25 caregivers was studied qualitatively, focusing on the role played by caregivers in integrating the system into daily routines. Our results indicate that the successful appropriation of ICT for PwD depends partly on the physical, cognitive and social benefits for PwD, but especially on the added value perceived by their social care-network. We discuss the need for design in dementia to develop more socially embedded innovations that can address the social actors involved and thus contribute to practical solutions for professional and private care.
This paper presents the outcomes of an exploratory field study that examined the social impact of an ICT-based suite of exergames for people with dementia and their caregivers. Qualitative data was collected over a period of 8 months, during which time we studied the daily life of 14 people with dementia and their informal and professional caregivers. We focus on the experiential aspects of the system and examine its social impact when integrated into the daily routines of both people with dementia themselves and their professional and family caregivers. Our findings indicate that relatives were able to regain leisure time, whilst people with dementia were able to recapture certain aspects of their social and daily activities that might otherwise have been lost to them. Results suggest that the system enhanced social-interaction, invigorated relationships, and improved the empowerment of people with dementia and their caregivers to face daily challenges.
Insights from an Exergame-Based Training System for People with Dementia and Their Caregivers
Aim of this study is to investigate the effects of user experience (UX) on shopping mall customers’ intention to use a social robot. Therefore, we used a Wizard of Oz approach that enabled data collection in situ. Quantitative data was obtained from a questionnaire completed by shopping mall customers who interacted with a social robot. Data was used in a regression analysis, where user experience factors served as predictors for robot use in retail. The regression model explains up to 23.2% of the variance in customers’ intention to use a social robot. In addition, we collected qualitative data on human-robot-interactions and used the data to complement the interpretation of statistical results. Our findings suggest that only hedonic qualities significantly contribute to the prediction of customers’ intention, that shopping mall customers are reluctant to grant pragmatic qualities to social robots, and that UX evaluation in HRI requires additional predictors.