H-BRS Bibliography
- no (4)
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Document Type
- Article (4)
- English (4)
Has Fulltext
- no (4)
- ADA2 (1)
- Behcet’s Disease (1)
- DADA2 (1)
- Exome sequencing (1)
- NF-κB (1)
- RAID (1)
- RELA (1)
- RELA haploinsufficiency (1)
- RELA-associated inflammatory disease (1)
- anti-TNF (1)
The deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2) is an autosomal recessively inherited disease that has undergone extensive phenotypic expansion since being first described in patients with fevers, recurrent strokes, livedo racemosa, and polyarteritis nodosa in 2014. It is now recognized that patients may develop multisystem disease that spans multiple medical subspecialties. Here, we describe the findings from a large single center longitudinal cohort of 60 patients, the broad phenotypic presentation, as well as highlight the cohort's experience with hematopoietic cell transplantation and COVID-19. Disease manifestations could be separated into three major phenotypes: inflammatory/vascular, immune dysregulatory, and hematologic, however, most patients presented with significant overlap between these three phenotype groups. The cardinal features of the inflammatory/vascular group included cutaneous manifestations and stroke. Evidence of immune dysregulation was commonly observed, including hypogammaglobulinemia, absent to low class-switched memory B cells, and inadequate response to vaccination. Despite these findings, infectious complications were exceedingly rare in this cohort. Hematologic findings including pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), immune-mediated neutropenia, and pancytopenia were observed in half of patients. We significantly extended our experience using anti-TNF agents, with no strokes observed in 2026 patient months on TNF inhibitors. Meanwhile, hematologic and immune features had a more varied response to anti-TNF therapy. Six patients received a total of 10 allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) procedures, with secondary graft failure necessitating repeat HCTs in three patients, as well as unplanned donor cell infusions to avoid graft rejection. All transplanted patients had been on anti-TNF agents prior to HCT and received varying degrees of reduced-intensity or non-myeloablative conditioning. All transplanted patients are still alive and have discontinued anti-TNF therapy. The long-term follow up afforded by this large single-center study underscores the clinical heterogeneity of DADA2 and the potential for phenotypes to evolve in any individual patient.
RELA haploinsufficiency is a recently described autoinflammatory condition presenting with intermittent fevers and mucocutaneous ulcerations. The RELA gene encodes the p65 protein, one of five NF-κB family transcription factors. As RELA is an essential regulator of mucosal homeostasis, haploinsufficiency leads to decreased NF-κB signaling which promotes TNF-driven mucosal apoptosis with impaired epithelial recovery. Thus far, only eight cases have been reported in the literature. Here, we report four families with three novel and one previously described pathogenic variant in RELA. These four families included 23 affected individuals for which genetic testing was available in 16. Almost half of these patients had been previously diagnosed with more common rheumatologic entities (such as Behcet's Disease; BD) prior to the discovery of their pathogenic RELA variants. The most common clinical features were orogenital ulcers, rash, joint inflammation, and fever. The least common were conjunctivitis and recurrent infections. Clinical variability was remarkable even among familial cases, and incomplete penetrance was observed. Patients in our series were treated with a variety of medications, and benefit was observed with glucocorticoids, colchicine, and TNF inhibitors. Altogether, our work adds to the current literature and doubles the number of reported cases with RELA-Associated Inflammatory Disease (RAID). It reaffirms the central importance of the NF-κB pathway in immunity and inflammation, as well as the important regulatory role of RELA in mucosal homeostasis. RELA associated inflammatory disease should be considered in all patients with BD, particularly those with early onset and/or with a strong family history.