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Document Type
- Article (60)
- Conference Object (12)
- Preprint (4)
- Part of a Book (2)
- Contribution to a Periodical (1)
- Patent (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Year of publication
- Force field (3)
- AML (2)
- HSP90 (2)
- Molecular dynamics (2)
- Software (2)
- ACPYPE (1)
- AMBER (1)
- Alkane (1)
- Atomistic force fields (1)
- Basis set (1)
Herein we report an update to ACPYPE, a Python3 tool that now properly converts AMBER to GROMACS topologies for force fields that utilize nondefault and nonuniform 1–4 electrostatic and nonbonded scaling factors or negative dihedral force constants. Prior to this work, ACPYPE only converted AMBER topologies that used uniform, default 1–4 scaling factors and positive dihedral force constants. We demonstrate that the updated ACPYPE accurately transfers the GLYCAM06 force field from AMBER to GROMACS topology files, which employs non-uniform 1–4 scaling factors as well as negative dihedral force constants. Validation was performed using β-d-GlcNAc through gas-phase analysis of dihedral energy curves and probability density functions. The updated ACPYPE retains all of its original functionality, but now allows the simulation of complex glycomolecular systems in GROMACS using AMBER-originated force fields. ACPYPE is available for download at
Wo Laborexperimente zu aufwendig, zu teuer, zu langsam oder zu gefährlich oder Stoffeigenschaften gar nicht erst experimentell zugänglich sind, können Computersimulationen von Atomen und Molekülen diese ersetzen oder ergänzen. Sie ermöglichen dadurch Reduktion von Kosten, Entwicklungszeit und Materialeinsatz. Die für diese Simulationen benötigten Molekülmodelle beinhalten zahlreiche Parameter, die der Simulant einstellen oder auswählen muss. Eine passende Parametrierung ist nur bei entsprechenden Kenntnissen über die Auswirkungen der Parameter auf die zu berechnenden Größen und Eigenschaften möglich. Eine Gruppe von Standardparametern in molekularen Simulationen sind die Partialladungen der einzelnen Atome innerhalb eines Moleküls. Die räumliche Ladungsverteilung innerhalb des Moleküls wird durch Punktladungen auf den Atomzentren angenähert. Für diese Annäherung existieren diverse Ansätze für verschiedene Molekülklassen und Anwendungen. In diesem Teilprojekt des Promotionsvorhabens wurde systematisch der Einfluss der Wahl des Partialladungssatzes auf potentielle Energien und ausgewählte makroskopische Eigenschaften aus Molekulardynamik-Simulationen evaluiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere bei stark polaren Molekülen die Auswahl des geeigneten Partialladungssatzes entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Simulationsergebnisse hat und daher nicht naiv, sondern nur ganz gezielt getroffen werden darf.
Treatment options for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remain extremely limited and associated with significant toxicity. Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) is involved in the generation of NAD+ and a potential therapeutic target in AML. We evaluated the effect of KPT-9274, a p21-activated kinase 4/NAMPT inhibitor that possesses a unique NAMPT-binding profile based on in silico modeling compared with earlier compounds pursued against this target. KPT-9274 elicited loss of mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis and induced apoptosis in AML subtypes independent of mutations and genomic abnormalities. These actions occurred mainly through the depletion of NAD+, whereas genetic knockdown of p21-activated kinase 4 did not induce cytotoxicity in AML cell lines or influence the cytotoxic effect of KPT-9274. KPT-9274 exposure reduced colony formation, increased blast differentiation, and diminished the frequency of leukemia-initiating cells from primary AML samples; KPT-9274 was minimally cytotoxic toward normal hematopoietic or immune cells. In addition, KPT-9274 improved overall survival in vivo in 2 different mouse models of AML and reduced tumor development in a patient-derived xenograft model of AML. Overall, KPT-9274 exhibited broad preclinical activity across a variety of AML subtypes and warrants further investigation as a potential therapeutic agent for AML.
Mebendazole Mediates Proteasomal Degradation of GLI Transcription Factors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
The prognosis of elderly AML patients is still poor due to chemotherapy resistance. The Hedgehog (HH) pathway is important for leukemic transformation because of aberrant activation of GLI transcription factors. MBZ is a well-tolerated anthelmintic that exhibits strong antitumor effects. Herein, we show that MBZ induced strong, dose-dependent anti-leukemic effects on AML cells, including the sensitization of AML cells to chemotherapy with cytarabine. MBZ strongly reduced intracellular protein levels of GLI1/GLI2 transcription factors. Consequently, MBZ reduced the GLI promoter activity as observed in luciferase-based reporter assays in AML cell lines. Further analysis revealed that MBZ mediates its anti-leukemic effects by promoting the proteasomal degradation of GLI transcription factors via inhibition of HSP70/90 chaperone activity. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the MBZ-HSP90 complex, showing a stable binding interaction at the ATP binding site. Importantly, two patients with refractory AML were treated with MBZ in an off-label setting and MBZ effectively reduced the GLI signaling activity in a modified plasma inhibitory assay, resulting in a decrease in peripheral blood blast counts in one patient. Our data prove that MBZ is an effective GLI inhibitor that should be evaluated in combination to conventional chemotherapy in the clinical setting.
The invention relates to compounds that include peptide and peptidomimetics that inhibit estrogen receptor dependent cell proliferation. The compounds of the invention are useful for treating cell proliferative disorders or physiological conditions characterized by undesirable or unwanted estrogen induced cell proliferation, including breast cancer.
In an effort to assist researchers in choosing basis sets for quantum mechanical modeling of molecules (i.e. balancing calculation cost versus desired accuracy), we present a systematic study on the accuracy of computed conformational relative energies and their geometries in comparison to MP2/CBS and MP2/AV5Z data, respectively. In order to do so, we introduce a new nomenclature to unambiguously indicate how a CBS extrapolation was computed. Nineteen minima and transition states of buta-1,3-diene, propan-2-ol and the water dimer were optimized using forty-five different basis sets. Specifically, this includes one Pople (i.e. 6-31G(d)), eight Dunning (i.e. VXZ and AVXZ, X=2-5), twenty-five Jensen (i.e. pc-n, pcseg-n, aug-pcseg-n, pcSseg-n and aug-pcSseg-n, n=0-4) and nine Karlsruhe (e.g. def2-SV(P), def2-QZVPPD) basis sets. The molecules were chosen to represent both common and electronically diverse molecular systems. In comparison to MP2/CBS relative energies computed using the largest Jensen basis sets (i.e. n=2,3,4), the use of smaller sizes (n=0,1,2 and n=1,2,3) provides results that are within 0.11--0.24 and 0.09-0.16 kcal/mol. To practically guide researchers in their basis set choice, an equation is introduced that ranks basis sets based on a user-defined balance between their accuracy and calculation cost. Furthermore, we explain why the aug-pcseg-2, def2-TZVPPD and def2-TZVP basis sets are very suitable choices to balance speed and accuracy.
Human butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is a glycoprotein capable of bioscavenging toxic compounds such as organophosphorus (OP) nerve agents. For commercial production of BChE, it is practical to synthesize BChE in non-human expression systems, such as plants or animals. However, the glycosylation profile in these systems is significantly different from the human glycosylation profile, which could result in changes in BChE's structure and function. From our investigation, we found that the glycan attached to ASN241 is both structurally and functionally important due to its close proximity to the BChE tetramerization domain and the active site gorge. To investigate the effects of populating glycosylation site ASN241, monomeric human BChE glycoforms were simulated with and without site ASN241 glycosylated. Our simulations indicate that the structure and function of human BChE are significantly affected by the absence of glycan 241.
Structure-activity relationships of thiostrepton derivatives: implications for rational drug design
Liquid–liquid equilibria of dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether and water by molecular dynamics
Computational chemistry began with the birth of computers in the mid 1900s, and its growth has been directly coupled to the technological advances made in computer science and high-performance computing. A popular goal within the field, be it Newtonian or quantum based methods, is the accurate modelling of physical forces and energetics through mathematics and algorithm design. Through reliable modelling of the underlying forces, molecular simulations frequently provide atomistic insights into macroscopic experimental observations.
Modeling of magic water clusters (H2O)20 and (H2O)21H+ with the PM3 quantum-mechanical method