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Simultaneous multifrequency radio observations of the Galactic Centre magnetar SGR J1745-2900
Earth’s nearest candidate supermassive black hole lies at the centre of the Milky Way1. Its electromagnetic emission is thought to be powered by radiatively inefficient accretion of gas from its environment2, which is a standard mode of energy supply for most galactic nuclei. X-ray measurements have already resolved a tenuous hot gas component from which the black hole can be fed3. The magnetization of the gas, however, which is a crucial parameter determining the structure of the accretion flow, remains unknown. Strong magnetic fields can influence the dynamics of accretion, remove angular momentum from the infalling gas4, expel matter through relativistic jets5 and lead to synchrotron emission such as that previously observed6, 7, 8. Here we report multi-frequency radio measurements of a newly discovered pulsar close to the Galactic Centre9, 10, 11, 12 and show that the pulsar’s unusually large Faraday rotation (the rotation of the plane of polarization of the emission in the presence of an external magnetic field) indicates that there is a dynamically important magnetic field near the black hole. If this field is accreted down to the event horizon it provides enough magnetic flux to explain the observed emission—from radio to X-ray wavelengths—from the black hole.
Context.We present the technology and first scientific results of a new generation of very flexible and sensitive spectrometers, well-suited for the needs of spectral-line radio and (sub)millimeter astronomy: Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FFTS), which are in operation at the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope.
Aims. The FFTS for APEX is a novel high-resolution 2 x 1 GHz bandwidth digital spectrometer backend. Due to its high frequency resolution, and the demonstrated capability of operating at high altitude, the FFTS became the facility spectrometer for spectral line observations at APEX.
Methods. The FFTS is based on one of the currently most powerful digitizer/analyzer boards available from Acqiris, Switzerland. The board incorporates two 1 Gsamples/s analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 8-bit resolution which feed an on-board complex field programmable gate array (FPGA) chip. The enormous processing power by today's FPGAs allow for a complete real-time FFT signal processing pipeline to decompose a 1 GHz band into 16 384 spectral channels in just one chip.
Results. Since May 2005 an MPIfR FFTS has been extensively used in all regular spectroscopic science observations. The performance at APEX was demonstrated to be very reliable and as good as measured in the first laboratory tests which finally led to the request to provide a second, facility type FFTS for APEX. The unit was delivered and commissioned in March this year.
Conclusions. Using a commercially available digitizer board, it was possible to develop a complete FFTS in only a few months. Successful observations at APEX demonstrate that this new generation of FPGA-based spectrometers easily matching and superseding the performance of older technology spectrometers and can built up much more easily. Furthermore, the by now available class of new high-speed ADCs and the continuous increase of FPGA processing power makes it very likely that FFTS can be pushed to broader bandwidth and even more spectral channels in the near future.
To make best use of the exceptional good weather conditions at Chajnantor we developed CHAMP+, a two time seven pixel dual-color heterodyne array for operation in the 350 and 450 µm atmospheric windows. CHAMP+ uses state-of-the-art SIS-mixers provided by our collaborators at SRON. To maximize its performance, optical single sideband filter are implemented for each of the two subarrays, and most of the optics is operated cold (20K) to minimize noise contributions. The instrument can be operated remotely, under full computer control of all components. The autocorrelator backend, currently in operation with 2 × 1GHz of bandwidth for each of the 14 heterodyne channels, will be upgraded by a new technologies FFT spectrometer array in mid 2008. CHAMP+ has been commissioned successfully in late 2007. We will review the performance of the instrument "in the field," and present its characteristics as measured on-sky.
Radio pulsars in relativistic binary systems are unique tools to study the curved space-time around massive compact objects. The discovery of a pulsar closely orbiting the super-massive black hole at the centre of our Galaxy, Sgr A⋆, would provide a superb test-bed for gravitational physics. To date, the absence of any radio pulsar discoveries within a few arc minutes of Sgr A⋆ has been explained by one principal factor: extreme scattering of radio waves caused by inhomogeneities in the ionized component of the interstellar medium in the central 100 pc around Sgr A⋆. Scattering, which causes temporal broadening of pulses, can only be mitigated by observing at higher frequencies. Here we describe recent searches of the Galactic centre region performed at a frequency of 18.95 GHz with the Effelsberg radio telescope.
We report the status of a search for pulsars in the Galactic Centre, using a completely revised and improved high-sensitivity doublehorn system at 4.85-GHz. We also present calculations about the success rate of periodicity searches for such a survey, showing that in contrast to conclusions in recent literature pulsars can be indeed detected at the chosen search frequency.
Nitric acid partitioning in cirrus clouds: a synopsis based on field, laboratory and model studies
From a synopsis of field, laboratory and model studies at T>205 K as well as from the field experiments POLSTAR at T<205 K we derive a general picture of the partitioning of nitric acid (HNO3) in cirrus clouds and a new hypothesis on the uptake of HNO3 on ice particles:
A substantial part of nitric acid remains in the gas phase under cirrus cloud conditions. The HNO3 removed from the gas phase is distributed between interstitial aerosol and ice particles in dependence on the temperature and ice surface, respectively. In cold cirrus clouds with small ice surface areas (T <205 K) the partitioning is strongly in favour of interstitial ternary solution particles while in warmer cirrus clouds with large ice surface areas the uptake on ice dominates. Consequently, denitrification via sedimenting ice particles may occur only in the -more frequently occurring- warm cirrus clouds
The HNO3 coverage on ice is found to be different for ice particles and ice films. On ice films the coverage can increase with decreasing temperature from about 0.1 to 0.8 monolayer, while that on ice particles is found to decrease with temperature and PHNO3 from 0.1 to 0.001 monolayer. An HNO3 uptake behaviour following dissociative Langmuir isotherms where the coverage decreases for descending temperatures may explain the observations for ice particles
From a comparison of the HNO3 measurements with model calculations it is found that (i) the global model of Lawrence and Crutzen (1998) overestimates the HNO3 partitioning in favour of the ice particles (ii) the Langmuir surface chemistry model of Tabazadeh et al. (1999) overestimates HNO3 coverages for temperatures ≤210 K More appropriate coverages are calculated when implementing in that model a temperature dependent function for the adsorption free energy (ΔGads (T)), which is empirically derived from the coverage measurements.