H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (30)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (23)
- Article (4)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Preprint (1)
- Report (1)
Year of publication
- English (30)
Design of a declarative language for task-oriented grasping and tool-use with dextrous robotic hands
Apparently simple manipulation tasks for a human such as transportation or tool use are challenging to replicate in an autonomous service robot. Nevertheless, dextrous manipulation is an important aspect for a robot in many daily tasks. While it is possible to manufacture special-purpose hands for one specific task in industrial settings, a generalpurpose service robot in households must have flexible hands which can adapt to many tasks. Intelligently using tools enables the robot to perform tasks more efficiently and even beyond the designed capabilities. In this work a declarative domain-specific language, called Grasp Domain Definition Language (GDDL), is presented that allows the specification of grasp planning problems independently of a specific grasp planner. This design goal resembles the idea of the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). The specification of GDDL requires a detailed analysis of the research in grasping in order to identify best practices in different domains that contribute to a grasp. These domains describe for instance physical as well as semantic properties of objects and hands. Grasping always has a purpose which is captured in the task domain definition. It enables the robot to grasp an object in a taskdependent manner. Suitable representations in these domains have to be identified and formalized for which a domain-driven software engineering approach is applied. This kind of modeling allows the specification of constraints which guide the composition of domain entity specifications. The domain-driven approach fosters reuse of domain concepts while the constraints enable the validation of models already during design time. A proof of concept implementation of GDDL into the GraspIt! grasp planner is developed. Preliminary results of this thesis have been published and presented on the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Knowledge-Based Instrumentation and Control for Competitive Industry-Inspired Robotic Domains
RoCKIn@Work was focused on benchmarks in the domain of industrial robots. Both task and functionality benchmarks were derived from real world applications. All of them were part of a bigger user story painting the picture of a scaled down real world factory scenario. Elements used to build the testbed were chosen from common materials in modern manufacturing environments. Networked devices, machines controllable through a central software component, were also part of the testbed and introduced a dynamic component to the task benchmarks. Strict guidelines on data logging were imposed on participating teams to ensure gathered data could be automatically evaluated. This also had the positive effect that teams were made aware of the importance of data logging, not only during a competition but also during research as useful utility in their own laboratory. Tasks and functionality benchmarks are explained in detail, starting with their use case in industry, further detailing their execution and providing information on scoring and ranking mechanisms for the specific benchmark.
Few mobile robot developers already test their software on simulated robots in virtual environments or sceneries. However, the majority still shy away from simulation-based test campaigns because it remains challenging to specify and execute suitable testing scenarios, that is, models of the environment and the robots’ tasks. Through developer interviews, we identified that managing the enormous variability of testing scenarios is a major barrier to the application of simulation-based testing in robotics. Furthermore, traditional CAD or 3D-modelling tools such as SolidWorks, 3ds Max, or Blender are not suitable for specifying sceneries that vary significantly and serve different testing objectives. For some testing campaigns, it is required that the scenery replicates the dynamic (e.g., opening doors) and static features of real-world environments, whereas for others, simplified scenery is sufficient. Similarly, the task and mission specifications used for simulation-based testing range from simple point-to-point navigation tasks to more elaborate tasks that require advanced deliberation and decision-making. We propose the concept of composable and executable scenarios and associated tooling to support developers in specifying, reusing, and executing scenarios for the simulation-based testing of robotic systems. Our approach differs from traditional approaches in that it offers a means of creating scenarios that allow the addition of new semantics (e.g., dynamic elements such as doors or varying task specifications) to existing models without altering them. Thus, we can systematically construct richer scenarios that remain manageable. We evaluated our approach in a small simulation-based testing campaign, with scenarios defined around the navigation stack of a mobile robot. The scenarios gradually increased in complexity, composing new features into the scenery of previous scenarios. Our evaluation demonstrated how our approach can facilitate the reuse of models and revealed the presence of errors in the configuration of the publicly available navigation stack of our SUT, which had gone unnoticed despite its frequent use.
This paper presents the b-it-bots RoboCup@Work team and its current hardware and functional architecture for the KUKA youBot robot.We describe the underlying software framework and the developed capabilities required for operating in industrial environments including features such as reliable and precise navigation, flexible manipulation and robust object recognition.
The RoCKIn@Work Challenge
This paper presents the b-it-bots RoboCup@Work team and its current hardware and functional architecture for the KUKA youBot robot. We describe the underlying software framework and the developed capabilities required for operating in industrial environments including features such as reliable and precise navigation, flexible manipulation and robust object recognition.
Low-Cost In-Hand Slippage Detection and Avoidance for Robust Robotic Grasping with Compliant Fingers
The RoCKIn@Home Challenge
Compliant manipulation is a crucial skill for robots when they are supposed to act as helping hands in everyday household tasks. Still, nowadays, those skills are hand-crafted by experts which frequently requires labor-intensive, manual parameter tuning. Moreover, some tasks are too complex to be specified fully using a task specification. Learning these skills, by contrast, requires a high number of costly and potentially unsafe interactions with the environment. We present a compliant manipulation approach using reinforcement learning guided by the Task Frame Formalism, a task specification method. This allows us to specify the easy to model knowledge about a task while the robot learns the unmodeled components by reinforcement learning. We evaluate the approach by performing a compliant manipulation task with a KUKA LWR 4+ manipulator. The robot was able to learn force control policies directly on the robot without using any simulation.
This paper presents the b-it-bots RoboCup@Work team and its current hardware and functional architecture for the KUKA youBot robot. We describe the underlying software framework and the developed capabilities required for operating in industrial environments including features such as reliable and precise navigation, flexible manipulation, robust object recognition and task planning. New developments include an approach to grasp vertical objects, placement of objects by considering the empty space on a workstation, and the process of porting our code to ROS2.
This article introduces a model-based design, implementation, deployment, and execution methodology, with tools supporting the systematic composition of algorithms from generic and domain-specific computational building blocks that prevent code duplication and enable robots to adapt their software themselves. The envisaged algorithms are numerical solvers based on graph structures. In this article, we focus on kinematics and dynamics algorithms, but examples such as message passing on probabilistic networks and factor graphs or cascade control diagrams fall under the same pattern. The tools rely on mature standards from the Semantic Web. They first synthesize algorithms symbolically, from which they then generate efficient code. The use case is an overactuated mobile robot with two redundant arms.