H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (9)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Part of a Book (5)
- Book (monograph, edited volume) (2)
- Article (1)
- Working Paper (1)
- Begriff (1)
- Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1)
- COVID (1)
- Diskurs (1)
- Generationenvertrag (1)
- Leitkultur (1)
- Nation (1)
- Patriotismus (1)
- Pfadabhängigkeit (1)
- Reformpolitik (1)
This study aims to highlight the significance of social protection as an autonomous strategy for migration policies and research. It focuses particularly on the German strategies for combating the causes of flight and migration. By managing migration flows, stabilizing societies and encouraging economic development, social protection can play an important role in reducing migration flows. At the same time, social protection can act as a stabilizer in the countries of origin and accelerate economic growth as well as supporting individual decisions to return to the countries of origin.
Zum Geleit
Die unterschiedlichen Facetten der digitalen Zukunft zu beleuchten – sei es die aktive Gestaltungsaufgabe der Politik, die ethischen und moralischen Anpassungen durch Digitalisierung in der Gesellschaft oder die technische und wirtschaftliche Verantwortung – und in Bezug zueinander zu setzen, ist Aufgabe und Ziel dieser Publikation. Im Zuge der digitalen Transformation ist zudem der Ruf nach einer neuen Kultur für Gesellschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft geboten.
The non-scientific questioning of scientific research during the COVID-19 pandemic, the unwillingness of a president of the United States of America to accept the result of a democratically held election: just in recent times, there have been quite a few striking examples of long-held certainties appearing as nothing more than just illusions. This essay reflects on the severe consequences of the loss of such certainties in the spheres of democratic politics on the one hand and of science, especially for highly differentiated societies, on the other hand as well as on their interdependencies. Furthermore, the author tries to make the case that this disillusionment could prove to be a salutary shock – reminding us that we need to take a stand for the things we hold as certainties, oftentimes even as calming ones, if we want them to stay how we always thought they were.