Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (26)
- Article (25)
- Part of a Book (8)
- Contribution to a Periodical (2)
- Report (1)
Year of publication
- ICT (6)
- Dementia (5)
- Exergame (5)
- Design (3)
- Living Lab (3)
- Exergames (2)
- Fall prevention (2)
- Global Software Engineering (2)
- Offshoring (2)
- Older adults (2)
Nachhaltiges Innovationsmanagement in KMU: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Living Labs as a Service
Die neue europäische Umweltstrategie der Integrierten Produktpolitik fordert von produzierenden kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) eine eigenverantwortliche und produktbezogene Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie. Obgleich die Gestaltung von IKT-Services in nachhaltigkeitsrelevanten Bereichen ein großes Marktpotential verspricht, birgt das Innovationsmanagement für KMU einige Risiken. Um diese Herausforderungen zu adressieren motiviert diese Arbeit Living Labs, als Innovationsinfrastruktur, um den spezifischen Bedarfen von KMU für ein nachhaltiges Innovationsmanagement gerecht zu werden. Auf der Basis von 15 semi-strukturierten Interviews mit 7 KMU, die IKT-Lösungen in den Bereichen Wohnen und Mobilität entwickeln, wurden Herausforderungen sowie etablierte Strategien für ein nachhaltiges Innovationsmanagement erhoben sowie Potenziale und mögliche Risiken von Living Labs exploriert. Die Studie zeigt KMU spezifische Bedarfe auf, die eine Anpassung des Living Lab Ansatzes als Service-Dienstleistungen erforderlich machen.
Kleinere, günstigere und effizientere Sensoren und Aktoren sowie Funkprotokolle haben dazu geführt, dass Smart Home Produkte in zunehmend auch für den privaten Massenmarkt erschwinglich werden. Damit stehen Hersteller und Anbieter vor der Herausforderung, komplexe cyber-physische Systeme für Jedermann handhabbar zu gestalten. Es fehlen allerdings empirische Erkenntnisse über die Rolle von Smart Home im Alltag. Wir präsentieren Ergebnisse aus einer Living Lab Studie, in der 14 Haushalte mit einer am Markt erhältlichen Smart Home Nachrüstlösung ausgestattet und über neun Monate empirisch begleitet wurden. Anhand der Analyse von Interviews, Beobachtungen und Co-Design Workshops in den Phasen der Produktauswahl, Installation, Konfiguration und längerfristigen Nutzung zeigen wir Herausforderungen und Potentiale von Smart Home Systemen auf. Unsere Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Smart Home immer noch von technischen Details dominiert wird. Zugleich fehlen Nutzern angemessene Steuerungs- und Kontrollmöglichkeiten, um weiterhin die Entscheidungshoheit im eigenen Zuhause zu behalten.
Opportunities for Sustainable Mobility: Re-thinking Eco-feedback from a Citizen's Perspective
In developed nations, a growing emphasis is being placed on the promotion of sustainable behaviours amongst individuals, or ‘citizen-consumers’. In HCI, various eco-feedback tools have been designed as persuasive instruments, with a strong normative appeal geared to encouraging citizens to conduct a more sustainable mobility. However, many critiques have been formulated regarding this ‘paternalistic’ stance. In this paper, we switched the perspective from a designer’s to a citizen’s point of view and explored how people would use eco-feedback tools to support sustainable mobility in their city. In the study, we conducted 14 interviews with citizens who had used eco-feedback previously. The findings indicate new starting points that could inform future eco-feedback tools. These encompass: (1) better information regarding how sustainable mobility is measured and monitored; (2) respect for individual mobility situations and preferences; and (3) the scope for participation and the sharing of responsibility between citizens and municipal city services.
Die Vorteile, Nutzer aktiv, früh und langfristig in ntwicklungsprozesse zu integrieren, um Fehlentwicklungen zu vermeiden und Nutzerbedürfnisse zu adressieren, sind nicht nur in der akademischen Forschung bekannt. Prozesse und Strukturen in Unternehmen der IKT-Branche sind bereits häufig agil implementiert. Dennoch schaffen es kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) oftmals nicht, die Potentiale einer Nutzerintegration konsequent auszuschöpfen. In Fallstudien wurden drei unterschiedliche KMU analysiert, wie sie die Stimme des Nutzers im Entwicklungsprozess berücksichtigen. Unterschiedliche Strategien der Nutzerintegration, die sich in Rollen und Werkzeugen, in Anforderungen und Problemen an das Nutzersample, Methoden und Datenaufbereitung widerspiegeln, werden beleuchtet. Unser Beitrag soll helfen, Herausforderungen und Probleme von KMU auf der Suche nach angemessenen und passgenauen Wegen der Nutzerintegration zu verstehen und Lösungen zu gestalten.
Trust and Social Capital: Revisiting an Offshoring Failure Story of a Small German Software Company
Regions and their innovation ecosystems have increasingly become of interest to CSCW research as the context in which work, research and design takes place. Our study adds to this growing discourse, by providing preliminary data and reflections from an ongoing attempt to intervene and support a regional innovation ecosystem. We report on the benefits and shortcomings of a practice-oriented approach in such regional projects and highlight the importance of relations and the notion of spillover. Lastly, we discuss methodological and pragmatic hurdles that CSCW research needs to overcome in order to support regional innovation ecosystems successfully.
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) in den Bereichen Smart Home und Smart Living ist durch die zunehmende Vernetzung des häuslichen Anwendungsfelds mit der Digitalisierung des Stromnetzes, alternativen Möglichkeiten der Energiegewinnung und -speicherung und neuer Mobilitätskonzepte geprägt und zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil privaten wie unternehmerischen Handelns geworden.
Smart home systems change the way we experience the home. While there are established research fields within HCI for visualizing specific use cases of a smart home, studies targeting user demands on visualizations spanning across multiple use cases are rare. Especially, individual data-related demands pose a challenge for usable visualizations. To investigate potentials of an end-user development (EUD) approach for flexibly supporting such demands, we developed a smart home system featuring both pre-defined visualizations and a visualization creation tool. To evaluate our concept, we installed our prototype in 12 households as part of a Living Lab study. Results are based on three interview studies, a design workshop and system log data. We identified eight overarching interests in home data and show how participants used pre-defined visualizations to get an overview and the creation tool to not only address specific use cases but also to answer questions by creating temporary visualizations.
Voice assistants (VA) collect data about users’ daily life including interactions with other connected devices, musical preferences, and unintended interactions. While users appreciate the convenience of VAs, their understanding and expectations of data collection by vendors are often vague and incomplete. By making the collected data explorable for consumers, our research-through-design approach seeks to unveil design resources for fostering data literacy and help users in making better informed decisions regarding their use of VAs. In this paper, we present the design of an interactive prototype that visualizes the conversations with VAs on a timeline and provides end users with basic means to engage with data, for instance allowing for filtering and categorization. Based on an evaluation with eleven households, our paper provides insights on how users reflect upon their data trails and presents design guidelines for supporting data literacy of consumers in the context of VAs.
Appropriating Digital Fabrication Technologies — A comparative study of two 3D Printing Communities
Digital fabrication technologies have a great potential for empowering consumers to produce their own creations. However, despite the growing availability of digital fabrication technologies in shared machine shops such as FabLabs or University Labs, they are often perceived as difficult to use, especially by users with limited technological aptitude. Hence, it is not yet clear if the potentials of the technology can be made accessible to a broader public, or if they will remain limited to some form of “maker elite”. In this paper, we study the appropriation of digital fabrication on the example of the use of 3D printers in two different communities. In doing so, we analyze how users conceptualize their use of the 3D printers, what kind of contextual understanding is necessary to work with the machines, and how users document and share their knowledge. Based on our empirical findings, we identify the potentials that the machines offer to the communities, and what kind of challenges have to be overcome in their appropriation of the technology.
Smart home systems are becoming an integral feature of the emerging home IT market. Under this general term, products mainly address issues of security, energy savings and comfort. Comprehensive systems that cover several use cases are typically operated and managed via a unified dashboard. Unfortunately, research targeting user experience (UX) design for smart home interaction that spans several use cases or covering the entire system is scarce. Furthermore, existing comprehensive and user-centered longterm studies on challenges and needs throughout phases of information collection, installation and operation of smart home systems are technologically outdated. Our 18-month Living Lab study covering 14 households equipped with smart home technology provides insights on how to design for improving smart home appropriation. This includes a stronger sensibility for household practices during setup and configuration, flexible visualizations for evolving demands and an extension of smart home beyond the location.
Die Entwicklung intelligenter Technologien zur Unterstützung im Alltag und in den eigenen vier Wänden begleitet unsere Gesellschaft schon seit dem Zeitalter des Personal Computers. Mit dem Aufkommen des Internet der Dinge und begünstigt durch immer kleiner und günstiger werdende Hardware ergeben sich neue Potenziale, die das Thema Smart Home attraktiver als je zuvor werden lassen. Eine Vielzahl der aktuell im Markt verfügbaren Lösungen adressiert die Bedürfnisse Komfort, Sicherheit und effiziente Energienutzung. Die versprochene Intelligenz – smartness, wie sie der Begriff selbst suggeriert – wird vor allem bei Lösungen im privaten Nachrüstbereich überwiegend durch die Interaktion der Nutzer selbst und entsprechende regelbasierte Konfigurationen erzeugt. Diese notwendige Art der Interaktion und die damit verbundenen Aufwände sind jedoch von starker Bedeutung für das gesamte Nutzungserlebnis Smart Home und führen nicht selten zu Frustration oder gar Resignation in der Nutzung.
Autonomous driving enables new mobility concepts such as shared-autonomous services. Although significant re-search has been done on passenger-car interaction, work on passenger interaction with robo-taxis is still rare. In this paper, we tackle the question of how passengers experience robo-taxis as a service in real-life settings to inform the interaction design. We conducted a Wizard of Oz study with an electric vehicle where the driver was hidden from the passenger to simulate the service experience of a robo-taxi. 10 participants had the opportunity to use the simulated shared-autonomous service in real-life situations for one week. By the week's end, 33 rides were completed and recorded on video. Also, we flanked the study conducting interviews before and after with all participants. The findings provided insights into four design themes that could inform the service design of robo-taxis along the different stages including hailing, pick-up, travel, and drop-off.
Background: Falls are common in older adults and can result in serious injuries. Due to demographic changes, falls and related healthcare costs are likely to increase over the next years. Participation and motivation of older adults in fall prevention measures remain a challenge. The iStoppFalls project developed an information and communication technology (ICT)-based system for older adults to use at home in order to reduce common fall risk factors such as impaired balance and muscle weakness. The system aims at increasing older adults’ motivation to participate in ICT-based fall prevention measures. This article reports on usability, user-experience and user-acceptance aspects affecting the use of the iStoppFalls system by older adults.
Methods: In the course of a 16-week international multicenter study, 153 community-dwelling older adults aged 65+ participated in the iStoppFalls randomized controlled trial, of which half used the system in their home to exercise and assess their risk of falling. During the study, 60 participants completed questionnaires regarding the usability, user experience and user acceptance of the iStoppFalls system. Usability was measured with the System Usability Scale (SUS). For user experience the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) was applied. User acceptance was assessed with the Dynamic Acceptance Model for the Re-evaluation of Technologies (DART). To collect more detailed data on usability, user experience and user acceptance, additional qualitative interviews and observations were conducted with participants.
Results: Participants evaluated the usability of the system with an overall score of 62 (Standard Deviation, SD 15.58) out of 100, which suggests good usability. Most users enjoyed the iStoppFalls games and assessments, as shown by the overall PACES score of 31 (SD 8.03). With a score of 0.87 (SD 0.26), user acceptance results showed that participants accepted the iStoppFalls system for use in their own home. Interview data suggested that certain factors such as motivation, complexity or graphical design were different for gender and age.
Conclusions: The results suggest that the iStoppFalls system has good usability, user experience and user acceptance. It will be important to take these along with factors such as motivation, gender and age into consideration when designing and further developing ICT-based fall prevention systems.
In this paper, we provide a participatory design study of a mobile health platform for older adults that provides an integrative perspective on health data collected from different devices and apps. We illustrate the diversity and complexity of older adults’ perspectives in the context of health and technology use, the challenges which follow on for the design of mobile health platforms that support active and healthy ageing (AHA) and our approach to addressing these challenges through a participatory design (PD) process. Interviews were conducted with older adults aged 65+ in a two-month study with the goal of understanding perspectives on health and technologies for AHA support. We identified challenges and derived design ideas for a mobile health platform called “My-AHA”. For researchers in this field, the structured documentation of our procedures and results, as well as the implications derived provide valuable insights for the design of mobile health platforms for older adults.
There has been increasing interest in designing for dementia in recent years. Empirical investigation is now needed of the long-term role of caregivers in appropriating ICTs into the complex daily life of people with dementia (PwD). We present here the outcomes of a 4-month evaluation of the individual, social and institutional impact of a videogame-based training system. The everyday behavior and interactions of 52 PwD and 25 caregivers was studied qualitatively, focusing on the role played by caregivers in integrating the system into daily routines. Our results indicate that the successful appropriation of ICT for PwD depends partly on the physical, cognitive and social benefits for PwD, but especially on the added value perceived by their social care-network. We discuss the need for design in dementia to develop more socially embedded innovations that can address the social actors involved and thus contribute to practical solutions for professional and private care.
This paper presents the outcomes of an exploratory field study that examined the social impact of an ICT-based suite of exergames for people with dementia and their caregivers. Qualitative data was collected over a period of 8 months, during which time we studied the daily life of 14 people with dementia and their informal and professional caregivers. We focus on the experiential aspects of the system and examine its social impact when integrated into the daily routines of both people with dementia themselves and their professional and family caregivers. Our findings indicate that relatives were able to regain leisure time, whilst people with dementia were able to recapture certain aspects of their social and daily activities that might otherwise have been lost to them. Results suggest that the system enhanced social-interaction, invigorated relationships, and improved the empowerment of people with dementia and their caregivers to face daily challenges.
Insights from an Exergame-Based Training System for People with Dementia and Their Caregivers
Falls and their consequences are arguably most important events for transition from independent living to institutional care for older adults. Information and communication technology (ICT)-based support of fall prevention and fall risk assessment under the control of the user has a tremendous potential to, over time, prevent falls and reduce associated harm and costs. Our research uses participative design and a persuasive health approach to allow for seamless integration of an ICT-based fall prevention system into older adults’ everyday life. Based on a 6-month field study with 12 participants, we present qualitative results regarding the system use and provide insights into attitudes and practices of older adults concerning fall prevention and ICT-supported self-management of health. Our study demonstrates how it can lead to positive aspects of embodiment and health literacy through continuous monitoring of personal results, improved technical confidence, and quality of life. Implications are provided for designing similar systems.
As a result of ageing societies, the prevalence of dementia, and accordingly the need of care is increasing rapidly. Here, the use of ICT-based technologies may facilitate and promote a self-sustaining life-style for people with dementia and their caregivers. The presented poster describes early findings from the project MobiAssist and outlines the ICT-based training system. The system aims to increase the physical and cognitive capabilities of people with dementia, relief the caregivers and improve wellbeing of involved parties.