621.3 Elektrotechnik, Elektronik
H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (14)
Departments, institutes and facilities
- Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation (12)
- Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE) (8)
- Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (1)
- Fachbereich Informatik (1)
- Institut für Sicherheitsforschung (ISF) (1)
- Internationales Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE) (1)
Document Type
- Article (9)
- Preprint (2)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Conference Object (1)
- double pulse test (2)
- error analysis (2)
- measurement errors (2)
- power semiconductors (2)
- sensor phenomena and characterization (2)
- wide band gap (2)
- Applied sciences (1)
- Battery Packs (1)
- Battery degradation (1)
- Calendar ageing (1)
Protocol for conducting advanced cyclic tests in lithium-ion batteries to estimate capacity fade
Using advanced cyclic testing techniques improves accuracy in estimating capacity fade and incorporates real-world scenarios in battery cycle aging assessment. Here, we present a protocol for conducting cyclic tests in lithium-ion batteries to estimate capacity fade. We describe steps for implementing strategies for accounting for variations in rest periods, charge-discharge rates, and temperatures. We also detail procedures for validating tests experimentally within a climate-controlled chamber and for developing an empirical model to estimate capacity fading under various testing objectives. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Mulpuri et al.1.
Battery lifespan estimation is essential for effective battery management systems, aiding users and manufacturers in strategic planning. However, accurately estimating battery capacity is complex, owing to diverse capacity fading phenomena tied to factors such as temperature, charge-discharge rate, and rest period duration. In this work, we present an innovative approach that integrates real-world driving behaviors into cyclic testing. Unlike conventional methods that lack rest periods and involve fixed charge-discharge rates, our approach involves 1000 unique test cycles tailored to specific objectives and applications, capturing the nuanced effects of temperature, charge-discharge rate, and rest duration on capacity fading. This yields comprehensive insights into cell-level battery degradation, unveiling growth patterns of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer and lithium plating, influenced by cyclic test parameters. The results yield critical empirical relations for evaluating capacity fading under specific testing conditions.
Estimates of global horizontal irradiance (GHI) from reanalysis and satellite-based data are the most important information for the design and monitoring of PV systems in Africa, but their quality is unknown due to the lack of in situ measurements. In this study, we evaluate the performance of hourly GHI from state-of-the-art reanalysis and satellite-based products (ERA5, CAMS, MERRA-2, and SARAH-2) with 37 quality-controlled in situ measurements from novel meteorological networks established in Burkina Faso and Ghana under different weather conditions for the year 2020. The effects of clouds and aerosols are also considered in the analysis by using common performance measures for the main quality attributes and a new overall performance value for the joint assessment. The results show that satellite data performs better than reanalysis data under different atmospheric conditions. Nevertheless, both data sources exhibit significant bias of more than 150 W/m2 in terms of RMSE under cloudy skies compared to clear skies. The new measure of overall performance clearly shows that the hourly GHI derived from CAMS and SARAH-2 could serve as viable alternative data for assessing solar energy in the different climatic zones of West Africa.
Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly growing in popularity, but range variability has become an important research area with significant implications for EV performance, usability, and overall market adoption. This study aims to unravel the complexities of range variability by examining the contributing factors and offering innovative strategies to mitigate these differences during pack design. Through a detailed analysis of cell parameter deviation, cell connections, battery configuration, battery pack size, and driving behavior, the research illuminates their impact on extractable energy and driving range. The study employed a comprehensive approach and conducted systematic simulation-based experimentation to identify the optimal battery pack configuration based on maximum extractable energy, minimal variability and maximum range. The results reveal insights into the relationship between discharge rate and battery pack performance, and the impact of cell parameter variations on pack energy output. This research advances the understanding of EV performance optimisation, reduces pack-to-pack variability, and extends battery pack lifespan.
This paper investigates the effect of voltage sensors on the measurement of transient voltages for power semiconductors in a Double Pulse Test (DPT) environment.We adapt previously published models that were developed for current sensors and apply them to voltage sensors to evaluate their suitability for DPT applications. Similarities and differences between transient current and voltage sensors are investigated and the resulting methodology is applied to commercially available and experimental voltage sensors. Finally, a selection aid for given measurement tasks is derived that focuses on the measurement of fast-switching power semiconductors.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung eines Schaltungskonzepts und Labormusters einer externen Beleuchtung für den Einsatz in der Forschung an Time-of-Flight (ToF) Kameras mit Amplitude-Modulated Continuous Wave (AMCW)-Verfahren. Die externe Beleuchtung stellt einen leistungsstarken Repeater der internen Beleuchtung einer ToF Kamera dar und ist in der Lage die von ToF Kameras genutzten hochfrequenten Rechtecksignale zu emittieren.
Da von ToF Kameras in der Regel kein elektrisches Steuersignal (Triggersignal) für den Einsatz einer externen Beleuchtung zur Verfügung gestellt wird, wird dieses aus dem optischen Signal der ToF Kamera gewonnen. Dafür wird ein Konzept für einen optischen Detektor (Trigger) vorgestellt. Dieser setzt sich aus einer Photodiode, einem Transimpedanzverstärker und einer anschließenden Signalaufbereitung zusammen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, wie eine schnelle externe Beleuchtung mit hoher Strahlungsleistung mithilfe eines Metal-Oxid-Semiconductor Field-Effekt-Transistor (MOSFET) und vier Vertical-Cavitiy Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) umgesetzt werden kann. Dafür werden mit der Serien- und Parallelschaltung von MOSFET und VCSEL zwei Schaltungskonzepte vorgestellt. Als Lichtquellen kommen VCSEL mit einer für ToF Kameras typischen Wellenlänge von 940 nm im Nahinfraroten (NIR) zum Einsatz.
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit dem optischen Trigger Signale von bis zu 100 MHz in elektrische Ausgangssignale gewandelt werden können. Außerdem wurden rechteckige Triggersignale mit Anstiegszeiten von 650 ps und Abfallzeiten von 440 ps erzielt. Mit der externen Beleuchtung konnten Signale mit bis zu 100 MHz emittiert werden. Es wurden im Zusammenspiel mit dem optischen Trigger optische Signale mit Anstiegszeiten von 1,5 ns und Abfallzeiten von 960 ps erreicht. Dabei konnten Strahlungsleistungen von knapp 7 W erzielt werden. Das gesamte System aus optischem Trigger und externer Beleuchtung weist eine Latenz von 16 ns auf. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit konnte ein System aufgebaut werden, das aufgrund der erzielten Ergebnisse höchstwahrscheinlich als externe Beleuchtung zu Forschungszwecken mit verschiedenen ToF Kameras eingesetzt werden kann. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit den optischen Trigger und die Beleuchtung separat zu nutzen.
Suitability of Current Sensors for the Measurement of Switching Currents in Power Semiconductors
This paper investigates the impact of current sensors on the measurement of transient currents in fast-switching power semiconductors in a double pulse test (DPT environment. We review previous research that assesses the influence of current sensors on a DPT circuit through mathematical modeling. The developed selection aids can be used to identify suitable current sensors for transient current measurements of fast-switching power semiconductors and to estimate the error introduced by their insertion into the DPT circuit. Afterwards, this analysis is extended by including further elements from real DPT applications to increase the consistency of the error estimation with practical situations and setups. Both methods are compared and their individual advantages and drawbacks are discussed. Finally, a recommendation on when to use which method is derived.
Design of a Medium Voltage Generator with DC-Cascade for High Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems
This paper shows a new concept to generate medium voltage (MV) in wind power application to avoid an additional transformer. Therefore, the generator must be redesigned with additional constraints and a new topology for the power rectifier system by using multiple low voltage (LV) power rectifiers connected in series and parallel to increase the DC output voltage. The combination of parallel and series connection of rectifiers is further introduced as DC-cascade. With the resulting DC-cascade, medium output voltage is achieved with low voltage rectifiers and without a bulky transformer. This approach to form a DC-cascade reduces the effort required to achieve medium DC voltage with a simple rectifier system. In this context, a suitable DC-cascade control was presented and verified with a laboratory test setup. A gearless synchronous generator, which is highly segmented so that each segment can be connected to its own power rectifier, is investigated. Due to the mixed AC and DC voltage given by the DC-cascade structure, it becomes more demanding to the design of the generator insulation, which influences the copper fill factor and the design of the cooling system. A design strategy for the overall generator design is carried out considering the new boundary conditions.
The simultaneous operation of multiple different semiconducting metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors is demanding for the readout circuitry. The challenge results from the strongly varying signal intensities of the various sensor types to the target gas. While some sensors change their resistance only slightly, other types can react with a resistive change over a range of several decades. Therefore, a suitable readout circuit has to be able to capture all these resistive variations, requiring it to have a very large dynamic range. This work presents a compact embedded system that provides a full, high range input interface (readout and heater management) for MOX sensor operation. The system is modular and consists of a central mainboard that holds up to eight sensor-modules, each capable of supporting up to two MOX sensors, therefore supporting a total maximum of 16 different sensors. Its wide input range is archived using the resistance-to-time measurement method. The system is solely built with commercial off-the-shelf components and tested over a range spanning from 100Ω to 5 GΩ (9.7 decades) with an average measurement error of 0.27% and a maximum error of 2.11%. The heater management uses a well-tested power-circuit and supports multiple modes of operation, hence enabling the system to be used in highly automated measurement applications. The experimental part of this work presents the results of an exemplary screening of 16 sensors, which was performed to evaluate the system’s performance.