660 Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (81)
Departments, institutes and facilities
- Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (72)
- Institut für Sicherheitsforschung (ISF) (17)
- Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE) (16)
- Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation (4)
- Institut für funktionale Gen-Analytik (IFGA) (4)
- Graduierteninstitut (3)
- Institut für Detektionstechnologien (IDT) (3)
- Fachbereich Informatik (1)
Document Type
- Article (41)
- Conference Object (14)
- Part of a Book (8)
- Doctoral Thesis (4)
- Contribution to a Periodical (3)
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- Book (monograph, edited volume) (2)
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- Patent (1)
Year of publication
- GC/MS (3)
- Engineering (2)
- Gassensor (2)
- Miscanthus (2)
- active packaging (2)
- bio-based polymers (2)
- bioeconomy (2)
- essential oil (2)
- extrusion blow molding (2)
- food waste (2)
Recent advancements in photoactivated metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors and the application of plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) in hydrogen sensing have demonstrated significant potential in enhancing sensor performance. Hydrogen, as a high-energy, carbon-free alternative to fossil fuels, requires reliable detection methods due to its storage and handling risks. Traditional MOX gas sensors, while cost-effective and versatile, face challenges such as high operating temperatures and limited selectivity. In this review, innovative photonic methods are explored to overcome these limitations, focusing on photoactivation and plasmonic effects. Photonic activation improves sensitivity, response time, and recovery time at room temperature, mitigating the safety risks associated with high-temperature operations. Additionally, the integration of plasmonic NPs, made from gold, palladium, or other less noble metals, into MOX gas sensors enhances catalytic activity and sensor response through localized surface plasmon resonance. In this review, also the synergistic effects of noble metal decoration and photonic enhancement are covered, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state and possible future directions in hydrogen-sensing technology. These advancements promise safer and more efficient hydrogen detection, crucial for the expanding hydrogen infrastructure and its role in a sustainable energy future.
The treatment of ultrapure water with electrochemically produced O3 is a common means for disinfection yet leads to the formation of a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The present study draws a comprehensive comparison between three commonly used photometric and fluorometric assays for ROS analysis and quantifies the individual signal responses for dissolved O3, ·OH and H2O2, respectively, to account for cross-sensitivities. By calibrating all combinations of assays and analytes, we developed a quantification procedure to reliably determine the actual ROS composition in ultrapure water environments for different operation conditions of a membrane water electrolyzer with PbO2 anodes down to concentrations of 0.97 μg L−1. While the ·OH formation rate can be described linearly over the observed current density range, substantial O3 evolution is only found for current densities of 0.75 A cm−2 and above (up to 3.7 μmol h−1 for J = 1.25 A cm−2). The formation of H2O2 is only observed when an organic carbon source is introduced into the solution. We further quantify the interference of H2O2 with the reading of the oxidation-reduction potential as a common water parameter and elaborate on its validity to monitor the peroxone process when both H2O2 and O3 are present simultaneously.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die nematischen Flüssigkristallgemische (E7 und E8) zum Zwecke der Gassensorik mit einer reaktiven, optisch aktiven Substanz dotiert. Die Dotierung verursacht die Ausbildung einer chiral-nematischen Phase, die einen eindimensionalen photonischen Kristall mit Reflexionsmaxima im sichtbaren Bereich des elektromagnetischen Spektrums erzeugt. Infolge einer chemischen Reaktion des Dotiermittels mit dem einem Analyten, ändert sich mit seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung auch dessen helical twisting power (HTP). Diese Änderung verursacht eine Verschiebung des reflektierten Wellenlängenbereichs, was als Änderung der farblichen Erscheinung mit dem bloßen Auge wahrgenommen werden kann. In dieser Arbeit wird das koaxiale Elektrospinnen verwendet, um Flüssigkristalle in Polymerfasern von wenigen Mikrometern Durchmesser einzukapseln. Der Vergleich zwischen eingekapseltem und nicht eingekapseltem dotierten Flüssigkristall wird mit einer dafür entwickelten Reaktionskammer UV/VIS-spektroskopisch durchgeführt. Die ablaufenden Reaktionen werden mittels FTIR-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Fasern und die verwendeten Flüssigkristalle werden lichtmikroskopisch charakterisiert. Es werden zusätzlich Möglichkeiten untersucht die Wasserbeständigkeit der hergestellten Fasern zu verbessern, um ihre Eignung für künftige technische Anwendungen zu steigern. Hierzu wird das triaxiale Elektrospinnen verwendet, um die Fasern mit einer zusätzlichen wasserbeständigen Polymerhülle zu überziehen. Es wird zudem die Möglichkeit untersucht koaxial gesponnene Fasern nachträglich zu vernetzen, um so eine Wasserfestigkeit zu erzielen.
Sensoren können verschiedene Aufgaben erfüllen, wie beispielsweise die Optimierung von Prozessen, die Interaktion zwischen Geräten oder die Verbesserung der zivilen Sicherheit. [1–3] Ihr Bedarf für die Industrie oder den Alltag wächst seit Jahren stetig. Besonders mobile Gassensoren sind von großem Interesse. Jedoch ist ihre Anwendung meist durch ihre integrierte Batterie begrenzt. Gassensoren ohne oder mit einem nur sehr geringen Energieverbrauch stehen daher im Interesse bei neuen Anwendungsgebieten, beispielsweise im Brandschutz oder in der Textilindustrie. [4,5] Die Sensoren könnten zum Beispiel in die Textilien einer persönlichen Schutzausrüstung eingearbeitet werden und durch einen Farbumschlag die Anwesenheit eines Gases oder die Überschreitung des Grenzwertes toxischer Substanzen anzeigen.
In this work, the surface reactions of the homemade explosive triacetone triperoxide on tungsten oxide (WO3) sensor surfaces are studied to obtain detailed information about the chemical reactions taking place. Semiconductor gas sensors based on WO3 nanopowders are therefore produced and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. To analyze the reaction mechanisms at the sensor surface, the sensor is monitored online under operation conditions using Raman spectroscopy, which allows to identify the temperature-dependent sensor reactions. By combining information from the Raman spectra with data on the changing resistivity of the underlying semiconductor, it is possible to establish a correlation between the adsorbed gas species and the physical properties of the WO3 layer. In the results, it is indicated that a Lewis acid–base reaction is the most likely mechanism for the increase in resistance observed at temperatures below 150 °C. In the results, at higher temperatures, the assumption of a radical mechanism that causes a decrease in resistance is supported.
Design and characterization of geopolymer foams reinforced with Miscanthus x giganteus fibers
This paper presents the effects of different amounts of fibers and foaming agent, as well as different fiber sizes, on the mechanical and thermal properties of fly ash-based geopolymer foams reinforced with Miscanthus x giganteus fibers. The mechanical properties of the geopolymer foams were measured through compressive strength, and their thermal properties were characterized by thermal conductivity and X-ray micro-computed tomography. Furthermore, design of experiment (DoE) were used to optimize the thermal conductivity and compressive strength of Miscanthus x giganteus reinforced geopolymer foams. In addition, the microstructure was studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Mixtures with a low thermal conductivity of 0.056 W (m K)−1 and a porosity of 79 vol% achieved a compressive strength of only 0.02 MPa. In comparison, mixtures with a thermal conductivity of 0.087 W (m K)−1 and a porosity of 58 vol% achieved a compressive strength of 0.45 MPa.
Nitrosamines have been identified as a probable human carcinogen and thus are of high concern in many manufacturing industries and various matrices (for example pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products, workplace air or potable- and wastewater). This study aims to analyse nine nitrosamines relevant in the field of occupational safety using a gas chromatography-drift tube ion mobility spectrometry (GC-DT-IMS) system. To do this, single nitrosamine standards as well as a standard mix, each at 0.1 g/L, were introduced via liquid injection. A GC-DT-IMS method capable of separating the nitrosamine signals according to retention time (first dimension) and drift time (second dimension) in 10 min was developed. The system shows excellent selectivity as each nitrosamine gives two signals pertaining to monomer and dimer in the second dimension. For the first time, reduced ion mobility values for nitrosamines were determined, ranging from 1.18 to 2.03 cm2s−1V−1. The high selectivity of the GC-DT-IMS method could provide a definite advantage for monitoring nitrosamines in different manufacturing industries and consumer products.
Monitoring the content of dissolved ozone in purified water is often mandatory to ensure the appropriate levels of disinfection and sanitization. However, quantification bears challenges as colorimetric assays require laborious off-line analysis, while commercially available instruments for electrochemical process analysis are expensive and often lack the possibility for miniaturization and discretionary installation. In this study, potentiometric ionic polymer metal composite (IPMC) sensors for the determination of dissolved ozone in ultrapure water (UPW) systems are presented. Commercially available polymer electrolyte membranes are treated via an impregnation-reduction method to obtain nanostructured platinum layers. By applying 25 different synthesis conditions, layer thicknesses of 2.2 to 12.6 µm are obtained. Supporting radiographic analyses indicate that the platinum concentration of the impregnation solution has the highest influence on the obtained metal loading. The sensor response behavior is explained by a Langmuir pseudo-isotherm model and allows the quantification of dissolved ozone to trace levels of less than 10 µg L−1. Additional statistical evaluations show that the expected Pt loading and radiographic blackening levels can be predicted with high accuracy and significance (R2adj. > 0.90, p < 10−10) solely from given synthesis conditions.
P30 - Das Elektrospinnen von halbleitenden Zinndioxidfasern für die Detektion von Wasserstoff
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von dünnen keramischen Fasern als halbleitendes Sensormaterial zum Nachweis von Wasserstoff, möglichst bei Zimmertemperatur. Die elektrische Leitfähigkeit halbleitender Metalloxide ändert sich durch die Einwirkung von oxidierenden und reduzierenden Gasen auf die Oberfläche des Metalloxids. Dieser Effekt kann zur Messung der Gaskonzentration genutzt werden. Die Reaktion von Zinn(IV)-oxid mit Wasserstoff basiert auf der Reduktion des Zinn(IV)-oxids zum Zinn, wobei die Elektronen des Zinn(IV)-oxids im metallischen Zinn verbleiben und dort im nicht gebundenen Zustand zu einer Leitfähigkeitserhöhung beitragen. Die Reaktion des Wasserstoffes kann sowohl mit den Sauerstoffatomen des Oxids als auch mit adsorbierten Sauerstoffatomen an der Oxidoberfläche stattfinden.[ 6] Da die Reaktionen an der Oberfläche des Oxids stattfinden, sollten Sensoren mit einer großen Oberfläche im Vergleich zu metalloxidischen Bulkmaterialien eine höhere Empfindlichkeit aufweisen. [3] Die Verwendung von Fasern anstelle von Dünn- oder Dickschichten führt dabei zu einer besseren Sensitivität gegenüber Gasen.
Thermo-chemical conversion of cucumber peel waste for biobased energy and chemical production
Modeling of Creep Behavior of Particulate Composites with Focus on Interfacial Adhesion Effect
Evaluation of creep compliance of particulate composites using empirical models always provides parameters depending on initial stress and material composition. The effort spent to connect model parameters with physical properties has not resulted in success yet. Further, during the creep, delamination between matrix and filler may occur depending on time and initial stress, reducing an interface adhesion and load transfer to filler particles. In this paper, the creep compliance curves of glass beads reinforced poly(butylene terephthalate) composites were fitted with Burgers and Findley models providing different sets of time-dependent model parameters for each initial stress. Despite the finding that the Findley model performs well in a primary creep, the Burgers model is more suitable if secondary creep comes into play; they allow only for a qualitative prediction of creep behavior because the interface adhesion and its time dependency is an implicit, hidden parameter. As Young’s modulus is a parameter of these models (and the majority of other creep models), it was selected to be introduced as a filler content-dependent parameter with the help of the cube in cube elementary volume approach of Paul. The analysis led to the time-dependent creep compliance that depends only on the time-dependent creep of the matrix and the normalized particle distance (or the filler volume content), and it allowed accounting for the adhesion effect. Comparison with the experimental data confirmed that the elementary volume-based creep compliance function can be used to predict the realistic creep behavior of particulate composites.
Silicon carbide and graphene possess extraordinary chemical and physical properties. Here, these different systems are linked and the changes in structural and dynamic properties are investigated. For the simulations performed a classical molecular dynamic (MD) approach was used. In this approach, a graphene layer (N = 240 atoms) was grafted at different distances on top of a 6H-SiC structure (N = 2400 atoms) and onto a 3C-SiC structure (N = 1728 atoms). The distances between the graphene and the 6H are 1.0, 1.3 and 1.5 Å and the distances between the graphene layer and the 3C-SiC are 2.0, 2.3, and 2.5 Å. Each system has been equilibrated at room temperature until no further relaxation was observed. The 6H-SiC structure in combination with graphene proves to be more stable compared to the combination with 3C-SiC. This can be seen well in the determined energies. Pair distribution functions were influenced slightly by the graphene layer due to steric and energetic changes. This becomes clear from the small shifts of the C-C distances. Interactions as well as bonds between graphene and SiC lead to the fact that small shoulders of the high-frequency SiC-peaks are visible in the spectra and at the same time the high-frequency peaks of graphene are completely absent.
The cube in cube approach was used by Paul and Ishai-Cohen to model and derive formulas for filler content dependent Young's moduli of particle filled composites assuming perfect filler matrix adhesion. Their formulas were chosen because of their simplicity, and recalculated using an elementary volume approach which transforms spherical inclusions to cubic inclusions. The EV approach led to expression of the composites moduli that allows introducing an adhesion factor kadh ranging from 0 and 1 to take into account reduced filler matrix adhesion. This adhesion factor scales the edge length of the cubic inclusions, thus reducing the stress transfer area between matrix and filler. Fitting the experimental data with the modified Paul model provides reasonable kadh for PA66, PBT, PP, PE-LD and BR which are in line with their surface energies. Further analysis showed that stiffening only occurs if kadh exceeds [Formula: see text] and depends on the ratio of matrix modulus and filler modulus. The modified model allows for a quick calculation of any particle filled composites for known matrix modulus EM, filler modulus EF, filler volume content vF and adhesion factor kadh. Thus, finite element analysis (FEA) simulations of any particle filled polymer parts as well as materials selection are significantly eased. FEA of cubic and hexagonal EV arrangements show that stress distributions within the EV exhibit more shear stresses if one deviates from the cubic arrangement. At high filler contents the assumption that the property of the EV is representative for the whole composite, holds only for filler volume contents up to 15 or 20% (corresponding to 30 to 40 weight %). Thus, for vast majority of commercially available particulate composites, the modified model can be applied. Furthermore, this indicates that the cube in cube approach reaches two limits: (i) the occurrence of increasing shear stresses at filler contents above 20% due to deviations of EV arrangements or spatial filler distribution from cubic arrangements (singular), and (ii) increasing interaction between particles with the formation of particle network within the matrix violating the EV assumption of their homogeneous dispersion.
The cube in cube approach was used by Paul and Ishai-Cohen to model and derive formulas for filler content dependent Young´s moduli of particle filled composites assuming perfect filler matrix adhesion. Their formulas were chosen because of their simplicity, recalculated using an elementary volume approach which transforms spherical inclusions to cubic inclusions. The EV approach led to expression for the composites moduli that allow for introducing an adhesion factor kadh ranging from 0 and 1 to take into account none perfect reduced filler matrix adhesion. This adhesion factor scales the edge length of the cubic inclusions, thus, reducing the stress transfer area between matrix and filler. Fitting the experimental data with the modified Paul model provides reasonable kadh for PA66, PBT, PP, PE-LD and BR which are in line with their surface energies. Further analysis showed that stiffening only occurs if kadh exceeds <span class="math-tex">\( { \ \sqrt{E^M/E^F} \ }\) and depends on the ratio of matrix modulus and filler modulus. The modified model allows for a quick calculation of any particle filled composites for known matrix modulus EM, filler modulus EF, filler volume content vF and adhesion factor kadh. Thus, finite element analysis (FEA) simulations of any particle filled polymer parts as well as materials selection are significantly eased. FEA of cubic and hexagonal EV arrangements show that stress distributions within the EV exhibit more shear stresses if one deviates from the cubic arrangement. At high filler contents the assumption that the property of the EV is representative for the whole composite, holds only for filler volume contents up to 15 or 20 % (corresponding to 30 to 40 weight %). Thus, for vast majority of commercially available particulate composites, the modified model can be applied. Furthermore, this indicates that the cube in cube approach reaches two limits: i) the occurrence of increasing shear stresses at filler contents above 20 % due to deviations of EV arrangements or spatial filler distribution from cubic arrangements (singular), and ii) increasing interaction between particles with the formation of particle network within the matrix violating the EV assumption of their homogeneous dispersion.
Approximately 45% of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the construction and use of buildings. Thermal insulation of buildings in the current context of climate change is a well-known strategy to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. The development of renewable insulation material can overcome the drawbacks of widely used insulation systems based on polystyrene or mineral wool. This study analyzes the sustainability and thermal conductivity of new insulation materials made of Miscanthus x giganteus fibers, foaming agents, and alkali-activated fly ash binder. Life cycle assessments (LCA) are necessary to perform benchmarking of environmental impacts of new formulations of geopolymer-based insulation materials. The global warming potential (GWP) of the product is primarily determined by the main binder component sodium silicate. Sodium silicate's CO2 emissions depend on local production, transportation, and energy consumption. The results, which have been published during recent years, vary in a wide range from 0.3 kg to 3.3 kg CO2-eq. kg-1. The overall GWP of the insulation system based on Miscanthus fibers, with properties according to current thermal insulation regulations, reaches up to 95% savings of CO2 emissions compared to conventional systems. Carbon neutrality can be achieved through formulations containing raw materials with carbon dioxide emissions and renewable materials with negative GWP, thus balancing CO2 emissions.
Introduction of Matrix-Filler Adhesion to Modelling of Elastic Moduli of Particulate Composites
Cube in cube elementary volume (EV) concept serves to predict a filler-content dependent Young´s moduli of particle filled composites using moduli of a matrix EM and a filler EF. Paul and Ishai-Cohen derived formulas for composites moduli considering different load transfer boundaries in the EV assuming a complete filler-matrix adhesion. In this paper it is confirmed that their models represent the upper and lower bounds, respectively, with the respect to the experimental data. However, in vast majority of composites a filler-matrix adhesion is not complete. Therefore, an adhesion factor kadh gaining values between 0 and 1 was introduced into Paul´s model to consider the reduced adhesion as the reduction of the filler-matrix contact area for glass beads filled in polar and unpolar thermoplastic matrices as well as elastomer. The evaluation of these composite systems provides reasonable adhesion coefficients of PA66 > PBT > PP > PE-LD >> BR. It was also found that stiffening only occurs if kadh exceeds the minimum value adhesion of root square of E(M) divided by E(F). The determined kadh correspond to scanning electron microscopy observations of the composites fracture surfaces. Additionally, finite element analysis of the cubic and hexagonal arrangements of the EV show that the stress distributions are different, but they affect the calculated moduli only for the filler volume contents exceeding 20 %. The introduction of the filler-matrix adhesion provides more reliable predictions of Young´s moduli of particulate composites.
Operating an ozone-evolving PEM electrolyser in tap water: A case study of water and ion transport
While PEM water electrolysis could be a favourable technique for in situ sanitization with ozone, its application is mainly limited to the use of ultrapure water to achieve a sufficient long-time stability. As additional charge carriers influence the occurring transport phenomena, we investigated the impact of different feed water qualities on the performance of a PEM tap water electrolyser for ozone evolution. The permeation of water and the four most abundant cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) is characterised during stand-by and powered operation at different charge densities to quantify underlying transport mechanisms. Water transport is shown to linearly increase with the applied current (95 ± 2 mmol A−1 h−1) and occurs decoupled from ion permeation. A limitation of ion permeation is given by the transfer of ions in water to the anode/PEM interface. The unstabilized operation of a PEM electrolyser in tap water leads to a pH gradient which promotes the formation of magnesium and calcium carbonates and hydroxides on the cathode surface. The introduction of a novel auxiliary cathode in the anolytic compartment has shown to suppress ion permeation by close to 20%.
Polymer fibers with liquid crystals (LCs) in the core have potential as autonomous sensors of airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with a high surface-to-volume ratio enabling fast and sensitive response and an attractive non-woven textile form factor. We demonstrate their ability to continuously and quantitatively measure the concentration of toluene, cyclohexane, and isopropanol as representative VOCs, via the impact of each VOC on the LC birefringence. The response is fully reversible and repeatable over several cycles, the response time can be as low as seconds, and high sensitivity is achieved when the operating temperature is near the LC-isotropic transition temperature. We propose that a broad operating temperature range can be realized by combining fibers with different LC mixtures, yielding autonomous VOC sensors suitable for integration in apparel or in furniture that can compete with existing consumer-grade electronic VOC sensors in terms of sensitivity and response speed.
The molecular weight properties of lignins are one of the key elements that need to be analyzed for a successful industrial application of these promising biopolymers. In this study, the use of 1H NMR as well as diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY NMR), combined with multivariate regression methods, was investigated for the determination of the molecular weight (Mw and Mn) and the polydispersity of organosolv lignins (n = 53, Miscanthus x giganteus, Paulownia tomentosa, and Silphium perfoliatum). The suitability of the models was demonstrated by cross validation (CV) as well as by an independent validation set of samples from different biomass origins (beech wood and wheat straw). CV errors of ca. 7–9 and 14–16% were achieved for all parameters with the models from the 1H NMR spectra and the DOSY NMR data, respectively. The prediction errors for the validation samples were in a similar range for the partial least squares model from the 1H NMR data and for a multiple linear regression using the DOSY NMR data. The results indicate the usefulness of NMR measurements combined with multivariate regression methods as a potential alternative to more time-consuming methods such as gel permeation chromatography.
The promotion of sustainable packaging is part of the European Green Deal and plays a key role in the EU’s social and political strategy. One option is the use of renewable resources and biomass waste as raw materials for polymer production. Lignocellulose biomass from annual and perennial industrial crops and agricultural residues are a major source of polysaccharides, proteins, and lignin and can also be used to obtain plant-based extracts and essential oils. Therefore, these biomasses are considered as potential substitute for fossil-based resources. Here, the status quo of bio-based polymers is discussed and evaluated in terms of properties related to packaging applications such as gas and water vapor permeability as well as mechanical properties. So far, their practical use is still restricted due to lower performance in fundamental packaging functions that directly influence food quality and safety, the length of shelf life, and thus the amount of food waste. Besides bio-based polymers, this review focuses on plant extracts as active packaging agents. Incorporating extracts of herbs, flowers, trees, and their fruits is inevitable to achieve desired material properties that are capable to prolong the food shelf life. Finally, the adoption potential of packaging based on polymers from renewable resources is discussed from a bioeconomy perspective.
The promotion of sustainable packaging is part of the European Green Deal and plays a key role in the EU’s social and political strategy. One option is the use of renewable resources and biomass waste as raw materials for polymer production. Lignocellulose biomass from annual and perennial industrial crops and agricultural residues are a major source of polysaccharides, proteins, and lignin, and can also be used to obtain plant-based extracts and essential oils. Therefore, these biomasses are considered as potential substitute for fossil-based resources. Here, the status quo of bio-based polymers is discussed and evaluated in terms of properties related to packaging applications such as gas and water vapor permeability as well as mechanical properties. So far, their practical use is still restricted due to lower performance in fundamental packaging functions that directly influence food quality and safety, the length of shelf life and thus the amount of food waste. Besides bio-based polymers, this review focuses on plant extracts as active packaging agents. Incorporating extracts of herbs, flowers, trees, and their fruits is inevitable to achieve desired material properties that are capable to prolong the food shelf life. Finally, the adoption potential of packaging based on polymers from renewable resources is discussed from a bioeconomy perspective.
New sustainable, environmentally friendly materials for thermal insulation of buildings are necessary to reduce their carbon footprints. In this study, Miscanthus fiber-reinforced geopolymer composites, foamed with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), were developed using fly ash as a geopolymer precursor. The effects of fiber content, fiber size, curing temperature, foaming agent content, fumed silica specific surface area and fumed silica content on thermal conductivity and compressive strength were evaluated using a Plackett-Burman design of experiment. Furthermore, the microstructure of geopolymer composites was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The measured characteristic values were in the following ranges: Thermal conductivity 0.057 W (m K)−1 to 0.127 W (m K)−1, compressive strength 0.007 MPa–0.719 MPa and porosity 49 vol% to 76 vol%. The results reveal an enhancement of thermal conductivity by elevated fiber size and foaming agent content. In contrast, the compressive strength is enhanced by high fiber content. Additionally, SEM images indicate a good interaction between the fibers and the geopolymer matrix, because nearly the whole fiber surface is covered by the geopolymer.
A series of reactive binaphthyl‐diimine‐based dopants is prepared and investigated with respect to their potential for the chiral induction of structural coloration in nematic liquid crystal mixture E7 and the selective photonic sensing of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Studies of the helical twisting power (HTP) in 4‐cyano‐4′‐pentylbiphenyl (5CB) reveal HTP values as high as 375 µm‐1 and the tremendous impact of structural compatibility and changes of the dihedral binaphthyl angle on the efficiency of the chiral transfer. Detailed investigation of the sensing capabilities of the systems reveals an extraordinarily high selectivity for NO2 and a response to concentrations as low as 100 ppm. The systems show a direct response to the analyte gas leading to a concentration‐dependent shift of the reflectance wavelength of up to several hundred nanometers. Incorporation of copper ions remarkably improves the sensor's properties in terms of sensitivity and selectivity, enabling the tailored tweaking of the system's properties.
The development of sustainable, environmentally friendly insulation materials with a reduced carbon footprint is attracting increased interest. One alternative to conventional insulation materials are foamed geopolymers. Similar to foamed concrete, the mechanical properties of geopolymer foams can also be improved by using fibers for reinforcement. This paper presents an overview of the latest research findings in the field of fiber-reinforced geopolymer foam concrete with special focus on natural fibers reinforcement. Furthermore, some basic and background information of natural fibers and geopolymer foams are reported. In most of the research, foams are produced either through chemical foaming with hydrogen peroxide or aluminum powder, or through mechanical foaming which includes a foaming agent. However, previous reviews have not sufficiently addresses the fabrication of geopolymer foams by syntactic foams. Finally, recent efforts to reduce the fiber degradation in geopolymer concrete are discussed along with challenges for natural fiber reinforced-geopolymer foam concrete.
Optical gas sensors based on chiral-nematic liquid crystals (N* LCs) forming one-dimensional photonic crystals do not require electrical energy and have a considerable potential to supplement established types of sensors. A chiral-nematic phase with tunable selective reflection is induced in a nematic host LC by adding reactive chiral dopants. The selective chemical reaction between dopant and analyte is capable to vary the pitch length (the lattice constant) of the soft, self-assembled, one-dimensional photonic crystal. The progress of the ongoing chemical reaction can be observed even by naked eye because the color of the samples varies. In this work, we encapsulate the responsive N* LC in microscale polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) fibers via coaxial electrospinning. The sensor is, thus, given a solid form and has an improved stability against nonavoidable environmental influences. The reaction behavior of encapsulated and nonencapsulated N* LC toward a gaseous analyte is compared, systematically. Making use of the encapsulation is an important step to improve the applicability.
Explorative experiments were done to figure out differences in the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of not infested trees and trees infested by Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorn beetle, ALB), a quarantine pest. Therefore, VOCs from some native insect species, Anoplophora glabripennis infested Acer, stressed Acer, healthy Acer, Populus and Salix were obtained by enrichment on adsorbents. Qualitative analysis was done by thermal desorption gas chromatography coupled with a mass selective detector (TD-GC/MS). Altogether 169 substances were identified. 11 substances occur from ALB infested or mechanically damaged trees i.e. stressed trees, but not from healthy trees. (+)-Cyclosativene, (+)-α-longipinene, copaene and caryophyllene are detectable only from ALB-infested Acer not from mechanically damaged or healthy Acer. However, these substances are also emitted by healthy Salix. 2,4-Dimethyl-1-heptene is among all tree samples exclusively present in the ambience of ALB-infested trees. It´s rarely detectable from native insect species’ samples.
Process-dependent thermo-mechanical viscoelastic properties and the corresponding morphology of HDPE extrusion blow molded (EBM) parts were investigated. Evaluation of bulk data showed that flow direction, draw ratio, and mold temperature influence the viscoelastic behavior significantly in certain temperature ranges. Flow induced orientations due to higher draw ratio and higher mold temperature lead to higher crystallinities. To determine the local viscoelastic properties, a new microindentation system was developed by merging indentation with dynamic mechanical analysis. The local process-structure-property relationship of EBM parts showed that the cross-sectional temperature distribution is clearly reflected by local crystallinities and local complex moduli. Additionally, a model to calculate three-dimensional anisotropic coefficients of thermal expansion as a function of the process dependent crystallinity was developed based on an elementary volume unit cell with stacked layers of amorphous phase and crystalline lamellae. Good agreement of the predicted thermal expansion coefficients with measured ones was found up to a temperature of 70 °C.
The choice of suitable semiconducting metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors for the detection of a specific gas or gas mixture is time-consuming since the sensor’s sensitivity needs to be characterized at multiple temperatures to find its optimal operating conditions. To obtain reliable measurement results, it is very important that the power for the sensor’s integrated heater is stable, regulated and error-free (or error-tolerant). Especially the error-free requirement can be only be achieved if the power supply implements failure-avoiding and failure-detection methods. The biggest challenge is deriving multiple different voltages from a common supply in an efficient way while keeping the system as small and lightweight as possible. This work presents a reliable, compact, embedded system that addresses the power supply requirements for fully automated simultaneous sensor characterization for up to 16 sensors at multiple temperatures. The system implements efficient (avg. 83.3% efficiency) voltage conversion with low ripple output (<32 mV) and supports static or temperature-cycled heating modes. Voltage and current of each channel are constantly monitored and regulated to guarantee reliable operation. To evaluate the proposed design, 16 sensors were screened. The results are shown in the experimental part of this work.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Filtervorrichtung zur Anreicherung gasförmiger und/oder partikelgebundener Stoffe. Erfindungsgemäß weist Filtervorrichtung eine wenigstens abschnittsweise luftdurchlässige Umhüllung (1, 3) und ein innerhalb der Umhüllung (1, 3) vorgesehenen Adsorbens (2) zur Anreicherung gasförmiger und/oder partikelgebundener Stoffe aus durch die Umhüllung (1, 3) hindurchgetretener Luft auf, zur nachfolgenden Überprüfung mittels eines lebenden olfaktorischen Detektors und/oder eines thermodesorptionsgekoppelten Analysegeräts auf Geruchsstoffe und/oder Zielanalyten, wobei ein Teil der Umhüllung (1, 3) einen in das Adsorbens (2) hineinführend, an nur einer Seite offenen Kanal (7) ausbildet, an dem offenen Ende des Kanals (7) eine Anschlusseinrichtung (8) zum Anschluss an ein Ansaugsystem angeordnet ist und die Umhüllung (1, 3) und das Adsorbens an Luft bis wenigstens 400 °C thermostabil sind. Auf diese Weise wird eine einfache und verlässliche Möglichkeit bereitgestellt, mit einer gemeinsamen Filtervorrichtung (9) sowohl eine Überprüfung mittels eines lebenden olfaktorischen Detektors sowie nachfolgend eine Überprüfung mittels eines thermodesorptionsgekoppelten Analysegeräts auf Geruchsstoffe und/oder Zielanalyten durchführen zu können.
Analytical pyrolysis
Analytical pyrolysis deals with the structural identification and quantitation of pyrolysis products with the ultimate aim of establishing the identity of the original material and the mechanisms of its thermal decomposition. The pyrolytic process is carried out in a pyrolyzer interfaced with analytical instrumentation such as gas chromatography (GC), mass spectrometry (MS), gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS), or with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (GC/FTIR). By measurement and identification of pyrolysis products, the molecular composition of the original sample can often be reconstructed.This book is the outcome of contributions by experts in the field of pyrolysis and includes applications of the analytical pyrolysis-GC/MS to characterize the structure of synthetic organic polymers and lignocellulosic materials as well as cellulosic pulps and isolated lignins, solid wood, waste particle board, and bio-oil. The thermal degradation of cellulose and biomass is examined by scanning electron micrography, FTIR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis, and TG/MS. The calorimetric determination of high heating values of different raw biomass, plastic waste, and biomass/plastic waste mixtures and their by-products resulting from pyrolysis is described.
Influence of design of extrusion blow molding (EBM) in terms of extrusion direction set-up and draw ratio as well as process conditions (mold temperature) on storage modulus of high density polyethylene EBM containers was analyzed with dynamic mechanical analysis. All three parameters - mold temperature, flow direction and draw ratio - are statistically significant and lead to relative and absolute evaluation of storage modulus. Furthermore, flow induced changes in crystallinity was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry. Obtained data on deformation properties can be employed for more sophisticated finite element simulations with the aim to reach more sustainable extrusion blow molding production.
Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography
The methodology of analytical pyrolysis-GC/MS has been known for several years, but is seldom used in research laboratories and process control in the chemical industry. This is due to the relative difficulty of interpreting the identified pyrolysis products as well as the variety of them. This book contains full identification of several classes of polymers/copolymers and biopolymers that can be very helpful to the user. In addition, the practical applications can encourage analytical chemists and engineers to use the techniques explored in this volume.
The structure and the functions of various types of pyrolyzers and the results of the pyrolysis–gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric identification of synthetic polymers/copolymers and biopolymers at 700°C are described. Practical applications of these techniques are also included, detailing the analysis of microplastics, failure analysis in the automotive industry and solutions for technological problems.