The 50 most recently published documents
This paper presents dCTIDH, a CSIDH implementation that combines two recent developments into a novel state-of-the-art deterministic implementation. We combine the approach of deterministic variants of CSIDH with the batching strategy of CTIDH, which shows that the full potential of this key space has not yet been explored. This high-level adjustment in itself leads to a significant speed-up. To achieve an effective deterministic evaluation in constant time, we introduce Wombats, a new approach to performing isogenies in batches, specifically tailored to the behavior required for deterministic CSIDH using CTIDH batching.
Furthermore, we explore the two-dimensional space of optimal primes for dCTIDH, with regard to both the performance of dCTIDH in terms of finite-field operations per prime and the efficiency of finite-field operations, determined by the prime shape, in terms of cycles. This allows us to optimize both for choice of prime and scheme parameters simultaneously. Lastly, we implement and benchmark constant-time, deterministic dCTIDH. Our results show that dCTIDH not only outperforms state-of-the-art deterministic CSIDH, but even non-deterministic CTIDH: dCTIDH-2048 is faster than CTIDH-2048 by 17 percent, and is almost five times faster than dCSIDH-2048.
Transmembrane protein 175 (TMEM175) is an endolysosomal cation channel, which has attracted much attention recently from academics and the pharmaceutical industry alike since human mutations in TMEM175 were found to be associated with the development of Parkinson's disease (PD). Thus, gain-of-function mutations were identified, which reduce and loss-of-function mutations, which increase the risk of developing PD. After having been characterized as an endolysosomal potassium channel initially, soon after TMEM175 was claimed to act as a proton channel. In fact, recent evidence suggests that depending on the conditions, TMEM175 can act as either a potassium or proton channel, without acting as an antiporter or exchanger. A recent work has now identified amino acid H57 to be directly involved in gating, increasing proton conductance of the channel while leaving the potassium conductance unaffected. We review here the current knowledge of TMEM175 function, pharmacology, physiology, and pathophysiology. We discuss the potential of this ion channel as a novel drug target for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as PD, and we discuss the discovery of H57 as proton sensor.
Aligning Students’ Foreknowledge: A Practice Report From Third Year Elective "Laser Technology"
This article introduces a model-based design, implementation, deployment, and execution methodology, with tools supporting the systematic composition of algorithms from generic and domain-specific computational building blocks that prevent code duplication and enable robots to adapt their software themselves. The envisaged algorithms are numerical solvers based on graph structures. In this article, we focus on kinematics and dynamics algorithms, but examples such as message passing on probabilistic networks and factor graphs or cascade control diagrams fall under the same pattern. The tools rely on mature standards from the Semantic Web. They first synthesize algorithms symbolically, from which they then generate efficient code. The use case is an overactuated mobile robot with two redundant arms.
Explosives trace residues on surfaces are utilized for forensic investigations and to check suspicious objects using technical and non-technical detection procedures. Data about expected trace contaminations after the handling of explosives and how they relate to a potential chemical background help to determine requirements and limitations of detection procedures. Often swab sampling is used for the analysis of surface contaminations. A wet swab sampling procedure was optimized for PETN, TNT and ammonium nitrate. Good results were achieved using PU-foam swabs wetted with a mixture of acetonitrile/water (90/10). The swabs were subsequently solvent extracted and analysed using LC-triple-quad-MS and ion-chromatography. The swabs were applied for the determination of explosives residues in a mock-up car scenario simulating one person loading the car with explosives followed by a short car travel by the same person. As test substances an ANFO, TNT and plasticized PETN were used. Additional samples were taken from indoor installations regularly used for the training of explosive detection dogs as well as other objects and buildings close by. The surface contaminations found in the investigated scenario ranged from the ng to the µg scale. The results indicate that simple cleaning procedures might not sufficient to remove explosives contaminations in training settings for explosives detection dogs. A significant spreading of explosive traces beyond direct contact with the person handling the explosive or with the explosive itself was not observed.
Cybersecurity und aktuelle Desinformation zählen zu den derzeit kritischen Bereichen im Kon text der Nutzung des Internets. Die hier dargestellte Forschung ist Teil der wertegebundenen Entwicklung zweier technischer Online-Assistenzsysteme, die vulnerablen Gruppen konkret helfen sollen. Die Forschung ist im technikethischen Kontext des Value Sensitive Design verortet und daher durch qualitativ-explorative Begleitforschung flankiert, deren Ergebnisse in Bezug auf Migrant:innen hier in Teilen präsentiert werden. Dabei stehen die Bedarfe und Erwartungen der Proband:innen sowie ihre Aussagen zu Vertrauen in Technologie, Institutionen und Medien im Zentrum.
An intelligent battery management system (BMS) with end-edge-cloud connectivity – a perspective
The widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and large-scale energy storage has necessitated advancements in battery management systems (BMSs) so that the complex dynamics of batteries under various operational conditions are optimised for their efficiency, safety, and reliability. This paper addresses the challenges and drawbacks of conventional BMS architectures and proposes an intelligent battery management system (IBMS). Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, digital twin, blockchain, and internet-of-things (IoT), the proposed IBMS integrates complex sensing, advanced embedded systems, and robust communication protocols. The IBMS adopts a multilayer parallel computing architecture, incorporating end-edge-cloud platforms, each dedicated to specific vital functions. Furthermore, the scalable and commercially viable nature of the IBMS technology makes it a promising solution for ensuring the safety and reliability of lithium-ion batteries in EVs. This paper also identifies and discusses crucial challenges and complexities across technical, commercial, and social domains inherent in the transition to advanced end-edge-cloud-based technology.
Plant-based bioactive compounds for substitution of petrol-based stabilisers in packaging materials
Recent advancements in photoactivated metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors and the application of plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) in hydrogen sensing have demonstrated significant potential in enhancing sensor performance. Hydrogen, as a high-energy, carbon-free alternative to fossil fuels, requires reliable detection methods due to its storage and handling risks. Traditional MOX gas sensors, while cost-effective and versatile, face challenges such as high operating temperatures and limited selectivity. In this review, innovative photonic methods are explored to overcome these limitations, focusing on photoactivation and plasmonic effects. Photonic activation improves sensitivity, response time, and recovery time at room temperature, mitigating the safety risks associated with high-temperature operations. Additionally, the integration of plasmonic NPs, made from gold, palladium, or other less noble metals, into MOX gas sensors enhances catalytic activity and sensor response through localized surface plasmon resonance. In this review, also the synergistic effects of noble metal decoration and photonic enhancement are covered, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state and possible future directions in hydrogen-sensing technology. These advancements promise safer and more efficient hydrogen detection, crucial for the expanding hydrogen infrastructure and its role in a sustainable energy future.
Das Buch zeigt, wie Führungskräfte durch gesunde Führung die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten fördern können. Denn Studien belegen, dass Führung einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten hat. Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der gesunden Führung erfolgt eine nähere Betrachtung der menschlichen Grundbedürfnisse, welche im Neuroleadership die Grundvoraussetzung für das mentale Wohlbefinden darstellen. Die Grundbedürfnisse nach Self-Esteem, Control, Orientation, Attachment und Pleasure (kurz: SCOAP) und deren Messung mit dem SCOAP-Profile werden anhand von Praxisbeispielen veranschaulicht.
In den letzten Jahren haben 3D-Laufzeitkamerasysteme (ToF-Kameras) Einzug in immer mehr Anwendungen der Industrie und des Alltags gehalten. Sie sind insbesondere dort gefragt, wo herkömmliche 2D-Kameras durch fehlende Tiefeninformationen an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Performanz und Zuverlässigkeit dieser Systeme zu verbessern. Sie konzentriert sich auf den Einsatz von Sensorfusion, um die Limitierungen von ToF-Kameras zu adressieren. Hierzu werden weitere 3D-Messverfahren integriert, di die Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Daten verbessern und den Einsatz des Systems für Anwendungen der funktionalen Sicherheit ermöglichen.
Modern biometric systems incorporate Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) mechanisms as elementary part to guard against spoofing. One effective approach is the detection of physiological liveness signals, such as heart rate. Our study explores the feasibility of using a 3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera to measure heart rate as a PAD method.
Biopolymers are increasingly used to design drug delivery systems (DDSs), which incorporate therapeutic agents to deliver drugs precisely to the diseased sites with minimal side effects. An ideal DDS targets and controls drug release, protecting drugs from breakdown during transport. Due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability, the DDS made of biopolymers acts as a drug vehicle to reduce the side effects in the body [1].
In this preliminary work, chitosan hydrogels were prepared using 1,3,5-benzene tricarboxylic acid (BTC) as a crosslinker. In addition, the release behavior of the hydrophobic dye (Rhodamine B) from the chitosan hydrogels was examined. The dye was used in this work to visually track and quantify the loading and release behavior.
Ob in Windkraft-, Photovoltaikanlagen oder in der Elektromobilität – überall dort wo hohe Spannungen und Ströme transportiert werden müssen, sind Drahtverbindungen aus hochreinem Aluminium (Al-Gehalt mind. 99,99%) mit Durchmessern zwischen 125 μm und 500 μm unverzichtbar. Jährlich werden über 15 Trillionen Drahtbrücken in elektrischen Modulen verarbeitet. Im Betrieb müssen die Drähte wechselnde mechanische wie auch thermische Belastungen ertragen, die auf Dauer zu einem Ermüden der Drähte und damit zu einem Ausfall des Moduls führen können. Ziel der Promotion ist es daher ein Lebensdauermodell zu entwickeln mit dem die Zuverlässigkeit der Drähte vorhergesagt werden kann.
Aktive 3D-Messsysteme sind für präzise 3D-Messungen in Bereichen wie der Logistik, der industriellen Sicherheit und der biometrischen Authentifizierung zunehmend relevant. Im Gegensatz zu passiven Systemen verfügen sie über eine eigene örtlich und/oder zeitlich modulierte Beleuchtung. Dadurch können sie unabhängig vom Umgebungslicht Messungen durchführen.
The study aims to investigate how agentic and communal demands, different resources, and the work-family-interface influence female and male entrepreneur’s financial success and health; address urgent calls from several researchers to include gender as a fundamental element of heterogeneity (Chadwick & Raver, 2019; Stephan et al., 2020; Stephan et al., 2023); Combine knowledge from job-demands and resources theory (JDR) with gender role congruity theory to incorporate a more gender-sensitive perspective.
Irrigation is often celebrated as a means of intensifying agricultural production and improving food and nutrition security. In the context of semi-subsistence smallholder agriculture irrigation can have a positive impact on dietary diversity through various pathways. However, studies on the linkages between irrigation and rural household nutrition show mixed results. This study argues that irrigation is not a simple agricultural input factor but is embedded in socio-technical conditions. It compares two different irrigation arrangements to understand how irrigation can contribute to transforming local food systems through different pathways. The impact of irrigation on dietary diversity and the potential impact pathways (agricultural income, production diversity and women’s empowerment) are analyzed using a propensity score matching (PSM) approach. The analysis is repeated for subsets of farmer-led and public irrigation to explore how different irrigation arrangements lead to different outcomes. The results show that both farmer-led and public irrigation have a positive impact on agricultural income and dietary diversity. The positive effect on dietary diversity was stronger in farmer-led irrigation while the income effect was stronger in public irrigation arrangement. However, the positive impact on dietary diversity appears to be dampened by a reduction in production diversity, particularly in the case of public irrigation. This study highlights that irrigation development may lead to a more diverse diet, strengthen the income pathway but weaken the production diversity pathway with the extent of this effect depending on the irrigation arrangement. Therefore, policy makers should be aware of this trade-off and seek to support irrigation that allows increased production for urban markets without compromising the dietary intake of rural households.
Investigating digital privacy behavior requires consideration of its contextual nuances and the underlying social norms. This study delves into users' joint articulation of such norms by probing their implicit assumptions and "common sense" surrounding privacy conventions. To achieve this, we introduce Privacy Taboo, a card game designed to serve as a playful breaching interview method, fostering discourse on unwritten privacy rules. Through nine interviews involving pairs of participants (n=18), we explore the decision-making and collective negotiation of privacy's vagueness. Our findings demonstrate individuals' ability to articulate their information needs when consenting to fictive data requests, even when contextual cues are limited. By shedding light on the social construction of privacy, this research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of usable privacy, thereby facilitating the development of democratic privacy frameworks. Moreover, we posit Privacy Taboo as a versatile tool adaptable to diverse domains of application and research.
Illegal wildlife trade is a growing problem internationally. Poaching of animals not only leads to the extinction of populations and species but also has serious consequences for ecosystems and economies. This study introduces a molecular marker system that authorities can use to detect and substantiate wildlife trafficking. SNPSTR markers combine short tandem repeats with single nucleotide polymorphisms within an amplicon to increase discriminatory power. Within the FOGS (Forensic Genetics for Species Protection) project, we have established SNPSTR marker sets for 74 vertebrate species. On average, each set consists of 19 SNPSTR markers with 82 SNPs per set. More than 1300 SNPSTR markers and over 300 STR markers were identified. Also, through its biobanking pipeline, the FOGS project enabled the cryopreservation of somatic cells from 91 vertebrate species as well as viable tissues for later cell initiation from a further 109 species, providing future strategies for ex situ conservation. In addition, many more fixed tissues and DNA samples of endangered species were biobanked. Therefore, FOGS was an interdisciplinary study, combining molecular wildlife forensics and conservation tools. The SNPSTR sets and cell culture information are accessible through the FOGS database ( that is open to scientists, researchers, breeders and authorities worldwide to protect wildlife from illegal trade.
One of the most significant challenges facing the world today is rapid climate change and the negative effects it is having on our environment. The transport sector is responsible for high CO2 emissions, and will have to make fundamental contributions to climate goal targets in the medium to long-term future. In the past, far-reaching measures have been tested regarding how to encourage people to switch from their own cars or motorised private transport (MPT) to the more emission-friendly local public transport (PT). Previous projects have only been able to convince people to switch temporarily through subsidised public transport. Detached from the ecological aspects, the turmoil in the global economy at the end of February 2022 resulted in a price shock in mineral oil prices, which shifted the primary focus of mobility behaviour from ecological to economic concerns. The logistic regression analysis of a quantitative survey (n = 611) in Germany confirms that a large number of journeys taken via private car were saved due to the increased price. However, despite high mineral oil prices, travelling by private car remains the primary means of transport for many people. Switching to public transport is particularly noticeable among women. This is due, among other things, to their lower incomes. Contrary to results of prior studies, the present analysis shows that participants from large cities have saved fewer trips by private car compared to people living in rural areas, even though large cities generally have a denser infrastructure with a more comprehensive range of mobility options. Travel time and reliability are the main factors in our respondents' choice of transport mode and are more compatible in large cities with denser public transport than in rural areas. The avoided car journeys are predominantly in the leisure sector and have not been substituted by other means of transport.
Das Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement hat an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg große Bedeutung. Dieses Poster illustriert die Positionierung des Themas an der Hochschule. Dazu zählen die Verortung bei den Forschungsservices der Bibliothek, die getroffenen Awareness -Maßnahmen, das Service-Angebot und die interne und externe Zusammenarbeit. Abschließend wird auf verschiedene Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungen eingegangen.
Dieses Poster wurde im Rahmen der VW-Themenwoche "Digitale Kompetenzen in der Wissenschaft" im Workshop "FDM mit geringen Ressourcen. Kompetenzaufbau durch Vernetzung von Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften" am 02. Dezember 2024 vorgestellt.