H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (10)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (8)
- Article (2)
- English (10)
Has Fulltext
- no (10)
- UAV (4)
- remote sensing (3)
- aerodynamics (2)
- dynamic vector fields (2)
- flight zone (2)
- geofence (2)
- Data Fusion (1)
- Forests (1)
- Integral backstepping technique (1)
- Linear quadratic regulator (1)
Autonomous mobile robots comprise of several hardware and software components. These components interact with each other continuously in order to achieve autonomity. Due to the complexity of such a task, a monumental responsibility is bestowed upon the developer to make sure that the robot is always operable. Hence, some means of detecting faults should be readily available. In this work, the aforementioned fault-detection system is a robotic black box (RBB) attached to the robot which acquires all the relevant measurements of the system that are needed to achieve a fault-free robot. Due to limited computational and memory resources on-board the RBB, a distributed diagnosis is proposed. That is, the fault diagnosis task (detection and isolation) is shared among an on-board component (the black box) and an off-board component (an external computer). The distribution of the diagnosis task allows for a non-intrusive method of detecting and diagnosing faults, in addition to the ability of remotely diagnosing a robot and potentially issuing a repair command. In addition to decomposing the diagnosis task and allowing remote diagnosability of the robot, another key feature of this work is the addition of expert human knowledge to aid in the fault detection process.
This work addresses the issue of finding an optimal flight zone for a side-by-side tracking and following Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) adhering to space-restricting factors brought upon by a dynamic Vector Field Extraction (VFE) algorithm. The VFE algorithm demands a relatively perpendicular field of view of the UAV to the tracked vehicle, thereby enforcing the space-restricting factors which are distance, angle and altitude. The objective of the UAV is to perform side-by-side tracking and following of a lightweight ground vehicle while acquiring high quality video of tufts attached to the side of the tracked vehicle. The recorded video is supplied to the VFE algorithm that produces the positions and deformations of the tufts over time as they interact with the surrounding air, resulting in an airflow model of the tracked vehicle. The present limitations of wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics simulation suggest the use of a UAV for real world evaluation of the aerodynamic properties of the vehicle’s exterior. The novelty of the proposed approach is alluded to defining the specific flight zone restricting factors while adhering to the VFE algorithm, where as a result we were capable of formalizing a locally-static and a globally-dynamic geofence attached to the tracked vehicle and enclosing the UAV.