H-BRS Bibliography
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- English (26)
While executing actions, service robots may experience external faults because of insufficient knowledge about the actions' preconditions. The possibility of encountering such faults can be minimised if symbolic and geometric precondition models are combined into a representation that specifies how and where actions should be executed. This work investigates the problem of learning such action execution models and the manner in which those models can be generalised. In particular, we develop a template-based representation of execution models, which we call delta models, and describe how symbolic template representations and geometric success probability distributions can be combined for generalising the templates beyond the problem instances on which they are created. Our experimental analysis, which is performed with two physical robot platforms, shows that delta models can describe execution-specific knowledge reliably, thus serving as a viable model for avoiding the occurrence of external faults.
In the design of robot skills, the focus generally lies on increasing the flexibility and reliability of the robot execution process; however, typical skill representations are not designed for analysing execution failures if they occur or for explicitly learning from failures. In this paper, we describe a learning-based hybrid representation for skill parameterisation called an execution model, which considers execution failures to be a natural part of the execution process. We then (i) demonstrate how execution contexts can be included in execution models, (ii) introduce a technique for generalising models between object categories by combining generalisation attempts performed by a robot with knowledge about object similarities represented in an ontology, and (iii) describe a procedure that uses an execution model for identifying a likely hypothesis of a parameterisation failure. The feasibility of the proposed methods is evaluated in multiple experiments performed with a physical robot in the context of handle grasping, object grasping, and object pulling. The experimental results suggest that execution models contribute towards avoiding execution failures, but also represent a first step towards more introspective robots that are able to analyse some of their execution failures in an explicit manner.
Loading of shipping containers for dairy products often includes a press-fit task, which involves manually stacking milk cartons in a container without using pallets or packaging. Automating this task with a mobile manipulator can reduce worker strain, and also enhance the efficiency and safety of the container loading process. This paper proposes an approach called Adaptive Compliant Control with Integrated Failure Recovery (ACCIFR), which enables a mobile manipulator to reliably perform the press-fit task. We base the approach on a demonstration learning-based compliant control framework, such that we integrate a monitoring and failure recovery mechanism for successful task execution. Concretely, we monitor the execution through distance and force feedback, detect collisions while the robot is performing the press-fit task, and use wrench measurements to classify the direction of collision; this information informs the subsequent recovery process. We evaluate the method on a miniature container setup, considering variations in the (i) starting position of the end effector, (ii) goal configuration, and (iii) object grasping position. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the baseline demonstration-based learning framework regarding adaptability to environmental variations and the ability to recover from collision failures, making it a promising solution for practical press-fit applications.
Robot deployment in realistic dynamic environments is a challenging problem despite the fact that robots can be quite skilled at a large number of isolated tasks. One reason for this is that robots are rarely equipped with powerful introspection capabilities, which means that they cannot always deal with failures in a reasonable manner; in addition, manual diagnosis is often a tedious task that requires technicians to have a considerable set of robotics skills.
Robot deployment in realistic environments is challenging despite the fact that robots can be quite skilled at a large number of isolated tasks. One reason for this is that robots are rarely equipped with powerful introspection capabilities, which means that they cannot always deal with failures in an acceptable manner; in addition, manual diagnosis is often a tedious task that requires technicians to have a considerable set of robotics skills. In this paper, we discuss our ongoing efforts to address some of these problems. In particular, we (i) present our early efforts at developing a robotic black box and consider some factors that complicate its design, (ii) explain our component and system monitoring concept, and (iii) describe the necessity for remote monitoring and experimentation as well as our initial attempts at performing those. Our preliminary work opens a range of promising directions for making robots more usable and reliable in practice.
Data-Driven Robot Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Generative Models: A Modified SFDD Algorithm
This paper presents a modification of the data-driven sensor-based fault detection and diagnosis (SFDD) algorithm for online robot monitoring. Our version of the algorithm uses a collection of generative models, in particular restricted Boltzmann machines, each of which represents the distribution of sliding window correlations between a pair of correlated measurements. We use such models in a residual generation scheme, where high residuals generate conflict sets that are then used in a subsequent diagnosis step. As a proof of concept, the framework is evaluated on a mobile logistics robot for the problem of recognising disconnected wheels, such that the evaluation demonstrates the feasibility of the framework (on the faulty data set, the models obtained 88.6% precision and 75.6% recall rates), but also shows that the monitoring results are influenced by the choice of distribution model and the model parameters as a whole.
When a robotic agent experiences a failure while acting in the world, it should be possible to discover why that failure has occurred, namely to diagnose the failure. In this paper, we argue that the diagnosability of robot actions, at least in a classical sense, is a feature that cannot be taken for granted since it strongly depends on the underlying action representation. We specifically define criteria that determine the diagnosability of robot actions. The diagnosability question is then analysed in the context of a handle manipulation action, such that we discuss two different representations of the action – a composite policy with a learned success model for the action parameters, and a neural network-based monolithic policy – both of which exist on different sides of the diagnosability spectrum. Through this comparison, we conclude that composite actions are more suited to explicit diagnosis, but representations with less prior knowledge are more flexible. This suggests that model learning may provide balance between flexibility and diagnosability; however, data-driven diagnosis methods also need to be enhanced in order to deal with the complexity of modern robots.
Short summary
This dataset accompanies our paper
A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Representation and Experience-Based Learning of Explainable Models for Robot Action Execution," in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020.
There are three zip archives included, each of them a dump of a MongoDB database corresponding to one of the three experiments in the paper:
Grasping a drawer handle (
Grasping a fridge handle (
Pulling an object (
All three experiments were performed with a Toyota HSR. Only the data necessary for learning the models used in our experiments are included here.
After unzipping the archives, each database can be restored with the command
mongorestore [directory_name]
This will create a MongoDB database with the name of the directory (handle_drawer_logs, handle_fridge_logs, and pull_logs).
Code for processing the data and model learning can be found in our <a href="">GitHub repository.
There are two zip archives included ( and, corresponding to two experiments (grasping objects and throwing them in a drawer), both performed with a Toyota HSR. Each archive contains two directories - learning and generalisation - with object-specific learning and generalisation data. For each object, we provide a dump of a MongoDB database, which contains data sufficient for learning the models used in our experiments.
After unzipping the archives, each database can be restored with the command
mongorestore [data_directory_name]
This will create a MongoDB database with the name of the directory. Code for processing the data and model learning can be found in our <a href="">GitHub repository.
Short summary
Accompanying dataset for our paper
A. Mitrevski, P. G. Plöger, and G. Lakemeyer, "Robot Action Diagnosis and Experience Correction by Falsifying Parameterised Execution Models," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021.
The dataset includes a single zip archive, containing data from the experiment described in the paper (conducted with a Toyota HSR). The zip archive contains three subdirectories:
handle_grasping_failure_database: A dump of a MongoDB database containing data from the handle grasping experiment, including ground-truth grasping failure annotations
pre_arm_motion_images: Images collected from the robot's hand camera before moving the robot's hand towards the handle
pregrasp_images: Images collected from the robot's hand camera just before closing the gripper for grasping
The image names include the time stamp at which the images were taken; this allows matching each image with the execution data in the database.
Database usage
After unzipping the archive, the database can be restored with the command
mongorestore handle_grasping_failure_database
This will create a MongoDB database with the name drawer_handle_grasping_failures.
Code for processing the data and failure analysis can be found in our <a href="">GitHub repository.
During robot-assisted therapy, a robot typically needs to be partially or fully controlled by therapists, for instance using a Wizard-of-Oz protocol; this makes therapeutic sessions tedious to conduct, as therapists cannot fully focus on the interaction with the person under therapy. In this work, we develop a learning-based behaviour model that can be used to increase the autonomy of a robot’s decision-making process. We investigate reinforcement learning as a model training technique and compare different reward functions that consider a user’s engagement and activity performance. We also analyse various strategies that aim to make the learning process more tractable, namely i) behaviour model training with a learned user model, ii) policy transfer between user groups, and iii) policy learning from expert feedback. We demonstrate that policy transfer can significantly speed up the policy learning process, although the reward function has an important effect on the actions that a robot can choose. Although the main focus of this paper is the personalisation pipeline itself, we further evaluate the learned behaviour models in a small-scale real-world feasibility study in which six users participated in a sequence learning game with an assistive robot. The results of this study seem to suggest that learning from guidance may result in the most adequate policies in terms of increasing the engagement and game performance of users, but a large-scale user study is needed to verify the validity of that observation.
When an autonomous robot learns how to execute actions, it is of interest to know if and when the execution policy can be generalised to variations of the learning scenarios. This can inform the robot about the necessity of additional learning, as using incomplete or unsuitable policies can lead to execution failures. Generalisation is particularly relevant when a robot has to deal with a large variety of objects and in different contexts. In this paper, we propose and analyse a strategy for generalising parameterised execution models of manipulation actions over different objects based on an object ontology. In particular, a robot transfers a known execution model to objects of related classes according to the ontology, but only if there is no other evidence that the model may be unsuitable. This allows using ontological knowledge as prior information that is then refined by the robot’s own experiences. We verify our algorithm for two actions – grasping and stowing everyday objects – such that we show that the robot can deduce cases in which an existing policy can generalise to other objects and when additional execution knowledge has to be acquired.
Representation and Experience-Based Learning of Explainable Models for Robot Action Execution
For robots acting in human-centered environments, the ability to improve based on experience is essential for reliable and adaptive operation; however, particularly in the context of robot failure analysis, experience-based improvement is only useful if robots are also able to reason about and explain the decisions they make during execution. In this paper, we describe and analyse a representation of execution-specific knowledge that combines (i) a relational model in the form of qualitative attributes that describe the conditions under which actions can be executed successfully and (ii) a continuous model in the form of a Gaussian process that can be used for generating parameters for action execution, but also for evaluating the expected execution success given a particular action parameterisation. The proposed representation is based on prior, modelled knowledge about actions and is combined with a learning process that is supervised by a teacher. We analyse the benefits of this representation in the context of two actions – grasping handles and pulling an object on a table – such that the experiments demonstrate that the joint relational-continuous model allows a robot to improve its execution based on experience, while reducing the severity of failures experienced during execution.
In robot-assisted therapy for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the workload of therapists during a therapeutic session is increased if they have to control the robot manually. To allow therapists to focus on the interaction with the person instead, the robot should be more autonomous, namely it should be able to interpret the person's state and continuously adapt its actions according to their behaviour. In this paper, we develop a personalised robot behaviour model that can be used in the robot decision-making process during an activity; this behaviour model is trained with the help of a user model that has been learned from real interaction data. We use Q-learning for this task, such that the results demonstrate that the policy requires about 10,000 iterations to converge. We thus investigate policy transfer for improving the convergence speed; we show that this is a feasible solution, but an inappropriate initial policy can lead to a suboptimal final return.
Robots applied in therapeutic scenarios, for instance in the therapy of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, are sometimes used for imitation learning activities in which a person needs to repeat motions by the robot. To simplify the task of incorporating new types of motions that a robot can perform, it is desirable that the robot has the ability to learn motions by observing demonstrations from a human, such as a therapist. In this paper, we investigate an approach for acquiring motions from skeleton observations of a human, which are collected by a robot-centric RGB-D camera. Given a sequence of observations of various joints, the joint positions are mapped to match the configuration of a robot before being executed by a PID position controller. We evaluate the method, in particular the reproduction error, by performing a study with QTrobot in which the robot acquired different upper-body dance moves from multiple participants. The results indicate the method's overall feasibility, but also indicate that the reproduction quality is affected by noise in the skeleton observations.
Tell Your Robot What To Do: Evaluation of Natural Language Models for Robot Command Processing
The use of natural language to indicate robot tasks is a convenient way to command robots. As a result, several models and approaches capable of understanding robot commands have been developed, which however complicates the choice of a suitable model for a given scenario. In this work, we present a comparative analysis and benchmarking of four natural language understanding models - Mbot, Rasa, LU4R, and ECG. We particularly evaluate the performance of the models to understand domestic service robot commands by recognizing the actions and any complementary information in them in three use cases: the RoboCup@Home General Purpose Service Robot (GPSR) category 1 contest, GPSR category 2, and hospital logistics in the context of the ROPOD project.
When developing robot functionalities, finite state machines are commonly used due to their straightforward semantics and simple implementation. State machines are also a natural implementation choice when designing robot experiments, as they generally lead to reproducible program execution. In practice, the implementation of state machines can lead to significant code repetition and may necessitate unnecessary code interaction when reparameterisation is required. In this paper, we present a small Python library that allows state machines to be specified, configured, and dynamically created using a minimal domain-specific language. We illustrate the use of the library in three different use cases - scenario definition in the context of the RoboCup@Home competition, experiment design in the context of the ROPOD project, as well as specification transfer between robots.
For robots acting - and failing - in everyday environments, a predictable behaviour representation is important so that it can be utilised for failure analysis, recovery, and subsequent improvement. Learning from demonstration combined with dynamic motion primitives is one commonly used technique for creating models that are easy to analyse and interpret; however, mobile manipulators complicate such models since they need the ability to synchronise arm and base motions for performing purposeful tasks. In this paper, we analyse dynamic motion primitives in the context of a mobile manipulator - a Toyota Human Support Robot (HSR)- and introduce a small extension of dynamic motion primitives that makes it possible to perform whole body motion with a mobile manipulator. We then present an extensive set of experiments in which our robot was grasping various everyday objects in a domestic environment, where a sequence of object detection, pose estimation, and manipulation was required for successfully completing the task. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed whole body motion framework for everyday object manipulation, but also illustrate the necessity for highly adaptive manipulation strategies that make better use of a robot's perceptual capabilities.
An essential measure of autonomy in assistive service robots is adaptivity to the various contexts of human-oriented tasks, which are subject to subtle variations in task parameters that determine optimal behaviour. In this work, we propose an apprenticeship learning approach to achieving context-aware action generalization on the task of robot-to-human object hand-over. The procedure combines learning from demonstration and reinforcement learning: a robot first imitates a demonstrator’s execution of the task and then learns contextualized variants of the demonstrated action through experience. We use dynamic movement primitives as compact motion representations, and a model-based C-REPS algorithm for learning policies that can specify hand-over position, conditioned on context variables. Policies are learned using simulated task executions, before transferring them to the robot and evaluating emergent behaviours. We additionally conduct a user study involving participants assuming different postures and receiving an object from a robot, which executes hand-overs by either imitating a demonstrated motion, or adapting its motion to hand-over positions suggested by the learned policy. The results confirm the hypothesized improvements in the robot’s perceived behaviour when it is context-aware and adaptive, and provide useful insights that can inform future developments.
Robot Action Diagnosis and Experience Correction by Falsifying Parameterised Execution Models
When faced with an execution failure, an intelligent robot should be able to identify the likely reasons for the failure and adapt its execution policy accordingly. This paper addresses the question of how to utilise knowledge about the execution process, expressed in terms of learned constraints, in order to direct the diagnosis and experience acquisition process. In particular, we present two methods for creating a synergy between failure diagnosis and execution model learning. We first propose a method for diagnosing execution failures of parameterised action execution models, which searches for action parameters that violate a learned precondition model. We then develop a strategy that uses the results of the diagnosis process for generating synthetic data that are more likely to lead to successful execution, thereby increasing the set of available experiences to learn from. The diagnosis and experience correction methods are evaluated for the problem of handle grasping, such that we experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of the diagnosis algorithm and show that corrected failed experiences can contribute towards improving the execution success of a robot.
Property-Based Testing in Simulation for Verifying Robot Action Execution in Tabletop Manipulation
An important prerequisite for the reliability and robustness of a service robot is ensuring the robot’s correct behavior when it performs various tasks of interest. Extensive testing is one established approach for ensuring behavioural correctness; this becomes even more important with the integration of learning-based methods into robot software architectures, as there are often no theoretical guarantees about the performance of such methods in varying scenarios. In this paper, we aim towards evaluating the correctness of robot behaviors in tabletop manipulation through automatic generation of simulated test scenarios in which a robot assesses its performance using property-based testing. In particular, key properties of interest for various robot actions are encoded in an action ontology and are then verified and validated within a simulated environment. We evaluate our framework with a Toyota Human Support Robot (HSR) which is tested in a Gazebo simulation. We show that our framework can correctly and consistently identify various failed actions in a variety of randomised tabletop manipulation scenarios, in addition to providing deeper insights into the type and location of failures for each designed property.