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MOOCs in POM Education
Basic demand from enterprises towards academic education: provide students not only methodological/theoretical knowledge, but also prepare them for the future tasks in the world of works! This contradicts academia’s focus on sustainably teaching basic principles. With the extra-curricular international online program erp4students, we successfully managed to bridge this "conflict-of-interest”.
The Whole Is More than the Sum of Its Parts - On Culture in Education and Educational Culture
The Learning Culture Survey investigates learners’ expectations towards and perceptions of education on international level with the aim to make culture in the context of education better understandable and support educators to prevent and solve intercultural conflicts in education. So far, we found that culture-related expectations differ between educational settings, depend on the age of the learners, and that a nationally homogenous educational culture is rather an exception than the rule. The results of our recently completed longitudinal study provided evidence that educational culture on the institutional level actually is persistent, at least over a term of four years. After a brief introduction of the general background, we will subsume the steps taken during the past seven years and achieved general insights regarding educational culture. Last, we will introduce a method for the determination of conflict potential, which bases on the understanding of culture as the level to w hich people within a society accept deviations from the usual. We close with demonstrating the method’s functionality on examples from the Learning Culture Survey.
After an introduction, we discuss the conflicts that occurred in a highly experimental course setting, in which we implemented a student-centered course in urban higher education with a constructivist, blended-learning design. We analyse to which extent the cultural country profiles from our Learning Culture Survey suffice to prevent intercultural conflicts in education and provide support for the design of respective interventions.
In Anlehnung an die von Leidner und Kayworth (2006) durchgeführte Studie zum Umgang mit Kultur in der angelsächsischen Wissenschaftsdisziplin „Information Systems“ wurde eine entsprechende Literaturstudie für die gestaltungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik des deutschen Sprachraums durchgeführt. In der Studie wurde in den Hauptorganen der Disziplin untersucht, in welcher Häufigkeit kulturelle Einflüsse auf Informationstechnologie thematisiert wurden, wie diese Einflüsse aufgearbeitet wurden und welche Referenzmodel-le/Referenzliteratur verwendet wurden. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung der gewählten Vorgehensweise werden die Ergebnisse und Beschränkungen der Studie präsentiert.
This paper addresses special skills, learners in Internet-based learning scenarios need. In self-directed learning scenarios, as most Internet-based learning scenarios are designed, learners bear the responsibility for their learning progress. To ease this task, institutions could prime the learners for the situation which may be quite different to their previous learning experiences. Basing on a Delphi-study, conducted with experts from the e-Learning sector in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the basic requirements have been determined.
Enterprises demand universities not to limit education to theoretical knowledge, but instead, to prepare students for future challenges in the job. While demanding a focus on current technologies and practices appears reasonable, it contradicts academia’s general focus on sustainable knowledge. This “conflict-ofinterest” can be bridged through extra-curricular professional training. MOOCs are hyped as solution because they allow to simultaneously addressing masses of students. However, with the increasing number of learners, anonymity in education increases and first-level support decreases. Within the extracurricular online program erp4students we found that individual support is considered most relevant to successfully complete professional training.
In this paper, we introduce the international program erp4students as general example on how to successfully prepare university students for the world of works without having to give up the basic principle in higher education, i.e., to exclusively provide sustainable education. We start with introducing the basic concept and design of the program and provide information regarding the demographic development over the past decade and implemented quality assurance mechanisms. Subsequently, the scope and design of and hitherto achieved insights from the Learning Culture Survey are outlined. On the basis of found results, we finally discuss how erp4students can deal with possible culture-specific issues that latest might emerge when the program gets available for learners in the Asian context.
Job-related migration has been fostered across Europe balancing unemployment in one country with demands for employees in others. However, the numbers of early school leavers and university dropouts significantly increased in the hosting countries. We propose a higher measure of cultural sensitivity in education in order to prevent frustration. The Learning Culture Survey investigates learners’ expectations towards and perceptions of education on international level with the aim to make culture in the context of education better understandable. After a brief introduction, we subsume the steps taken during the past seven years and found results. Subsequently, we introduce a method for the determination of conflict potential, which bases on the understanding of culture as the level to which people within a society accept deviations from the usual. We close with demonstrating the usefulness of the data and insights from our Learning Culture Survey in the context of practical scenarios.
The aim of our research is preserving the learners’ initial motivation in educational settings by avoiding unnecessary conflicts that could decrease the learners’ joy of learning. In order to get a better understanding of particularly cul-ture-related factors that could jeopardize the learners’ motivation in international e-Learning scenarios, we devel-oped and exemplarily implemented the standardized questionnaire ‘Learning Culture’ in the Higher Education contexts of Germany and South Korea. Regarding motivation, we analysed how the students evaluated their own motivational predispositions towards outer influences, their purpose of learning and affections towards particular knowledge, and their strategies to deal with educational tasks that appear unmanageable or too difficult for them.