Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (83)
- Article (40)
- Part of a Book (7)
- Book (monograph, edited volume) (6)
- Contribution to a Periodical (6)
- Research Data (1)
- Lecture (1)
- Preprint (1)
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Year of publication
- Usable Security (13)
- security (6)
- HTTP (5)
- Big Data Analysis (4)
- Cloud (4)
- Privacy (4)
- REST (4)
- Risk-based Authentication (4)
- Usable Privacy (4)
- Web (4)
Digital ecosystems are driving the digital transformation of business models. Meanwhile, the associated processing of personal data within these complex systems poses challenges to the protection of individual privacy. In this paper, we explore these challenges from the perspective of digital ecosystems' platform providers. To this end, we present the results of an interview study with seven data protection officers representing a total of 12 digital ecosystems in Germany. We identified current and future challenges for the implementation of data protection requirements, covering issues on legal obligations and data subject rights. Our results support stakeholders involved in the implementation of privacy protection measures in digital ecosystems, and form the foundation for future privacy-related studies tailored to the specifics of digital ecosystems.
Risk-Based Authentication for OpenStack: A Fully Functional Implementation and Guiding Example
Online services have difficulties to replace passwords with more secure user authentication mechanisms, such as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This is partly due to the fact that users tend to reject such mechanisms in use cases outside of online banking. Relying on password authentication alone, however, is not an option in light of recent attack patterns such as credential stuffing.
Risk-Based Authentication (RBA) can serve as an interim solution to increase password-based account security until better methods are in place. Unfortunately, RBA is currently used by only a few major online services, even though it is recommended by various standards and has been shown to be effective in scientific studies. This paper contributes to the hypothesis that the low adoption of RBA in practice can be due to the complexity of implementing it. We provide an RBA implementation for the open source cloud management software OpenStack, which is the first fully functional open source RBA implementation based on the Freeman et al. algorithm, along with initial reference tests that can serve as a guiding example and blueprint for developers.
Ziel der neunten Ausgabe des wissenschaftlichen Workshops "Usable Security und Privacy" auf der Mensch und Computer 2023 ist es, aktuelle Forschungs- und Praxisbeiträge auf diesem Gebiet zu präsentieren und mit den Teilnehmer:innen zu diskutieren. Getreu dem Konferenzmotto "Building Bridges" soll mit dem Workshop ein etabliertes Forum fortgeführt und weiterentwickelt werden, in dem sich Expert:innen, Forscher:innen und Praktiker:innen aus unterschiedlichen Domänen transdisziplinär zum Thema Usable Security und Privacy austauschen können. Das Thema betrifft neben dem Usability- und Security-Engineering unterschiedliche Forschungsgebiete und Berufsfelder, z. B. Informatik, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Mediengestaltung und Psychologie. Der Workshop richtet sich an interessierte Wissenschaftler:innen aus all diesen Bereichen, aber auch ausdrücklich an Vertreter:innen der Wirtschaft, Industrie und öffentlichen Verwaltung.
Login Data Set for Risk-Based Authentication
Synthesized login feature data of >33M login attempts and >3.3M users on a large-scale online service in Norway. Original data collected between February 2020 and February 2021.
This data sets aims to foster research and development for <a href="">Risk-Based Authentication (RBA) systems. The data was synthesized from the real-world login behavior of more than 3.3M users at a large-scale single sign-on (SSO) online service in Norway.
Auch die mittlerweile siebte Ausgabe des wissenschaftlichen Workshops “Usable Security und Privacy” auf der Mensch und Computer 2021 wird aktuelle Forschungs- und Praxisbeiträge präsentiert und anschließend mit allen Teilnehmer:innen diskutiert. Zwei Beiträge befassen sich dieses Jahr mit dem Thema Privatsphäre, zwei mit dem Thema Sicherheit. Mit dem Workshop wird ein etabliertes Forum fortgeführt und weiterentwickelt, in dem sich Expert:innen aus unterschiedlichen Domänen, z. B. dem Usability- und Security- Engineering, transdisziplinär austauschen können.
Ziel der achten Auflage des wissenschaftlichen Workshops “Usable Security and Privacy” auf der Mensch und Computer 2022 ist es, aktuelle Forschungs- und Praxisbeiträge zu präsentieren und anschließend mit den Teilnehmenden zu diskutieren. Der Workshop soll ein etabliertes Forum fortführen und weiterentwickeln, in dem sich Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen, z. B. Usability und Security Engineering, transdisziplinär austauschen können.
Der Programmier-Trainingsplan für alle, die weiter kommen wollen.
In diesem Übungsbuch trainierst du anhand von kurzweiligen und praxisnahen Aufgaben deine Programmierfähigkeiten. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einem kurzen Warmup zum behandelten Programmierkonzept; die Umsetzung übst du dann anhand von zahlreichen Workout-Aufgaben. Du startest mit einfachen Aufgaben und steigerst dich hin zu komplexeren Fragestellungen. Damit dir nicht langweilig wird, gibt es über 150 praxisnahe Übungen. So lernst du z. B. einen BMI-Rechner oder einen PIN-Generator zu programmieren oder wie du eine Zeitangabe mit einer analogen Uhr anzeigen kannst. (Verlagsangaben)
Continuous authentication has emerged as a promising approach to increase user account security for online services. Unlike traditional authentication methods, continuous authentication provides ongoing security throughout the session, protecting against session takeover attacks due to illegitimate access. The effectiveness of continuous authentication systems relies on the continuous processing of users' sensitive biometric data. To balance security and privacy trade-offs, it's crucial to understand when users are willing to disclose biometric data for enhanced account security, addressing inevitable privacy concerns and user acceptance. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted an online study with 830 participants from the U.S., aiming to investigate user perceptions towards continuous authentication across different classes of online services. Our analysis identified four groups of biometric traits that directly reflect users' willingness to disclose them. Our findings demonstrate that willingness to disclose is influenced by both the specific biometric traits and the type of online service involved. User perceptions are strongly shaped by factors such as response efficacy, perceived privacy risks associated with the biometric traits, and concerns about the service providers' handling of such data. Our results emphasize the inadequacy of one-size-fits-all solutions and provide valuable insights for the design and implementation of continuous authentication systems.
Push notifications are widely used in Android apps to show users timely and potentially sensitive information outside the apps’ regular user interface. Google’s default service for sending push notifications, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), provides only transport layer security and does not offer app developers message protection schemes to prevent access or detect modifications by the push notification service provider or other intermediate systems.We present and discuss an in-depth mixed-methods study of push notification message security and privacy in Android apps. We statically analyze a representative set of 100,000 up-to-date and popular Android apps from Google Play to get an overview of push notification usage in the wild. In an in-depth follow-up analysis of 60 apps, we gain detailed insights into the leaked content and what some developers do to protect the messages. We find that (a) about half of the analyzed apps use push notifications, (b) about half of the in-depth analyzed messaging apps do not protect their push notifications, allowing access to sensitive data that jeopardizes users’ security and privacy and (c) the means of protection lack a standardized approach, manifesting in various developer-defined encryption schemes, custom protocols, or out-of-band communication methods. Our research highlights gaps in developer-centric security regarding appropriate technologies and supporting measures that researchers and platform providers should address.
Ziel der zehnten Ausgabe des wissenschaftlichen Workshops "Usable Security und Privacy" auf der Mensch und Computer 2024 ist es, aktuelle Forschungs- und Praxisbeiträge auf diesem Gebiet zu präsentieren und mit den Teilnehmer:innen zu diskutieren. Getreu dem Konferenzmotto "Hybrid Worlds" soll mit dem Workshop ein etabliertes Forum fortgeführt und weiterentwickelt werden, in dem sich Expert:innen, Forscher:innen und Praktiker:innen aus unterschiedlichen Domänen transdisziplinär zum Thema Usable Security und Privacy austauschen können. Das Thema betrifft neben dem Usability- und Security-Engineering unterschiedliche Forschungsgebiete und Berufsfelder, z.~B. Informatik, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Mediengestaltung und Psychologie. Der Workshop richtet sich an interessierte Wissenschaftler:innen aus all diesen Bereichen, aber auch ausdrücklich an Vertreter:innen der Wirtschaft, Industrie und öffentlichen Verwaltung.
Users should always play a central role in the development of (software) solutions. The human-centered design (HCD) process in the ISO 9241-210 standard proposes a procedure for systematically involving users. However, due to its abstraction level, the HCD process provides little guidance for how it should be implemented in practice. In this chapter, we propose three concrete practical methods that enable the reader to develop usable security and privacy (USP) solutions using the HCD process. This chapter equips the reader with the procedural knowledge and recommendations to: (1) derive mental models with regard to security and privacy, (2) analyze USP needs and privacy-related requirements, and (3) collect user characteristics on privacy and structure them by user group profiles and into privacy personas. Together, these approaches help to design measures for a user-friendly implementation of security and privacy measures based on a firm understanding of the key stakeholders.
The European General Data Protection Regulation requires the implementation of Technical and Organizational Measures (TOMs) to reduce the risk of illegitimate processing of personal data. For these measures to be effective, they must be applied correctly by employees who process personal data under the authority of their organization. However, even data processing employees often have limited knowledge of data protection policies and regulations, which increases the likelihood of misconduct and privacy breaches. To lower the likelihood of unintentional privacy breaches, TOMs must be developed with employees’ needs, capabilities, and usability requirements in mind. To reduce implementation costs and help organizations and IT engineers with the implementation, privacy patterns have proven to be effective for this purpose. In this chapter, we introduce the privacy pattern Data Cart, which specifically helps to develop TOMs for data processing employees. Based on a user-centered design approach with employees from two public organizations in Germany, we present a concept that illustrates how Privacy by Design can be effectively implemented. Organizations, IT engineers, and researchers will gain insight on how to improve the usability of privacy-compliant tools for managing personal data.
Is It Really You Who Forgot the Password? When Account Recovery Meets Risk-Based Authentication
HTTP client hints are a set of standardized HTTP request headers designed to modernize and potentially replace the traditional user agent string. While the user agent string exposes a wide range of information about the client's browser and device, client hints provide a controlled and structured approach for clients to selectively disclose their capabilities and preferences to servers. Essentially, client hints aim at more effective and privacy-friendly disclosure of browser or client properties than the user agent string.
We present a first long-term study of the use of HTTP client hints in the wild. We found that despite being implemented in almost all web browsers, server-side usage of client hints remains generally low. However, in the context of third-party websites, which are often linked to trackers, the adoption rate is significantly higher. This is concerning because client hints allow the retrieval of more data from the client than the user agent string provides, and there are currently no mechanisms for users to detect or control this potential data leakage. Our work provides valuable insights for web users, browser vendors, and researchers by exposing potential privacy violations via client hints and providing help in developing remediation strategies as well as further research.
The ongoing digitisation in everyday working life means that ever larger amounts of personal data of employees are processed by their employers. This development is particularly problematic with regard to employee data protection and the right to informational self-determination. We strive for the use of company Privacy Dashboards as a means to compensate for missing transparency and control. For conceptual design we use among other things the method of mental models. We present the methodology and first results of our research. We highlight the opportunities that such an approach offers for the user-centred development of Privacy Dashboards.
Software developers build complex systems using plenty of third-party libraries. Documentation is key to understand and use the functionality provided via the libraries’ APIs. Therefore, functionality is the main focus of contemporary API documentation, while cross-cutting concerns such as security are almost never considered at all, especially when the API itself does not provide security features. Documentations of JavaScript libraries for use in web applications, e.g., do not specify how to add or adapt a Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate content injection attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This is unfortunate, as security-relevant API documentation might have an influence on secure coding practices and prevailing major vulnerabilities such as XSS. For the first time, we study the effects of integrating security-relevant information in non-security API documentation. For this purpose, we took CSP as an exemplary study object and extended the official Google Maps JavaScript API documentation with security-relevant CSP information in three distinct manners. Then, we evaluated the usage of these variations in a between-group eye-tracking lab study involving N=49 participants. Our observations suggest: (1) Developers are focused on elements with code examples. They mostly skim the documentation while searching for a quick solution to their programming task. This finding gives further evidence to results of related studies. (2) The location where CSP-related code examples are placed in non-security API documentation significantly impacts the time it takes to find this security-relevant information. In particular, the study results showed that the proximity to functional-related code examples in documentation is a decisive factor. (3) Examples significantly help to produce secure CSP solutions. (4) Developers have additional information needs that our approach cannot meet.
Overall, our study contributes to a first understanding of the impact of security-relevant information in non-security API documentation on CSP implementation. Although further research is required, our findings emphasize that API producers should take responsibility for adequately documenting security aspects and thus supporting the sensibility and training of developers to implement secure systems. This responsibility also holds in seemingly non-security relevant contexts.
Usable Security – Benutzerfreundliche Sicherheitsfunktionen für Software und interaktive Produkte
Sowohl im geschäftlichen wie im privaten Umfeld müssen Software, Apps und vernetzte Technikprodukte mit Sicherheitsfunktionen ausgestattet sein, die auch für Laien und Gelegenheitsnutzer verständlich und benutzbar sind. Im Umgang mit sensiblen Daten können sich diese Produkte ansonsten schnell als Risiko entpuppen, etwa wenn Sicherheitsmechanismen aufgrund mangelnder Usability von den Nutzern falsch oder überhaupt nicht bedient werden. Der Begriff „Usable Security“ bezeichnet ein Qualitätsmerkmal bzw. einen Entwicklungsansatz für Sicherheitskomponenten von Software und technischen Produkten, in dessen Zentrum der Benutzer steht. Dieser Beitrag soll als Einführung in das Thema Usable Security dienen und zugleich für die Probleme bei der Entwicklung gebrauchstauglicher Sicherheitsfunktionen sensibilisieren. Er ist Teil einer Serie von insgesamt drei Artikeln. Die folgenden zwei Beiträge vertiefen spezifische Themen im Kontext der Entwicklung von Sicherheitsfunktionen auf Grundlage von Muster lösungen (Patterns) und der Ausgestaltung von Warnhinweisen.
Damit IT-gestützte Produkte und Systeme vor unbefugter oder missbräuchlicher Nutzung wirksam geschützt sind, müssen sie mit Sicherheitsfunktionen ausgestattet sein, die benutzerfreundlich sind. Hierfür sind seitens der Entwickler sowohl Security- als auch Usability-Kenntnisse erforderlich. Da insbesondere Entwickler in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) oft nicht über tiefer gehende Kenntnisse in beiden Bereichen verfügen, bedürfen sie einer Unterstützung, z. B. in Form geeigneter Methoden und Werkzeuge. In diesem Beitrag werden ein Lösungsweg und eine Werkzeugsammlung vorgestellt, die Entwicklern in KMU dabei helfen, auf systematische Weise digitale Produkte und Systeme mit dem Qualitätsmerkmal Usable Security herzustellen.
Contemporary software is inherently distributed. The principles guiding the design of such software have been mainly manifested by the service-oriented architecture (SOA) concept. In a SOA, applications are orchestrated by software services generally operated by distinct entities. Due to the latter fact, service security has been of importance in such systems ever since. A dominant protocol for implementing SOA-based systems is SOAP, which comes with a well-elaborated security framework. As an alternative to SOAP, the architectural style representational state transfer (REST) is gaining traction as a simple, lightweight and flexible guideline for designing distributed service systems that scale at large. This paper starts by introducing the basic constraints representing REST. Based on these foundations, the focus is afterwards drawn on the security needs of REST-based service systems. The limitations of transport-oriented protection means are emphasized and the demand for specific message-oriented safeguards is assessed. The paper then reviews the current activities in respect to REST-security and finds that the available schemes are mostly HTTP-centered and very heterogeneous. More importantly, all of the analyzed schemes contain vulnerabilities. The paper contributes a methodology on how to establish REST-security as a general security framework for protecting REST-based service systems of any kind by consistent and comprehensive protection means. First adoptions of the introduced approach are presented in relation to REST message authentication with instantiations for REST-ful HTTP (web/cloud services) and REST-ful constraint application protocol (CoAP) (internet of things (IoT) services).
Echtzeit-orientierte Multimedia-Kommunikation im Internet eröffnet eine Vielzahl neuer Anwendungen. Diese innovative Kommunikationsplattform ist gerade für weltweit operierende Unternehmen von Interesse. So können z.B. durch die Verwendung von VoIP-Lösungen oder Groupware-Applikationen Kosten gesenkt und gleichzeitig die Zusammenarbeit der Mitarbeiter optimiert werden. Dies trifft auch für Video-Konferenzsysteme zu. Anstelle regelmäßiger Meetings, die meist mit Dienstreisen eines Großteils der Teilnehmer verbunden sind, können Konferenzen virtuell durch die Übertragung von Sprachund Videodaten über das Internet abgehalten werden. Die Akzeptanz der beschriebenen Kommunikationsanwendungen hängt stark von den Faktoren Dienstgüte und Sicherheit ab. Die Übertragung der echtzeit-orientierten Mediendaten muss möglichst kontinuierlich erfolgen, so dass sowohl eine ruckelfreie Wiedergabe der Sprache als auch der Bewegtbilder möglich ist. Da Konferenzen firmenintern und vertraulich sind, werden sie hinter verschlossener Tür abgehalten. Das Pendant in der elektronischen Welt muss eine Entsprechung anbieten. Se- curity-Mechanismen haben allerdings einen Einfluss auf Dienstgüteparameter. Dies muss bei der Entwicklung von Techniken zum Schutz multimedialer Kommunikation berücksichtigt und abgestimmt werden. Dieser Beitrag zeigt anhand des Beispiels eines Video-Konferenzsystems für das Internet, wie Sicherheitsmechanismen in echtzeit-orientierte Multimedia-Kommunikationsanwendungen unter Berücksichtigung von Quality of Service (QoS) integriert werden können.
Das Auslesen von Messdaten in elektronischer Form ermöglicht es, diese vom Ursprung bis zur Rechnungsstellung effizient und ohne Medienbruch zu erheben und zu verarbeiten. Gerade im liberalisierten Energiemarkt ist dies von Bedeutung, da eine Vielzahl von Marktteilnehmern miteinander kommunizieren muss. Das im VERNET-Programm geförderte SELMA-Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, einen Standard für den sicheren elektronischen Austausch von Messdaten zu entwickeln und zu etablieren. Eine der zentralen Anforderungen ist die Gewährleistung der Authentizität und Integrität der über offene Netze ausgelesenen Messdaten, die über die gesamte Lebensdauer der Messdaten nachprüfbar sein sollen. Die technische Umsetzung dieser Anforderungen resultiert in einer Sicherheitsarchitektur, die durch den durchgängigen Einsatz elektronischer Signaturen gekennzeichnet ist. Mit den signierten Datensätzen können die Rechnungen von den Marktteilnehmern auf ihre Authentizität und Integrität hin überprüft werden. Dieser Beitrag zeigt die gesetzgeberischen Hindernisse auf, die bei der Umsetzung der Anforderungen an qualifizierte Signaturen im elektronischen Messdatenaustausch auftreten und wie dennoch eine größtmögliche Beweiskraft für fortgeschrittene Signaturen erreicht werden kann.
This work introduces Grid computing, showsits use in eHealth environments and elicits trends towards the integration of custodians in eHealth Grids. It considers security and privacy requirements for the use of Grid computing in eHealth scenariosand discusses the possible integration of different types of data custodians. Finally the paper concludes and gives an outlook on the development and deployment of eHealth Gridsinthe near future.
In recent years a new category of digital signature algorithms based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has taken place besides well known schemes as RSA or DSA. So far it is, however, still not obvious how ECC-based signature schemes can be integrated in X.509-based Public Key Infrastructures (PKI).This paper briefly introduces cryptographic basics of signature schemes based on elliptic curves and points out the necessary cryptography parameters that are important in this context. Afterwards the structure and the encoding of X.509 certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) are discussed regarding the integration of ECC public keys and ECC signatures respectively. The paper closes with exemplary implementations of ECC-based security systems.
The @neurIST project
Data transfer and staging services are common components in Grid-based, or more generally, in service-oriented applications. Security mechanisms play a central role in such services, especially when they are deployed in sensitive application fields like e-health. The adoption of WS-Security and related standards to SOAP-based transfer services is, however, problematic as a straightforward adoption of SOAP with MTOM introduces considerable inefficiencies in the signature generation process when large data sets are involved. This paper proposes a non-blocking, signature generation approach enabling a stream-like processing with considerable performance enhancements.
This paper presents the security architecture of the @neurIST medical information system. @neurIST aims at a research and decision support system for treating diseases that unites multiple medical institutions and service providers offering technical solutions based on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm. The security architecture provides secure access to federated medical data spread across multiple sites and protects the privacy of the patients by pseudonymisation of the medical data required for the study.