H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (75)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Article (47)
- Part of a Book (14)
- Conference Object (8)
- Preprint (5)
- Report (1)
Year of publication
- Lignin (8)
- lignin (7)
- stem cells (7)
- drug release (6)
- biomaterial (5)
- osteogenesis (5)
- scaffolds (5)
- Biomass (4)
- angiogenesis (4)
- organosolv (4)
Nachhaltigkeitskonzepte sind kein selbstverständlicher Gegenstand der chemischen Hochschulausbildung. Der vorliegende Text fragt nach den Ursachen und zeigt anschließend Anschlussflächen für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in der Chemieausbildung. Er stellt ein fachübergreifendes und zugleich fachbezogenes Konzept vor, welches Nachhaltigkeit zum Gegenstand für Chemiestudierende macht. Dieses ermöglicht den Studierenden einen subjektiv bedeutsamen Zugang zu den Fachinhalten. Es fördert Bewertungskompetenzen und Verantwortungsfähigkeit, schult die Sprachgewandtheit und erleichtert methodisch geführt die Reflexion auf Gegenstand und Selbstverständnis.
This review is divided into two interconnected parts, namely a biological and a chemical one. The focus of the first part is on the biological background for constructing tissue-engineered vascular grafts to promote vascular healing. Various cell types, such as embryonic, mesenchymal and induced pluripotent stem cells, progenitor cells and endothelial- and smooth muscle cells will be discussed with respect to their specific markers. The in vitro and in vivo models and their potential to treat vascular diseases are also introduced. The chemical part focuses on strategies using either artificial or natural polymers for scaffold fabrication, including decellularized cardiovascular tissue. An overview will be given on scaffold fabrication including conventional methods and nanotechnologies. Special attention is given to 3D network formation via different chemical and physical cross-linking methods. In particular, electron beam treatment is introduced as a method to combine 3D network formation and surface modification. The review includes recently published scientific data and patents which have been registered within the last decade.
Bone regeneration and replacement is a major focus in regenerative medicine since degenerative diseases and tumor surgery as well as accidents or dangerous recreational behavior is leading to an increasing need for bone reconstruction strategies. Especially for critical size bone defects, tissue engineering with mesenchymal stem cells is extensively studied because these cells are functioning as precursors for osteoblast in vivo. Nevertheless to reproduce the complex interaction of various factors in vitro is not an easy approach and further investigations have to be done. The status quo is summarized. A variety of growth and transcription factors are known to be involved in osteogenesis with bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and the transcription factor Runx2 being the most extensively studied ones. But also PPAR γ and Osterix are generally regarded as the master regulators of osteoblast differentiation. Recently the large family of purinergic receptors has proven to be essential molecules in osteogenesis as well. In addition, scaffolding is needed to create a three-dimensional tissue. Recent developments in scaffold design are summarized, including natural and synthetic materials with or without the use of bioactive molecules constructed to mimic the natural environment. The status quo of scaffold fabrication methods such as 3D nanoprinting and their influence on cell-scaffold interactions is discussed. In this review we summarize the most interesting results and our related work focusing on two joined approaches: 1) the complex interaction of the most promising factors improving or accelerating osteogenic differentiation and ii) the development of scaffold materials with osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties.
Recent approaches in scaffold engineering for bone defects feature hybrid hydrogels made of a polymeric network (retains water and provides light and porous structures) and inorganic ceramics (add mechanical strength and improve cell-adhesion). Innovative scaffold materials should also induce bone tissue formation and incorporation of stem cells (osteogenic differentiation) and/or growth factors (inducing/supporting differentiation). Recently, purinergic P2X and P2Y receptors have been found to significantly influence the osteogenic differentiation process of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC). (1) Aim of this work is to develop polysaccharide (PS) composites to be used as scaffolds containing complementary receptor ligands to enable guided stem cell differentiation towards bone formation.
Thermo-chemical conversion of cucumber peel waste for biobased energy and chemical production
Several species of (poly)saccharides and organic acids can be found often simultaneously in various biological matrices, e.g., fruits, plant materials, and biological fluids. The analysis of such matrices sometimes represents a challenging task. Using Aloe vera (A. vera) plant materials as an example, the performance of several spectroscopic methods (80 MHz benchtop NMR, NIR, ATR-FTIR and UV-Vis) for the simultaneous analysis of quality parameters of this plant material was compared. The determined parameters include (poly)saccharides such as aloverose, fructose and glucose as well as organic acids (malic, lactic, citric, isocitric, acetic, fumaric, benzoic and sorbic acids). 500 MHz NMR and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used as the reference methods.
UV-VIS data can be used only for identification of added preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids) and drying agent (maltodextrin) and semiquantitative analysis of malic acid. NIR and MIR spectroscopies combined with multivariate regression can deliver more informative overview of A. vera extracts being able to additionally quantify glucose, aloverose, citric, isocitric, malic, lactic acids and fructose. Low-field NMR measurements can be used for the quantification of aloverose, glucose, malic, lactic, acetic, and benzoic acids. The benchtop NMR method was successfully validated in terms of robustness, stability, precision, reproducibility and limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ), respectively.
All spectroscopic techniques are useful for the screening of (poly)saccharides and organic acids in plant extracts and should be applied according to its availability as well as information and confidence required for the specific analytical goal. Benchtop NMR spectroscopy seems to be the most feasible solution for quality control of A. vera products.
Small Molecules Enhance Scaffold-Based Bone Grafts via Purinergic Receptor Signaling in Stem Cells
The need for bone grafts is high, due to age-related diseases, such as tumor resections, but also accidents, risky sports, and military conflicts. The gold standard for bone grafting is the use of autografts from the iliac crest, but the limited amount of accessible material demands new sources of bone replacement. The use of mesenchymal stem cells or their descendant cells, namely osteoblast, the bone-building cells and endothelial cells for angiogenesis, combined with artificial scaffolds, is a new approach. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be obtained from the patient themselves, or from donors, as they barely cause an immune response in the recipient. However, MSCs never fully differentiate in vitro which might lead to unwanted effects in vivo. Interestingly, purinergic receptors can positively influence the differentiation of both osteoblasts and endothelial cells, using specific artificial ligands. An overview is given on purinergic receptor signaling in the most-needed cell types involved in bone metabolism-namely osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and endothelial cells. Furthermore, different types of scaffolds and their production methods will be elucidated. Finally, recent patents on scaffold materials, as wells as purinergic receptor-influencing molecules which might impact bone grafting, are discussed.
Miscanthus x giganteus Stem Versus Leaf-Derived Lignins Differing in Monolignol Ratio and Linkage
As a renewable, Miscanthus offers numerous advantages such as high photosynthesis activity (as a C4 plant) and an exceptional CO2 fixation rate. These properties make Miscanthus very attractive for industrial exploitation, such as lignin generation. In this paper, we present a systematic study analyzing the correlation of the lignin structure with the Miscanthus genotype and plant portion (stem versus leaf). Specifically, the ratio of the three monolignols and corresponding building blocks as well as the linkages formed between the units have been studied. The lignin amount has been determined for M. x giganteus (Gig17, Gig34, Gig35), M. nagara (NagG10), M. sinensis (Sin2), and M. robustus (Rob4) harvested at different time points (September, December, and April). The influence of the Miscanthus genotype and plant component (leaf vs. stem) has been studied to develop corresponding structure-property relationships (i.e., correlations in molecular weight, polydispersity, and decomposition temperature). Lignin isolation was performed using non-catalyzed organosolv pulping and the structure analysis includes compositional analysis, Fourier transform infradred (FTIR), ultraviolet/visible (UV-Vis), hetero-nuclear single quantum correlation nuclear magnetic resonsnce (HSQC-NMR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and pyrolysis gaschromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Structural differences were found for stem and leaf-derived lignins. Compared to beech wood lignins, Miscanthus lignins possess lower molecular weight and narrow polydispersities (<1.5 Miscanthus vs. >2.5 beech) corresponding to improved homogeneity. In addition to conventional univariate analysis of FTIR spectra, multivariate chemometrics revealed distinct differences for aromatic in-plane deformations of stem versus leaf-derived lignins. These results emphasize the potential of Miscanthus as a low-input resource and a Miscanthus-derived lignin as promising agricultural feedstock.
Renewable resources gain increasing interest as source for environmentally benign biomaterials, such as drug encapsulation/release compounds, and scaffolds for tissue engineering in regenerative medicine. Being the second largest naturally abundant polymer, the interest in lignin valorization for biomedical utilization is rapidly growing. Depending on resource and isolation procedure, lignin shows specific antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Today, efforts in research and industry are directed toward lignin utilization as renewable macromolecular building block for the preparation of polymeric drug encapsulation and scaffold materials. Within the last five years, remarkable progress has been made in isolation, functionalization and modification of lignin and lignin-derived compounds. However, literature so far mainly focuses lignin-derived fuels, lubricants and resins. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current state of the art and to highlight the most important results in the field of lignin-based materials for potential use in biomedicine (reported in 2014–2018). Special focus is drawn on lignin-derived nanomaterials for drug encapsulation and release as well as lignin hybrid materials used as scaffolds for guided bone regeneration in stem cell-based therapies.
Renewable resources are gaining increasing interest as a source for environmentally benign biomaterials, such as drug encapsulation/release compounds, and scaffolds for tissue engineering in regenerative medicine. Being the second largest naturally abundant polymer, the interest in lignin valorization for biomedical utilization is rapidly growing. Depending on its resource and isolation procedure, lignin shows specific antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Today, efforts in research and industry are directed toward lignin utilization as a renewable macromolecular building block for the preparation of polymeric drug encapsulation and scaffold materials. Within the last five years, remarkable progress has been made in isolation, functionalization and modification of lignin and lignin-derived compounds. However, the literature so far mainly focuses lignin-derived fuels, lubricants and resins. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current state of the art and to highlight the most important results in the field of lignin-based materials for potential use in biomedicine (reported in 2014⁻2018). Special focus is placed on lignin-derived nanomaterials for drug encapsulation and release as well as lignin hybrid materials used as scaffolds for guided bone regeneration in stem cell-based therapies.
The antiradical and antimicrobial activity of lignin and lignin-based films are both of great interest for applications such as food packaging additives. The polyphenolic structure of lignin in addition to the presence of O-containing functional groups is potentially responsible for these activities. This study used DPPH assays to discuss the antiradical activity of HPMC/lignin and HPMC/lignin/chitosan films. The scavenging activity (SA) of both binary (HPMC/lignin) and ternary (HPMC/lignin/chitosan) systems was affected by the percentage of the added lignin: the 5% addition showed the highest activity and the 30% addition had the lowest. Both scavenging activity and antimicrobial activity are dependent on the biomass source showing the following trend: organosolv of softwood > kraft of softwood > organosolv of grass. Testing the antimicrobial activities of lignins and lignin-containing films showed high antimicrobial activities against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria at 35 °C and at low temperatures (0-7 °C). Purification of kraft lignin has a negative effect on the antimicrobial activity while storage has positive effect. The lignin release in the produced films affected the activity positively and the chitosan addition enhances the activity even more for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Testing the films against spoilage bacteria that grow at low temperatures revealed the activity of the 30% addition on HPMC/L1 film against both B. thermosphacta and P. fluorescens while L5 was active only against B. thermosphacta. In HPMC/lignin/chitosan films, the 5% addition exhibited activity against both B. thermosphacta and P. fluorescens.
Scratch assays enable the study of the migration process of an injured adherent cell layer in vitro. An apparatus for the reproducible performance of scratch assays and cell harvesting has been developed that meets the requirements for reproducibility in tests as well as easy handling. The entirely autoclavable setup is divided into a sample translation and a scratching system. The translational system is compatible with standard culture dishes and can be modified to adapt to different cell culture systems, while the scratching system can be adjusted according to angle, normal force, shape, and material to adapt to specific questions and demanding substrates. As a result, a fully functional prototype can be presented. This system enables the creation of reproducible and clear scratch edges with a low scratch border roughness within a monolayer of cells. Moreover, the apparatus allows the collection of the migrated cells after scratching for further molecular biological investigations without the need for a second processing step. For comparison, the mechanical properties of manually performed scratch assays are evaluated.
Healing of large bone defects requires implants or scaffolds that provide structural guidance for cell growth, differentiation, and vascularization. In the present work, an agarose-hydroxyapatite composite scaffold was developed that acts not only as a 3D matrix, but also as a release system. Hydroxyapatite (HA) was incorporated into the agarose gels in situ in various ratios by a simple procedure consisting of precipitation, cooling, washing, and drying. The resulting gels were characterized regarding composition, porosity, mechanical properties, and biocompatibility. A pure phase of carbonated HA was identified in the scaffolds, which had pore sizes of up to several hundred micrometers. Mechanical testing revealed elastic moduli of up to 2.8 MPa for lyophilized composites. MTT testing on Lw35human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and osteosarcoma MG-63 cells proved the biocompatibility of the scaffolds. Furthermore, scaffolds were loaded with model drug compounds for guided hMSC differentiation. Different release kinetic models were evaluated for adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) and suramin, and data showed a sustained release behavior over four days.
The synthesis and characterization of a new class of 1,2,4-oxadiazolylpyridinium as a cationic scaffold for fluorinated ionic liquid crystals is herein described. A series of 12 fluorinated heterocyclic salts based on a 1,2,4-oxadiazole moiety, connected through its C(5) or C(3) to an N-alkylpyridinium unit and a perfluoroheptyl chain, differing in the length of the alkyl chain and counterions, has been synthesized. As counterions iodide, bromide and bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide have been considered. The synthesis, structure, and liquid crystalline properties of these compounds are discussed on the basis of the tuned structural variables. The thermotropic properties of this series of salts have been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and polarized optical microscopy. The results showed the existence of an enantiotropic mesomorphic smectic liquid crystalline phase for six bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide salts.
As a low-input crop, Miscanthus offers numerous advantages that, in addition to agricultural applications, permits its exploitation for energy, fuel, and material production. Depending on the Miscanthus genotype, season, and harvest time as well as plant component (leaf versus stem), correlations between structure and properties of the corresponding isolated lignins differ. Here, a comparative study is presented between lignins isolated from M. x giganteus, M. sinensis, M. robustus and M. nagara using a catalyst-free organosolv pulping process. The lignins from different plant constituents are also compared regarding their similarities and differences regarding monolignol ratio and important linkages. Results showed that the plant genotype has the weakest influence on monolignol content and interunit linkages. In contrast, structural differences are more significant among lignins of different harvest time and/or season. Analyses were performed using fast and simple methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Data was assigned to four different linkages (A: β-O-4 linkage, B: phenylcoumaran, C: resinol, D: β-unsaturated ester). In conclusion, A content is particularly high in leaf-derived lignins at just under 70% and significantly lower in stem and mixture lignins at around 60% and almost 65%. The second most common linkage pattern is D in all isolated lignins, the proportion of which is also strongly dependent on the crop portion. Both stem and mixture lignins, have a relatively high share of approximately 20% or more (maximum is M. sinensis Sin2 with over 30%). In the leaf-derived lignins, the proportions are significantly lower on average. Stem samples should be chosen if the highest possible lignin content is desired, specifically from the M. x giganteus genotype, which revealed lignin contents up to 27%. Due to the better frost resistance and higher stem stability, M. nagara offers some advantages compared to M. x giganteus. Miscanthus crops are shown to be very attractive lignocellulose feedstock (LCF) for second generation biorefineries and lignin generation in Europe.
With increasing life expectancy, demands for dental tissue and whole-tooth regeneration are becoming more significant. Despite great progress in medicine, including regenerative therapies, the complex structure of dental tissues introduces several challenges to the field of regenerative dentistry. Interdisciplinary efforts from cellular biologists, material scientists, and clinical odontologists are being made to establish strategies and find the solutions for dental tissue regeneration and/or whole-tooth regeneration. In recent years, many significant discoveries were done regarding signaling pathways and factors shaping calcified tissue genesis, including those of tooth. Novel biocompatible scaffolds and polymer-based drug release systems are under development and may soon result in clinically applicable biomaterials with the potential to modulate signaling cascades involved in dental tissue genesis and regeneration. Approaches for whole-tooth regeneration utilizing adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, or tooth germ cells transplantation are emerging as promising alternatives to overcome existing in vitro tissue generation hurdles. In this interdisciplinary review, most recent advances in cellular signaling guiding dental tissue genesis, novel functionalized scaffolds and drug release material, various odontogenic cell sources, and methods for tooth regeneration are discussed thus providing a multi-faceted, up-to-date, and illustrative overview on the tooth regeneration matter, alongside hints for future directions in the challenging field of regenerative dentistry.
Miscanthus crops possess very attractive properties such as high photosynthesis yield and carbon fixation rate. Because of these properties, it is currently considered for use in second-generation biorefineries. Here we analyze the differences in chemical composition between M. x giganteus, a commonly studied Miscanthus genotype, and M. nagara, which is relatively understudied but has useful properties such as increased frost resistance and higher stem stability. Samples of M. x giganteus (Gig35) and M. nagara (NagG10) have been separated by plant portion (leaves and stems) in order to isolate the corresponding lignins. The organosolv process was used for biomass pulping (80% ethanol solution, 170 °C, 15 bar). Biomass composition and lignin structure analysis were performed using composition analysis, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and pyrolysis gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) to determine the 3D structure of the isolated lignins, monolignol ratio and most abundant linkages depending on genotype and harvesting season. SEC data showed significant differences in the molecular weight and polydispersity indices for stem versus leaf-derived lignins. Py-GC/MS and hetero-nuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC) NMR revealed different monolignol compositions for the two genotypes (Gig35, NagG10). The monolignol ratio is slightly influenced by the time of harvest: stem-derived lignins of M. nagara showed increasing H and decreasing G unit content over the studied harvesting period (December–April).
Therapeutic Treatments for Osteoporosis-Which Combination of Pills Is the Best among the Bad?
Osteoporosis is a chronical, systemic skeletal disorder characterized by an increase in bone resorption, which leads to reduced bone density. The reduction in bone mineral density and therefore low bone mass results in an increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is caused by an imbalance in the normally strictly regulated bone homeostasis. This imbalance is caused by overactive bone-resorbing osteoclasts, while bone-synthesizing osteoblasts do not compensate for this. In this review, the mechanism is presented, underlined by in vitro and animal models to investigate this imbalance as well as the current status of clinical trials. Furthermore, new therapeutic strategies for osteoporosis are presented, such as anabolic treatments and catabolic treatments and treatments using biomaterials and biomolecules. Another focus is on new combination therapies with multiple drugs which are currently considered more beneficial for the treatment of osteoporosis than monotherapies. Taken together, this review starts with an overview and ends with the newest approaches for osteoporosis therapies and a future perspective not presented so far.
Composite nanoparticles (NPs) consisting of lignin and different polysaccharide (PS) derivatives were prepared. In this synergistic approach, the PS derivative acts as biocompatible matrix that forms spherical NPs while lignin is a functional compound with therapeutic potential (e.g., antioxidative, antimicrobial, antiviral). Organosolv lignin and three different PS derivatives (cellulose acetate/CA, cellulose acetate phthalate/CAPh, xylan phenyl carbonate/XPC) were used in this study. Nanocomposites with particle sizes in the range of about 200–550 nm containing both types of biopolymers are accessible by dialysis of organic PS/lignin solutions against water. In particular, XPC and CAPh, which both contain aromatic substituents, were found to be suitable for incorporation of lignin within the PS nanomatrix. The present work paves the way for future studies in which the pharmaceutical potential and biocompatibility of composite NPs of lignin and PS derivatives with tailored properties are investigated.
Das Projekt adressiert ein Problem aus dem Bereich Medizintechnologie (ein NRW-Förderschwerpunkt): die Entwicklung eines für Patienten maßgeschneiderten Gewebeersatzmaterials, ein Knochensurrogat. Kritische (“critical size“) Knochendefekte stellen ein signifikantes Gesundheitsproblem dar, das durch die zurzeit gängigen Knochenersatzmaterialien nicht bzw. nicht effizient therapiert werden kann. Kritische Knochendefekte werden mit artifiziellen Biomaterialien behandelt, die bislang eine unzureichende Regenerationskapazität aufweisen.
Nanomedicine strategies were first adapted and successfully translated to clinical application for diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. These strategies would no doubt benefit unmet diseases needs as in the case of leishmaniasis. The latter causes skin sores in the cutaneous form and affects internal organs in the visceral form. Treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) aims at accelerating wound healing, reducing scarring and cosmetic morbidity, preventing parasite transmission and relapse. Unfortunately, available treatments show only suboptimal effectiveness and none of them were designed specifically for this disease condition. Tissue regeneration using nano-based devices coupled with drug delivery are currently being used in clinic to address diabetic wounds. Thus, in this review, we analyse the current treatment options and attempt to critically analyse the use of nanomedicine-based strategies to address CL wounds in view of achieving scarless wound healing, targeting secondary bacterial infection and lowering drug toxicity.
Dental stem cells have been isolated from the medical waste of various dental tissues. They have been characterized by numerous markers, which are evaluated herein and differentiated into multiple cell types. They can also be used to generate cell lines and iPSCs for long-term in vitro research. Methods for utilizing these stem cells including cellular systems such as organoids or cell sheets, cell-free systems such as exosomes, and scaffold-based approaches with and without drug release concepts are reported in this review and presented with new pictures for clarification. These in vitro applications can be deployed in disease modeling and subsequent pharmaceutical research and also pave the way for tissue regeneration. The main focus herein is on the potential of dental stem cells for hard tissue regeneration, especially bone, by evaluating their potential for osteogenesis and angiogenesis, and the regulation of these two processes by growth factors and environmental stimulators. Current in vitro and in vivo publications show numerous benefits of using dental stem cells for research purposes and hard tissue regeneration. However, only a few clinical trials currently exist. The goal of this review is to pinpoint this imbalance and encourage scientists to pick up this research and proceed one step further to translation.
Bone tissue engineering is an ever-changing, rapidly evolving, and highly interdisciplinary field of study, where scientists try to mimic natural bone structure as closely as possible in order to facilitate bone healing. New insights from cell biology, specifically from mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and signaling, lead to new approaches in bone regeneration. Novel scaffold and drug release materials based on polysaccharides gain increasing attention due to their wide availability and good biocompatibility to be used as hydrogels and/or hybrid components for drug release and tissue engineering. This article reviews the current state of the art, recent developments, and future perspectives in polysaccharide-based systems used for bone regeneration.
Polyether and polyether/ester based TPU (thermoplastic polyurethanes) were investigated with wide-angle XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SAXS (small angle X-ray scattering). Furthermore, SAXS measurements were performed in the temperature range of 30 °C to 130 °C. Polyether based polymers exhibit only one broad diffraction signal in a region of 2 θ 15° to 25°. In case of polyurethanes with ether/ester modification, the broad diffraction signal arises with small sharp diffraction signals. SAXS measurements of polymers reveal the size and shape of the crystalline zones of the polymer. Between 30 °C and 130 °C the size of the crystalline zone changes significantly. The size decreases in most of investigated TPU. In the case of Desmopan 9365D an increase of the particle size was observed.
Today, more than 70 million tons of lignin are produced by the pulp and paper industry every year. However, the utilization of lignin as a source for chemical synthesis is still limited due to the complex and heterogeneous lignin structure. The purpose of this study was a selective photodegradation of industrially available kraft lignin in order to obtain appropriate fragments and building block chemicals for further utilization, e.g. polymerization. Thus, kraft lignin obtained from soft wood black liquor by acidification was dissolved in sodium hydroxide and irradiated at a wavelength of 254 nm with and without the presence of titanium dioxide in various concentrations. Analyses of the irradiated products via SEC showed decreasing molar masses and decreasing polydispersity indices over time. At the end of the irradiation period the lignin was depolymerised to form fragments as small as the lignin monomers. TOC analyses showed minimal mineralisation due to the depolymerisation process.