H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (62)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Article (35)
- Conference Object (19)
- Report (4)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Patent (1)
- Preprint (1)
Year of publication
- Chemometrics (3)
- Raman spectroscopy (3)
- TATP (3)
- Classification (2)
- Discriminant analysis (2)
- Gassensor (2)
- Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) (2)
- Hyperspectral image (2)
- Principal Components Analysis (2)
- Raman microscopy (2)
Because the robust and rapid determination of spoilage microorganisms is becoming increasingly important in industry, the use of IR microspectroscopy, and the establishment of robust and versatile chemometric models for data processing and classification, is gaining importance. To further improve the chemometric models, bacterial stress responses were induced, to study the effect on the IR spectra and to improve the chemometric model. Thus, in this work, nine important food-relevant microorganisms were subjected to eight stress conditions, besides the regular culturing as a reference. Spectral changes compared to normal growth conditions without stressors were found in the spectral regions of 900–1500 cm−1 and 1500–1700 cm−1. These differences might stem from changes in the protein secondary structure, exopolymer production, and concentration of nucleic acids, lipids, and polysaccharides. As a result, a model for the discrimination of the studied microorganisms at the genus, species and strain level was established, with an accuracy of 96.6%. This was achieved despite the inclusion of various stress conditions and times after incubation of the bacteria. In addition, a model was developed for each individual microorganism, to separate each stress condition or regular treatment with 100% accuracy.
The choice of suitable semiconducting metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors for the detection of a specific gas or gas mixture is time-consuming since the sensor’s sensitivity needs to be characterized at multiple temperatures to find its optimal operating conditions. To obtain reliable measurement results, it is very important that the power for the sensor’s integrated heater is stable, regulated and error-free (or error-tolerant). Especially the error-free requirement can be only be achieved if the power supply implements failure-avoiding and failure-detection methods. The biggest challenge is deriving multiple different voltages from a common supply in an efficient way while keeping the system as small and lightweight as possible. This work presents a reliable, compact, embedded system that addresses the power supply requirements for fully automated simultaneous sensor characterization for up to 16 sensors at multiple temperatures. The system implements efficient (avg. 83.3% efficiency) voltage conversion with low ripple output (<32 mV) and supports static or temperature-cycled heating modes. Voltage and current of each channel are constantly monitored and regulated to guarantee reliable operation. To evaluate the proposed design, 16 sensors were screened. The results are shown in the experimental part of this work.
The application of Raman and infrared (IR) microspectroscopy is leading to hyperspectral data containing complementary information concerning the molecular composition of a sample. The classification of hyperspectral data from the individual spectroscopic approaches is already state-of-the-art in several fields of research. However, more complex structured samples and difficult measuring conditions might affect the accuracy of classification results negatively and could make a successful classification of the sample components challenging. This contribution presents a comprehensive comparison in supervised pixel classification of hyperspectral microscopic images, proving that a combined approach of Raman and IR microspectroscopy has a high potential to improve classification rates by a meaningful extension of the feature space. It shows that the complementary information in spatially co-registered hyperspectral images of polymer samples can be accessed using different feature extraction methods and, once fused on the feature-level, is in general more accurately classifiable in a pattern recognition task than the corresponding classification results for data derived from the individual spectroscopic approaches.
Hydrophilic surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates were prepared by a combination of TiO2-coatings of aluminium plates through a direct titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) coating and drop coated by synthesised gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). Differences between the wettability of the untreated substrates, the slowly dried Ti(OH)4 substrates and calcinated as well as plasma treated TiO2 substrates were analysed by water contact angle (WCA) measurements. The hydrophilic behaviour of the developed substrates helped to improve the distribution of the AuNPs, which reflects in overall higher lateral SERS enhancement. Surface enhancement of the substrates was tested with target molecule rhodamine 6G (R6G) and a fibre-coupled 638 nm Raman spectrometer. Additionally, the morphology of the substrates was characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman microscopy. The studies showed a reduced influence of the coffee ring effect on the particle distribution, resulting in a more broadly distributed edge region, which increased the spatial reproducibility of the measured SERS signal in the surface-enhanced Raman mapping measurements on mm scale.
Discrimination of Stressed and Non-Stressed Food-Related Bacteria Using Raman-Microspectroscopy
As the identification of microorganisms becomes more significant in industry, so does the utilization of microspectroscopy and the development of effective chemometric models for data analysis and classification. Since only microorganisms cultivated under laboratory conditions can be identified, but they are exposed to a variety of stress factors, such as temperature differences, there is a demand for a method that can take these stress factors and the associated reactions of the bacteria into account. Therefore, bacterial stress reactions to lifetime conditions (regular treatment, 25 °C, HCl, 2-propanol, NaOH) and sampling conditions (cold sampling, desiccation, heat drying) were induced to explore the effects on Raman spectra in order to improve the chemometric models. As a result, in this study nine food-relevant bacteria were exposed to seven stress conditions in addition to routine cultivation as a control. Spectral alterations in lipids, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and proteins were observed when compared to normal growth circumstances without stresses. Regardless of the involvement of several stress factors and storage times, a model for differentiating the analyzed microorganisms from genus down to strain level was developed. Classification of the independent training dataset at genus and species level for Escherichia coli and at strain level for the other food relevant microorganisms showed a classification rate of 97.6%.
With the increasing demand for ultrapure water in the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industry, the need for precise measuring instruments for those applications is also growing. One critical parameter of water quality is the amount of total organic carbon (TOC). This work presents a system that uses the advantage of the increased oxidation power achieved with UV/O3 advanced oxidation process (AOP) for TOC measurement in combination with a significant miniaturization compared to the state of the art. The miniaturization is achieved by using polymer-electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis cells for ozone generation in combination with UV-LEDs for irradiation of the measuring solution, as both components are significantly smaller than standard equipment. Conductivity measurement after oxidation is the measuring principle and measurements were carried out in the TOC range between 10 and 1000 ppb TOC. The suitability of the system for TOC measurement is demonstrated using the oxidation by ozonation combined with UV irradiation of defined concentrations of isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
Ausführungsbeispiele schaffen eine Vorrichtung zur Desinfektion oder Sanitisierung zumindest eines Gegenstands. Die Vorrichtung umfasst einen Ozongenerator, der ausgebildet ist, um Ozon zu erzeugen und in einem Volumen freizusetzen. Ferner umfasst die Vorrichtung einen Ozonsensor, der ausgebildet ist, um eine Ozonkonzentration in dem Volumen zu messen. Ferner umfasst die Vorrichtung eine Steuereinrichtung, die konfiguriert ist, um den Ozongenerator anzusteuern Ozon zu erzeugen, so dass eine gemessene Ozonkonzentration für einen vorgegebenen Zeitraum bei einer vorgegebenen Ozonkonzentration oder innerhalb eines vorgegebenen Ozonkonzentrationsbereichs liegt, um in dem Volumen befindliche Gegenstände zu desinfizieren oder sanitisieren.
In this work, the surface reactions of the homemade explosive triacetone triperoxide on tungsten oxide (WO3) sensor surfaces are studied to obtain detailed information about the chemical reactions taking place. Semiconductor gas sensors based on WO3 nanopowders are therefore produced and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. To analyze the reaction mechanisms at the sensor surface, the sensor is monitored online under operation conditions using Raman spectroscopy, which allows to identify the temperature-dependent sensor reactions. By combining information from the Raman spectra with data on the changing resistivity of the underlying semiconductor, it is possible to establish a correlation between the adsorbed gas species and the physical properties of the WO3 layer. In the results, it is indicated that a Lewis acid–base reaction is the most likely mechanism for the increase in resistance observed at temperatures below 150 °C. In the results, at higher temperatures, the assumption of a radical mechanism that causes a decrease in resistance is supported.
Explosives detection dog (EDD) teams are deployed at mass events such as concerts, annual general meetings of large listed companies or in air cargo security. However, outside of EU-regulated air cargo, there is no common quality standard for commercial EDD in Germany and many neighboring countries. While law enforcement agencies have access to experienced chemists and can conduct dog training with homemade explosives, small commercial security services do not have comparable capabilities and face additional legal hurdles. The DIN SPEC 77201 was developed within the project to fulfil the need for a generally accepted quality standard. A training workshop was developed and transferred from the academic sector to commercial partners in order to improve training opportunities with home-made explosives, providing new insights for training EDD teams with TATP, HMTD or training aids.
Hydrogen‐Bonded Cholesteric Liquid Crystals—A Modular Approach Toward Responsive Photonic Materials
A supramolecular approach for photonic materials based on hydrogen-bonded cholesteric liquid crystals is presented. The modular toolbox of low-molecular-weight hydrogen-bond donors and acceptors provides a simple route toward liquid crystalline materials with tailor-made thermal and photonic properties. Initial studies reveal broad application potential of the liquid crystalline thin films for chemo- and thermosensing. The chemosensing performance is based on the interruption of the intermolecular forces between the donor and acceptor moieties by interference with halogen-bond donors. Future studies will expand the scope of analytes and sensing in aqueous media. In addition, the implementation of the reported materials in additive manufacturing and printed photonic devices is planned.
Timely recognition of threats can be significantly supported by security assistance systems that work continuously in time and call the security personnel in case of anomalous events in the surveillance area. We describe the concept and the realization of an indoor security assistance system for real-time decision support. The system consists of a computer vision module and a person classification module. The computer vision module provides a video event analysis of the entrance region in front of the demonstrator. After entering the control corridor, the persons are tracked, classified, and potential threats are localized inside the demonstrator. Data for the person classification are provided by chemical sensors detecting hazardous materials. Due to their limited spatio-temporal resolution, a single chemical sensor cannot localize this material and associate it with a person. We compensate this deficiency by fusing the output of multiple, distributed chemical sensors with kinematical data from laser-range scanners. Considering both the computer vision formation and the results of the person classification affords the localization of threats and a timely reaction of the security personnel.
Sicherheit im Fährverkehr
The following work presents algorithms for semi-automatic validation, feature extraction and ranking of time series measurements acquired from MOX gas sensors. Semi-automatic measurement validation is accomplished by extending established curve similarity algorithms with a slope-based signature calculation. Furthermore, a feature-based ranking metric is introduced. It allows for individual prioritization of each feature and can be used to find the best performing sensors regarding multiple research questions. Finally, the functionality of the algorithms, as well as the developed software suite, are demonstrated with an exemplary scenario, illustrating how to find the most power-efficient MOX gas sensor in a data set collected during an extensive screening consisting of 16,320 measurements, all taken with different sensors at various temperatures and analytes.
Durch Dotierung eines nematischen Flüssigkristalles mit einer chiralen Substanz wird eine helikal strukturierte Phase induziert, die in der Lage ist, einfallendes Licht wellenlängenselektiv zu reflektieren. Bei der Reaktion des Dotiermittels mit einem gasförmigen Analyten verändern sich die Ganghöhe dieser Struktur und damit die reflektierte Wellenlänge. Liegt diese im Bereich des sichtbaren Lichts, ist eine Farbänderung mit dem menschlichen Auge zu beobachten. Es ist dabei sinnvoll den Flüssigkristall z.B. in einem Polymer einzukapseln, um ihn vor mechanischen Einflüssen und Umwelteinflüssen zu schützen. Eine Möglichkeit zur Einkapselung ist das koaxiale Elektrospinnen. Vorteile sind unter anderem die Realisierung einer großen Oberfläche und einer sehr geringen Wanddicke der schützenden Schale, die die Diffusion von Gasen durch die Wand hindurch ermöglicht. Um die Funktionsfähigkeit eines solchen Sensors zu testen, wurde ein CO2-sensitiver Flüssigkristall verwendet. Dieser wurde in eine Schale aus Polyvinylpyrrolidon (PVP) versponnen und die Reaktion mit CO2 spektroskopisch analysiert.
Die Detektion von Explosivstoffen stellt ein zentrales Feld der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung dar. Eine besondere Herausforderung liegt hierbei in dem Nachweis verpackter Substanzen, wie es bei Unkonventionellen Spreng- und Brandvorrichtung (USBV) häufig der Fall ist. Derzeit eingesetzte Verfahren arbeiten meist mit bildgebenden Techniken, durch die sich ein Anfangsverdacht ergibt. Der tatsächliche chemische Inhalt der USBV lässt sich jedoch nicht exakt ermitteln. Eine genaue Beurteilung der Gefährdung durch solche Substanzen ist allerdings von großer Bedeutung, insbesondere wenn die Entschärfung des Objekts in bewohntem Gebiet stattfinden muss. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das sich als Verifikationsverfahren bei bestehendem Anfangsverdacht gezielt einsetzen lässt. Hierzu wird mittels Laserbohrtechnik zunächst die äußere Hülle des zu untersuchenden Gegenstandes durchdrungen. Anschließend finden eine lasergestützte Probenahme des Inhalts sowie die Detektion unter Verwendung geeigneter Analysemöglichkeiten statt. Der Bohr- und Probenahmefortschritt wird über verschiedene spektroskopische und sensorische Verfahren begleitend überwacht. Zukünftig soll das System abstandsfähig auf Entschärfungsrobotern eingesetzt werden.
Detection of triacetone triperoxide using temperature cycled metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensors
In the context of the Franco-German research project Re(h)strain, this work focuses on a global system analysis integrating both safety and security analysis of international and/or urban railway stations. The Re(h)strain project focuses on terrorist attacks on high speed train systems and investigates prevention and mitigation measures to reduce the overall vulnerability and strengthen the system resilience. One main criterion regarding public transport issues is the number of passengers. For example, the railway station of Paris “Gare du Nord” deals with a bigger number of passengers than the biggest airport in the world (SNCF open Data 2014), the Atlanta airport, but in terms of passengers, it is only around the 23rd rank railway station in the world. Due to the enormous mass of people, this leads to the system approach of breaking out the station into several classes of zones, e.g. entrance, main hall, quays, trains, etc. All classes are analysed considering state-of-the-art parameters, like targets attractiveness, feasibility of attack, possible damage, possible mitigation and defences. Then, safety incidence of security defence is discussed in order to refine security requirement with regard to the considered zone. Finally, global requirements of security defence correlated to the corresponding class of zones are proposed.
Unkonventionelle Spreng- und Brandvorrichtungen sind Bedrohungen in den weltweiten Konfliktherden und werden bei terroristischen Aktivitäten verwendet. Der Schutz von Menschen und Material erfordert daher effektive Gegenmaßnahmen. Dazu gehört auch die Anforderung an Sicherheitskräfte oder militärisches Personal, unbekannte Substanzfunde mit geringem zeitlichem und logistischem Aufwand vor Ort als gefährdend oder unkritisch einzustufen. Um Explosivstoffe von nicht-explosiven Materialien zu unterscheiden, kann die bei Explosivstoffen initiierbare, stark exotherme Reaktion genutzt werden. Diese resultiert in Strahlungsemissionen sowie in lokaler Druck- und Temperaturerhöhung. Die Messung dieser Reaktionseffekte und die Anforderung an eine mobile, einfach zu bedienende und robuste Analytik werden durch ein System ermöglicht, das Proben im einstelligen mg-Bereich durch schnelles Erhitzen auf mikrostrukturierten Heizern zum chemischen Umsatz anregt. Die emittierte Strahlung wird mit Photodioden im Bereich des sichtbaren und nah-infraroten Lichts aufgenommen, ein Sensor registriert die Druckerhöhung in einer geschlossenen Versuchskammer. In einem zweiten Aufbau werden die gasförmigen Reaktionsprodukte über ein Sensorarray von vier kommerziellen Gassensoren geleitet und die Signalantworten der Halbleitergassensoren mittels Hauptkomponentenanalyse ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die schnelle thermische Aktivierung für die untersuchten primären Explosivstoffe, Treibladungspulver, sowie Trinitrotoluol (TNT) reproduzierbar erfolgt. Nicht-Explosivstoffe werden dabei im untersuchten Umfang sicher als unkritisch erkannt. Die Auswertung der Gassensorsignale liefert eine Unterscheidung von Nitrat- und Peroxid-basierten Sprengstoffen sowie von nicht-explosiven Substanzen.
P30 - Das Elektrospinnen von halbleitenden Zinndioxidfasern für die Detektion von Wasserstoff
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von dünnen keramischen Fasern als halbleitendes Sensormaterial zum Nachweis von Wasserstoff, möglichst bei Zimmertemperatur. Die elektrische Leitfähigkeit halbleitender Metalloxide ändert sich durch die Einwirkung von oxidierenden und reduzierenden Gasen auf die Oberfläche des Metalloxids. Dieser Effekt kann zur Messung der Gaskonzentration genutzt werden. Die Reaktion von Zinn(IV)-oxid mit Wasserstoff basiert auf der Reduktion des Zinn(IV)-oxids zum Zinn, wobei die Elektronen des Zinn(IV)-oxids im metallischen Zinn verbleiben und dort im nicht gebundenen Zustand zu einer Leitfähigkeitserhöhung beitragen. Die Reaktion des Wasserstoffes kann sowohl mit den Sauerstoffatomen des Oxids als auch mit adsorbierten Sauerstoffatomen an der Oxidoberfläche stattfinden.[ 6] Da die Reaktionen an der Oberfläche des Oxids stattfinden, sollten Sensoren mit einer großen Oberfläche im Vergleich zu metalloxidischen Bulkmaterialien eine höhere Empfindlichkeit aufweisen. [3] Die Verwendung von Fasern anstelle von Dünn- oder Dickschichten führt dabei zu einer besseren Sensitivität gegenüber Gasen.
Sensoren können verschiedene Aufgaben erfüllen, wie beispielsweise die Optimierung von Prozessen, die Interaktion zwischen Geräten oder die Verbesserung der zivilen Sicherheit. [1–3] Ihr Bedarf für die Industrie oder den Alltag wächst seit Jahren stetig. Besonders mobile Gassensoren sind von großem Interesse. Jedoch ist ihre Anwendung meist durch ihre integrierte Batterie begrenzt. Gassensoren ohne oder mit einem nur sehr geringen Energieverbrauch stehen daher im Interesse bei neuen Anwendungsgebieten, beispielsweise im Brandschutz oder in der Textilindustrie. [4,5] Die Sensoren könnten zum Beispiel in die Textilien einer persönlichen Schutzausrüstung eingearbeitet werden und durch einen Farbumschlag die Anwesenheit eines Gases oder die Überschreitung des Grenzwertes toxischer Substanzen anzeigen.
Polymer fibers with liquid crystals (LCs) in the core have potential as autonomous sensors of airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with a high surface-to-volume ratio enabling fast and sensitive response and an attractive non-woven textile form factor. We demonstrate their ability to continuously and quantitatively measure the concentration of toluene, cyclohexane, and isopropanol as representative VOCs, via the impact of each VOC on the LC birefringence. The response is fully reversible and repeatable over several cycles, the response time can be as low as seconds, and high sensitivity is achieved when the operating temperature is near the LC-isotropic transition temperature. We propose that a broad operating temperature range can be realized by combining fibers with different LC mixtures, yielding autonomous VOC sensors suitable for integration in apparel or in furniture that can compete with existing consumer-grade electronic VOC sensors in terms of sensitivity and response speed.
The simultaneous operation of multiple different semiconducting metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors is demanding for the readout circuitry. The challenge results from the strongly varying signal intensities of the various sensor types to the target gas. While some sensors change their resistance only slightly, other types can react with a resistive change over a range of several decades. Therefore, a suitable readout circuit has to be able to capture all these resistive variations, requiring it to have a very large dynamic range. This work presents a compact embedded system that provides a full, high range input interface (readout and heater management) for MOX sensor operation. The system is modular and consists of a central mainboard that holds up to eight sensor-modules, each capable of supporting up to two MOX sensors, therefore supporting a total maximum of 16 different sensors. Its wide input range is archived using the resistance-to-time measurement method. The system is solely built with commercial off-the-shelf components and tested over a range spanning from 100Ω to 5 GΩ (9.7 decades) with an average measurement error of 0.27% and a maximum error of 2.11%. The heater management uses a well-tested power-circuit and supports multiple modes of operation, hence enabling the system to be used in highly automated measurement applications. The experimental part of this work presents the results of an exemplary screening of 16 sensors, which was performed to evaluate the system’s performance.
Optical gas sensors based on chiral-nematic liquid crystals (N* LCs) forming one-dimensional photonic crystals do not require electrical energy and have a considerable potential to supplement established types of sensors. A chiral-nematic phase with tunable selective reflection is induced in a nematic host LC by adding reactive chiral dopants. The selective chemical reaction between dopant and analyte is capable to vary the pitch length (the lattice constant) of the soft, self-assembled, one-dimensional photonic crystal. The progress of the ongoing chemical reaction can be observed even by naked eye because the color of the samples varies. In this work, we encapsulate the responsive N* LC in microscale polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) fibers via coaxial electrospinning. The sensor is, thus, given a solid form and has an improved stability against nonavoidable environmental influences. The reaction behavior of encapsulated and nonencapsulated N* LC toward a gaseous analyte is compared, systematically. Making use of the encapsulation is an important step to improve the applicability.
A series of reactive binaphthyl‐diimine‐based dopants is prepared and investigated with respect to their potential for the chiral induction of structural coloration in nematic liquid crystal mixture E7 and the selective photonic sensing of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Studies of the helical twisting power (HTP) in 4‐cyano‐4′‐pentylbiphenyl (5CB) reveal HTP values as high as 375 µm‐1 and the tremendous impact of structural compatibility and changes of the dihedral binaphthyl angle on the efficiency of the chiral transfer. Detailed investigation of the sensing capabilities of the systems reveals an extraordinarily high selectivity for NO2 and a response to concentrations as low as 100 ppm. The systems show a direct response to the analyte gas leading to a concentration‐dependent shift of the reflectance wavelength of up to several hundred nanometers. Incorporation of copper ions remarkably improves the sensor's properties in terms of sensitivity and selectivity, enabling the tailored tweaking of the system's properties.
Explorative experiments were done to figure out differences in the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of not infested trees and trees infested by Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorn beetle, ALB), a quarantine pest. Therefore, VOCs from some native insect species, Anoplophora glabripennis infested Acer, stressed Acer, healthy Acer, Populus and Salix were obtained by enrichment on adsorbents. Qualitative analysis was done by thermal desorption gas chromatography coupled with a mass selective detector (TD-GC/MS). Altogether 169 substances were identified. 11 substances occur from ALB infested or mechanically damaged trees i.e. stressed trees, but not from healthy trees. (+)-Cyclosativene, (+)-α-longipinene, copaene and caryophyllene are detectable only from ALB-infested Acer not from mechanically damaged or healthy Acer. However, these substances are also emitted by healthy Salix. 2,4-Dimethyl-1-heptene is among all tree samples exclusively present in the ambience of ALB-infested trees. It´s rarely detectable from native insect species’ samples.
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) with subsequent chemometric evaluation was performed for the rapid and non-destructive differentiation of seven important meat-associated microorganisms, namely Brochothrix thermosphacta DSM 20171, Pseudomonas fluorescens DSM 4358, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sv. Enteritidis DSM 14221, Listeria monocytogenes DSM 19094, Micrococcus luteus DSM 20030, Escherichia coli HB101 and Bacillus thuringiensis sv. israelensis DSM 5724. A simple method for collecting spectra from commercial paper-based SERS substrates without any laborious pre-treatments was used. In order to prepare the spectroscopic data for classification at genera level with a subsequent chemometric evaluation consisting of principal component analysis and discriminant analysis, a pre-processing method with spike correction and sum normalisation was performed. Because of the spike correction rather than exclusion, and therefore the use of a balanced data set, the multivariate analysis of the data is significantly resilient and meaningful. The analysis showed that the differentiation of meat-associated microorganisms and thereby the detection of important meat-related pathogenic bacteria was successful on genera level and a cross-validation as well as a classification of ungrouped data showed promising results, with 99.5 % and 97.5 %, respectively.
Triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD), known for their propensity towards use in improvised explosive devices due to facile synthesis from readily accessible precursors, present a considerable security challenge. Their sensitivity to mechanical stimuli, such as impact and friction, as well as to thermal input, necessitates the development of advanced detection methodologies. This study is dedicated to evaluate the influence of varied laser beam parameters during radiation on these peroxide-based energetic materials. A novel approach for the controlled energy delivery to substances under investigation involves the application of coatings with predefined absorption coefficients. This technique, coupled with the careful selection of laser parameters, enables the controlled local initiation of reaction in the energetic material without reaching the threshold for mass combustion, thereby avoiding detonation or deflagration. The experimental setup involves the laser irradiation of defined quantities of graphite-coated TATP and HMTD, with the subsequent laser processing being monitored using a sensitive microphone. This set-up enables a detailed investigation of the physical phenomena that manifest themselves during the interaction and thus contributes to the state of knowledge about the safe handling and detection of these energetic materials.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Echtzeitüberwachung von Laserbohrprozessen vorgestellt. Die Untersuchungen werden an unterschiedlichen Materialien unter Einsatz eines passiv-gütegeschalteten Nd:YAG Lasers durchgeführt. Prozessbegleitend findet eine Aufzeichnung der akustischen Emissionen mit anschließender Analyse durch schnelle Fourier-Transformation statt. Hierdurch lassen sich der Durchbruch beim Bohren durch ein Material sowie der Materialübergang mehrschichtiger Systeme detektieren. Die akustischen Messungen werden durchAuswertung der Pulsfolge des Lasers mittels einer Fotodiode gestützt. Hierbei zeigt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung der im akustischen Spektrum dominanten Frequenz mit der jeweils im Laserburstauftretenden Pulsfrequenz. Das vorgestellte Verfahren ermöglicht eine Echtzeitüberwachung beim Laserbohren mittels kostengünstiger und einfacher Hardware. Zudem zeichnet es sich im Gegensatz zu bestehenden Verfahren durch eine hohe Robustheit gegen äußere Störeinflüsse aus, da eine frequenzbasierte Auswertung stattfindet.
Bisher ist nicht bekannt, in welchem Ausmaß Fremd- oder Störgerüche dazu geeignet sind, die allgemeine Leistungsfähigkeit eines Sprengstoffspürhundes einzuschränken oder sogar die Detektion eines Sprengkörpers zu verhindern. Ziel ist es zu untersuchen, inwieweit sich durch den gezielten Einsatz von Störsubstanzen die Sprengstoffdetektionsfähigkeit von Spürhunden beeinflussen lässt. Mit Detektionsfähigkeit ist hier sowohl die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer richtigen Detektion von Sprengstoffen in Gegenwart von starken Fremdgerüchen, als auch die ebenfalls zu erwartende Verringerung der Einsatzdauer (vorzeitige Erschöpfung) gemeint.