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Document Type
- Conference Object (9)
- Article (5)
- Contribution to a Periodical (4)
- Book (monograph, edited volume) (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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Year of publication
- API usability (2)
- Usable Security (2)
- software development (2)
- API Documentation (1)
- API Gebrauchstauglichkeit (1)
- CoAP (1)
- Content Security Policies (1)
- Developer Centered Security (1)
- Evaluation (1)
- HTTP (1)
Damit IT-gestützte Produkte und Systeme vor unbefugter oder missbräuchlicher Nutzung wirksam geschützt sind, müssen sie mit Sicherheitsfunktionen ausgestattet sein, die benutzerfreundlich sind. Hierfür sind seitens der Entwickler sowohl Security- als auch Usability-Kenntnisse erforderlich. Da insbesondere Entwickler in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) oft nicht über tiefer gehende Kenntnisse in beiden Bereichen verfügen, bedürfen sie einer Unterstützung, z. B. in Form geeigneter Methoden und Werkzeuge. In diesem Beitrag werden ein Lösungsweg und eine Werkzeugsammlung vorgestellt, die Entwicklern in KMU dabei helfen, auf systematische Weise digitale Produkte und Systeme mit dem Qualitätsmerkmal Usable Security herzustellen.
Consolidating Principles and Patterns for Human-centred Usable Security Research and Development
We present an evaluation of usable security principles and patterns to facilitate the transfer of existing knowledge to researchers and practitioners. Based on a literature review we extracted 23 common usable security principles and 47 usable security patterns and identified their interconnection. The results indicate that current research tends to focus on only a subset of important principles. The fact that some principles are not yet addressed by any design patterns suggests that further work on refining these patterns is needed. We developed an online repository, which stores the harmonized principles and patterns. The tool enables users to search for relevant patterns and explore them in an interactive and programmatic manner. We argue that both the insights presented in this paper and the repository will be highly valuable for students for getting a good overview, practitioners for implementing usable security and researchers for identifying areas of future research.
Forschen, forschen und nochmal forschen: Genau das haben sich Hartmut Schmitt, Peter Nehren, Luigi Lo Iacono und Peter Leo Gorski in diesem shortcut zur Aufgabe gemacht. In fünf Kapiteln stellen sie die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts "USecureD - Usable Security by Design" vor und unterstützen damit Softwareentwickler bei der systematischen Entwicklung von Produkten mit dem Qualititäsmerkmal "Usable Security". Forschen Sie selbst ein wenig mit und lernen Sie alles zu spannenden Anwendungsmöglichketen, Werkzeugen, Testplattformen und Entscheidungshilfen.
Software developers build complex systems using plenty of third-party libraries. Documentation is key to understand and use the functionality provided via the libraries’ APIs. Therefore, functionality is the main focus of contemporary API documentation, while cross-cutting concerns such as security are almost never considered at all, especially when the API itself does not provide security features. Documentations of JavaScript libraries for use in web applications, e.g., do not specify how to add or adapt a Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate content injection attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). This is unfortunate, as security-relevant API documentation might have an influence on secure coding practices and prevailing major vulnerabilities such as XSS. For the first time, we study the effects of integrating security-relevant information in non-security API documentation. For this purpose, we took CSP as an exemplary study object and extended the official Google Maps JavaScript API documentation with security-relevant CSP information in three distinct manners. Then, we evaluated the usage of these variations in a between-group eye-tracking lab study involving N=49 participants. Our observations suggest: (1) Developers are focused on elements with code examples. They mostly skim the documentation while searching for a quick solution to their programming task. This finding gives further evidence to results of related studies. (2) The location where CSP-related code examples are placed in non-security API documentation significantly impacts the time it takes to find this security-relevant information. In particular, the study results showed that the proximity to functional-related code examples in documentation is a decisive factor. (3) Examples significantly help to produce secure CSP solutions. (4) Developers have additional information needs that our approach cannot meet.
Overall, our study contributes to a first understanding of the impact of security-relevant information in non-security API documentation on CSP implementation. Although further research is required, our findings emphasize that API producers should take responsibility for adequately documenting security aspects and thus supporting the sensibility and training of developers to implement secure systems. This responsibility also holds in seemingly non-security relevant contexts.
Usable Security – Benutzerfreundliche Sicherheitsfunktionen für Software und interaktive Produkte
Sowohl im geschäftlichen wie im privaten Umfeld müssen Software, Apps und vernetzte Technikprodukte mit Sicherheitsfunktionen ausgestattet sein, die auch für Laien und Gelegenheitsnutzer verständlich und benutzbar sind. Im Umgang mit sensiblen Daten können sich diese Produkte ansonsten schnell als Risiko entpuppen, etwa wenn Sicherheitsmechanismen aufgrund mangelnder Usability von den Nutzern falsch oder überhaupt nicht bedient werden. Der Begriff „Usable Security“ bezeichnet ein Qualitätsmerkmal bzw. einen Entwicklungsansatz für Sicherheitskomponenten von Software und technischen Produkten, in dessen Zentrum der Benutzer steht. Dieser Beitrag soll als Einführung in das Thema Usable Security dienen und zugleich für die Probleme bei der Entwicklung gebrauchstauglicher Sicherheitsfunktionen sensibilisieren. Er ist Teil einer Serie von insgesamt drei Artikeln. Die folgenden zwei Beiträge vertiefen spezifische Themen im Kontext der Entwicklung von Sicherheitsfunktionen auf Grundlage von Muster lösungen (Patterns) und der Ausgestaltung von Warnhinweisen.
Kontemporäre Service-orientierte Systeme sind hochgradig vernetzt und haben zudem die Eigenschaft massiv-skalierbar zu sein. Diese Charakteristiken stellen im besonderen Maße Anforderungen an die Datensicherheit der Anwender solcher Systeme und damit primär an alle Stakeholder der Softwareentwicklung, die in der Verantwortung sind, passgenaue Sicherheitsmechanismen effektiv in die Softwareprodukte zu bringen. Die Effektivität von Sicherheitsarchitekturen in service-orientierten Systemen hängt maßgeblich von der richtigen Nutzung und Integration von Security-APIs durch eine heterogene Gruppe von Softwareentwicklern ab, bei der nicht per se ein fundiertes Hintergrundwissen über komplexe digitale Sicherheitsmechanismen vorausgesetzt werden kann. Die Diskrepanz zwischen komplexen und in der Anwendung fehleranfälligen APIs und einem fehlenden Verständnis für die zugrundeliegenden Sicherheitskonzepte auf Seiten der Nutzer begünstigt in der Praxis unsichere Softwaresysteme. Aus diesem Grund ist die Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Security-APIs besonders relevant, damit Programmierer den benötigten Funktionsumfang effektiv, effizient und zufriedenstellend verwenden können. Abgeleitet von dieser Problemstellung, konzentriert sich das Dissertationsvorhaben auf die gebrauchstaugliche Ausgestaltung von Security-APIs und den Herausforderungen die sich aus den Methoden zur Evaluation der Usability in typischen Umgebungen der Softwareentwicklung ergeben.
Contemporary software is inherently distributed. The principles guiding the design of such software have been mainly manifested by the service-oriented architecture (SOA) concept. In a SOA, applications are orchestrated by software services generally operated by distinct entities. Due to the latter fact, service security has been of importance in such systems ever since. A dominant protocol for implementing SOA-based systems is SOAP, which comes with a well-elaborated security framework. As an alternative to SOAP, the architectural style representational state transfer (REST) is gaining traction as a simple, lightweight and flexible guideline for designing distributed service systems that scale at large. This paper starts by introducing the basic constraints representing REST. Based on these foundations, the focus is afterwards drawn on the security needs of REST-based service systems. The limitations of transport-oriented protection means are emphasized and the demand for specific message-oriented safeguards is assessed. The paper then reviews the current activities in respect to REST-security and finds that the available schemes are mostly HTTP-centered and very heterogeneous. More importantly, all of the analyzed schemes contain vulnerabilities. The paper contributes a methodology on how to establish REST-security as a general security framework for protecting REST-based service systems of any kind by consistent and comprehensive protection means. First adoptions of the introduced approach are presented in relation to REST message authentication with instantiations for REST-ful HTTP (web/cloud services) and REST-ful constraint application protocol (CoAP) (internet of things (IoT) services).
Listen to Developers! A Participatory Design Study on Security Warnings for Cryptographic APIs
Cryptographic API misuse is responsible for a large number of software vulnerabilities. In many cases developers are overburdened by the complex set of programming choices and their security implications. Past studies have identified significant challenges when using cryptographic APIs that lack a certain set of usability features (e.g. easy-to-use documentation or meaningful warning and error messages) leading to an especially high likelihood of writing functionally correct but insecure code.
To support software developers in writing more secure code, this work investigates a novel approach aimed at these hard-to-use cryptographic APIs. In a controlled online experiment with 53 participants, we study the effectiveness of API-integrated security advice which informs about an API misuse and places secure programming hints as guidance close to the developer. This allows us to address insecure cryptographic choices including encryption algorithms, key sizes, modes of operation and hashing algorithms with helpful documentation in the guise of warnings. Whenever possible, the security advice proposes code changes to fix the responsible security issues. We find that our approach significantly improves code security. 73% of the participants who received the security advice fixed their insecure code.
We evaluate the opportunities and challenges of adopting API-integrated security advice and illustrate the potential to reduce the negative implications of cryptographic API misuse and help developers write more secure code.
Usable security puts the users into the center of cyber security developments. Software developers are a very specific user group in this respect, since their points of contact with security are application programming interfaces (APIs). In contrast to APIs providing functionalities of other domains than security, security APIs are not approachable by habitual means. Learning by doing exploration exercises is not well supported. Reasons for this range from missing documentation, tutorials and examples to lacking tools and impenetrable APIs, that makes this complex matter accessible. In this paper we study what abstraction level of security APIs is more suitable to meet common developers’ needs and expectations. For this purpose, we firstly define the term security API. Following this definition, we introduce a classification of security APIs according to their abstraction level. We then adopted this classification in two studies. In one we gathered the current coverage of the distinct classes by the standard set of security functionality provided by popular software development kits. The other study has been an online questionnaire in which we asked 55 software developers about their experiences and opinion in respect of integrating security mechanisms into their coding projects. Our findings emphasize that the right abstraction level of a security API is one important aspect to consider in usable security API design that has not been addressed much so far.
Service Security Revisited
Dieses Buch führt Sie umfassend in die WebSocket-Technik und die damit einhergehenden neuen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten ein. Unter den zahlreichen exemplarischen Anwendungen finden sich Beispiele auf Basis von Node.js, Vert.x, und JSR 356, als Programmiersprachen werden Java und JavaScript eingesetzt.
Web of Services Security
Computer-Sicherheitswarnungen – Benutzerzentrierte Entwurfsansätze der Usable Security-Forschung
Der dritte und letzte Teil der Artikel-Serie in dieser Ausgabe zum Thema Usable Security zeigt exemplarisch, wie Softwareentwickler mit den im Rahmen des USecureD-Projekts entwickelten Werkzeugen arbeiten können. Der Beitrag konzentriert sich dabei auf Prinzipien, Richtlinien und Patterns, die bei der Ausgestaltung gebrauchstauglicher Computer-Sicherheitswarnungen berücksichtigt werden sollten. Anhand dieser sehr ubiquitären Bestandteile eines jeden digitalen Produkts kann anschaulich gezeigt werden, wie aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Usable Security praxisnah für Softwarearchitekturen und Programmierer verfügbar und anwendbar gemacht werden können.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are a vital link between software components as well as between software and developers. Security APIs deliver crucial functionalities for programmers who see themselves in the increasing need for integrating security services into their software products. The ignorant or incorrect use of Security APIs leads to critical security flaws, as has been revealed by recent security studies. One major reason for this is rooted in usability issues. API Usability research has been deriving recommendations for designing usable APIs in general. Facing the growing relevance of Security APIs, the question arises, whether the observed usability aspects in the general space are already sufficient enough for building usable Security APIs. The currently available findings in the API Usability domain are selective fragments only, though. This still emerging field has not produced a comprehensive model yet. As a consequence, a first contribution of this paper is such a model that provides a consolidated view on the current research coverage of API Usability. On this baseline, the paper continues by conducting an analysis of relevant security studies, which give insights on usability problems developers had, when using Security APIs. This analysis leads to a proposal of eleven specific usability characteristics relevant for Security APIs. These have to be followed up by usability studies in order to evaluate how Security APIs need to be designed in a usable way and which potential trade-offs have to be balanced.
SOA-Readiness of REST
At the end of 2019, about 4.1 billion people on earth were using the internet. Because people entrust their most intimate and private data to their devices, the European legislation has declared the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data as a fundamental right. In 2018 23 million people worldwide, having the responsibility of implementing data security and privacy, were developing software. However, the implementation of data and application security is a challenge, as evidenced by over 41 thousand documented security incidents in 2019. Probably the most basic, powerful, and frequently used tools software developers work with are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Security APIs are essential tools to bring data and application security into software products. However, research results have revealed that usability problems of security APIs lead to insecure API use during development. Basic security requirements such as securely stored passwords, encrypted files or secure network connections can become an error-prone challenge and in consequence lead to unreliable or missing security and privacy. Because software developers hold a key position in the development processes of software, not properly operating security tools pose a risk to all people using software. However, little is known about the requirements of developers to address the problem and improve the usability of security APIs. This thesis is one of the first to examine the usability of security APIs. To this end, the author examines to what extent information flows can support software developers in using security APIs to implement secure software by conducting empirical studies with software developers. This thesis has contributed fundamental results that can be used in future work to identify and improve important information flows in software development. The studies have clearly shown that developer-tailored information flows with adapted security-relevant content have a positive influence on the correct implementation of security. However, the results have also led to the conclusion that API producers need to pay special attention to the channels through which they direct information flows to API users and how the information is designed to be useful for them. In many cases, it is not enough to provide security-relevant information via the documentation only. Here, proactive methods like the API security advice proposed by this thesis achieve significantly better results in terms of findability and actionable support. To further increase the effectiveness of the API security advice, this thesis developed a cryptographic API warning design for the terminal by adopting a participatory design approach with experienced software developers. However, it also became clear that a single information flow can only support up to a certain extent. As observed from two studies conducted in complex API environments in web development, multiple complementary information flows have to meet the extensive information needs of developers to be able to develop secure software. Some evaluated new approaches provided promising insights towards more API consumer-focused documentation designs as a complement to API warnings.
Software development is a complex task. Merely focussing on functional requirements is not sufficient any more. Developers are responsible to take many non-functional requirements carefully into account. Security is amongst the most challenging, as getting it wrong will result in a large user-base being potentially at risk. A similar situation exists for administrators. Security defaults have been put into place here to encounter lacking security controls. As first attempts to establish security by default in software development are flourishing, the question on their usability for developers arises.
In this paper we study the effectiveness and efficiency of Content Security Policy (CSP) enforced as security default in a web framework. When deployed correctly, CSP is a valid protection mean in a defence-in-depth strategy against code injection attacks. In this paper we present a first qualitative laboratory study with 30 participants to discover how developers deal with CSP when deployed as security default. Our results emphasize that the deployment as security default has its benefits but requires careful consideration of a comprehensive information flow in order to improve and not weaken security. We provide first insights to inform research about aiding developers in the creation of secure web applications with usable security by default.