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- Conference Object (5)
- Article (1)
- English (6)
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- no (6)
- E-Learning (1)
- Enterprise Resource Planning (1)
- erp4students (1)
In this paper, we introduce the international program erp4students as general example on how to successfully prepare university students for the world of works without having to give up the basic principle in higher education, i.e., to exclusively provide sustainable education. We start with introducing the basic concept and design of the program and provide information regarding the demographic development over the past decade and implemented quality assurance mechanisms. Subsequently, the scope and design of and hitherto achieved insights from the Learning Culture Survey are outlined. On the basis of found results, we finally discuss how erp4students can deal with possible culture-specific issues that latest might emerge when the program gets available for learners in the Asian context.
Enterprises demand universities not to limit education to theoretical knowledge, but instead, to prepare students for future challenges in the job. While demanding a focus on current technologies and practices appears reasonable, it contradicts academia’s general focus on sustainable knowledge. This “conflict-ofinterest” can be bridged through extra-curricular professional training. MOOCs are hyped as solution because they allow to simultaneously addressing masses of students. However, with the increasing number of learners, anonymity in education increases and first-level support decreases. Within the extracurricular online program erp4students we found that individual support is considered most relevant to successfully complete professional training.
MOOCs in POM Education
Basic demand from enterprises towards academic education: provide students not only methodological/theoretical knowledge, but also prepare them for the future tasks in the world of works! This contradicts academia’s focus on sustainably teaching basic principles. With the extra-curricular international online program erp4students, we successfully managed to bridge this "conflict-of-interest”.