570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie
Departments, institutes and facilities
- Institut für funktionale Gen-Analytik (IFGA) (161)
- Fachbereich Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (132)
- Institut für Technik, Ressourcenschonung und Energieeffizienz (TREE) (34)
- Graduierteninstitut (4)
- Fachbereich Informatik (2)
- Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (2)
- Institut für Sicherheitsforschung (ISF) (2)
- Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation (1)
- Internationales Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE) (1)
- Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technologietransfer (ZWT) (1)
Document Type
- Article (246)
- Part of a Book (13)
- Conference Object (7)
- Doctoral Thesis (7)
- Preprint (5)
- Report (2)
- Master's Thesis (1)
Year of publication
- ENaC (10)
- drug release (6)
- stem cells (6)
- Lignin (5)
- Gene expression (4)
- Inborn error of metabolism (4)
- Organic aciduria (4)
- angiogenesis (4)
- lignin (4)
- osteogenesis (4)
Biopolymers are increasingly used to design drug delivery systems (DDSs), which incorporate therapeutic agents to deliver drugs precisely to the diseased sites with minimal side effects. An ideal DDS targets and controls drug release, protecting drugs from breakdown during transport. Due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability, the DDS made of biopolymers acts as a drug vehicle to reduce the side effects in the body [1].
In this preliminary work, chitosan hydrogels were prepared using 1,3,5-benzene tricarboxylic acid (BTC) as a crosslinker. In addition, the release behavior of the hydrophobic dye (Rhodamine B) from the chitosan hydrogels was examined. The dye was used in this work to visually track and quantify the loading and release behavior.
Several species of (poly)saccharides and organic acids can be found often simultaneously in various biological matrices, e.g., fruits, plant materials, and biological fluids. The analysis of such matrices sometimes represents a challenging task. Using Aloe vera plant materials as an example, the performance of several spectroscopic methods (80 MHz benchtop NMR, NIR, ATR-FTIR and UV-Vis) for the simultaneous analysis of quality parameters of this plant material was compared. The determined parameters include (poly)saccharides such as aloverose, fructose and glucose as well as organic acids (malic, lactic, citric, isocitric, acetic, fumaric, benzoic and sorbic acids). 500 MHz NMR and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used as the reference methods.UV-VIS data can be used only for identification of added preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids) and drying agent (maltodextrin) and semiquantitative analysis of malic acid. NIR and MIR spectroscopies combined with multivariate regression can deliver more informative overview of Aloe vera extracts being able to additionally quantify glucose, aloverose, citric, isocitric, malic, lactic acids and fructose. Low-field NMR measurements can be used for the quantification of aloverose, glucose, malic, lactic, acetic, and benzoic acids. The benchtop NMR method was successfully validated in terms of robustness, stability, precision, reproducibility and limit of detection and quantification (LOD and LOQ).All spectroscopic techniques are useful for the screening of (poly)saccharides and organic acids in plant extracts and should be applied according to its availability as well as information and confidence required for the specific analytical goal. Benchtop NMR spectroscopy seems to be the most feasible solution for quality control of Aloe vera products.
Introduction: Celiac Disease (CD) is a multisystemic auto-mmune disorder triggered by gluten in HLA genetically predisposed individuals. HLA-DQ genotyping is useful to assess the individual susceptibility to CD but still not sufficient for early diagnosis. Here, we propose HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 gene typing and exosomes characterization as new tool for CD prevention and diagnosis.
Methods: A Chilean population (n=30) was investigated for SNPs mutations in HLA Class II alleles associated with CD predisposition, using the GenoChip Food Technology. Exosomes have been isolated from donors’ serum by ultracentrifugation and characterized by Western Blotting (for CD63 and CD9) and transmission electron microscopy. Exosomes were also studied for their interleukin-1ra content.
Results: Among the studied population, 45.84, 37.46, and 16.70% were carrying alleles encoding for MHC-DQ heterodimers associated with extremely high, high, and extremely low risk to develop CD. The exosome size decreased significantly (p<0.05) when derived from extremely low CD risk donors (44.58 ± 7.88 nm). In parallel, isolated Exosomes from donors with high and extremely high CD risk showed higher IL-1ra content. The values increase within the extremely high-risk group (108.8 ± 15.91 and 148.8 ± 12.37 pg/mL), as the CD persons were not following any treatment. However, these values were lower (52.50 ± 3.54 and 48.75 ± 6.52 pg/mL) in exosomes isolated from CD patients after treatment.
Conclusion: A relationship between exosomes’ size and IL-1ra content, and genetic susceptibility for CD has been observed, suggesting their possible use as biomarkers for CD prevention and diagnosis.
Aberrant Ras homologous (Rho) GTPase signalling is a major driver of cancer metastasis, and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), the negative regulators of RhoGTPases, are considered promising targets for suppressing metastasis, yet drug discovery efforts have remained elusive. Here, we report the identification and characterization of adhibin, a synthetic allosteric inhibitor of RhoGAP class-IX myosins that abrogates ATPase and motor function, suppressing RhoGTPase-mediated modes of cancer cell metastasis. In human and murine adenocarcinoma and melanoma cell models, including three-dimensional spheroid cultures, we reveal anti-migratory and anti-adhesive properties of adhibin that originate from local disturbances in RhoA/ROCK-regulated signalling, affecting actin-dynamics and actomyosin-based cell-contractility. Adhibin blocks membrane protrusion formation, disturbs remodelling of cell-matrix adhesions, affects contractile ring formation, and disrupts epithelial junction stability; processes severely impairing single/collective cell migration and cytokinesis. Combined with the non-toxic, non-pathological signatures of adhibin validated in organoids, mouse and Drosophila models, this mechanism of action provides the basis for developing anti-metastatic cancer therapies.
Protein kinases (PKs) are involved in many intracellular signal transduction pathways through phosphorylation cascades and have become intensely investigated pharmaceutical targets over the past two decades. Inhibition of PKs using small-molecular inhibitors is a premier strategy for the treatment of diseases in different therapeutic areas that are caused by uncontrolled PK-mediated phosphorylation and aberrant signaling. Most PK inhibitors (PKIs) are directed against the ATP cofactor binding site that is largely conserved across the human kinome comprising 518 wild-type PKs (and many mutant forms). Hence, these PKIs often have varying degrees of multi-PK activity (promiscuity) that is also influenced by factors such as single-site mutations in the cofactor binding region, compound binding kinetics, and residence times. The promiscuity of PKIs is often-but not always-critically important for therapeutic efficacy through polypharmacology. Various in vitro and in vivo studies have also indicated that PKIs have the potential of interacting with additional targets other than PKs, and different secondary cellular targets of individual PKIs have been identified on a case-by-case basis. Given the strong interest in PKs as drug targets, a wealth of PKIs from medicinal chemistry and their activity data from many assays and biological screens have become publicly available over the years. On the basis of these data, for the first time, we conducted a systematic search for non-PK targets of PKIs across the human kinome. Starting from a pool of more than 155,000 curated human PKIs, our large-scale analysis confirmed secondary targets from diverse protein classes for 447 PKIs on the basis of high-confidence activity data. These PKIs were active against 390 human PKs, covering all kinase groups of the kinome and 210 non-PK targets, which included other popular pharmaceutical targets as well as currently unclassified proteins. The target distribution and promiscuity of the 447 PKIs were determined, and different interaction profiles with PK and non-PK targets were identified. As a part of our study, the collection of PKIs with activity against non-PK targets and the associated information are made freely available.
The lysosomal cation channel TMEM175 is crucial for maintaining lysosomal function and pH homeostasis, and its aberrant function is linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD). While TMEM175 activity was first interpreted in the context of its potassium (K+) selective conductance, subsequent studies revealed also a substantial permeability to protons (H+). Here we dissect the complex changes in TMEM175 conductance and current reversal voltages in response to pH jumps on the luminal side of the channel protein. In whole-cell patch clamp experiments with plasma membrane redistributed TMEM175 we show that a pH jump from symmetrical pH 7.4 to pH 4.7 on the luminal side triggers a continuous rise in inward and outward current, concomitant with a transient positive excursion of the reversal voltage (Erev). The peak Erev shift remains almost 100 mV below the estimated equilibrium voltage for protons and shows little sensitivity to the K+ gradient. The data are consistent with a scenario in which a TMEM175 mediated proton flux elicits a fast collapse of the pH gradient. In MD simulations we identify the luminal H57 as titratable partner for the formation of intra- and inter-subunit salt bridges with D279 and E282 for stabilizing the channel open state. This presumed gating function is confirmed by mutational studies and lysosomal patch-clamp experiments in which a H57Y mutant exhibits a reduced pH dependency of activation. Our findings contribute to a better comprehension of TMEM175’s complex electrophysiological properties and foster understanding of TMEM175 as a pharmacological target for neurodegenerative disease therapy.
Mutation in pore-helix modulates interplay between filter gate and Ba2+ block in a Kcv channel pore
The selectivity filter of K+ channels catalyzes a rapid and highly selective transport of K+ while serving as a gate. To understand the control of this filter gate, we use the pore-only K+ channel KcvNTS in which gating is exclusively determined by the activity of the filter gate. It has been previously shown that a mutation at the C-terminus of the pore-helix (S42T) increases K+ permeability and introduces distinct voltage-dependent and K+-sensitive channel closures at depolarizing voltages. Here, we report that the latter are not generated by intrinsic conformational changes of the filter gate but by a voltage-dependent block caused by nanomolar trace contaminations of Ba2+ in the KCl solution. Channel closures can be alleviated by extreme positive voltages and they can be completely abolished by the high-affinity Ba2+ chelator 18C6TA. By contrast, the same channel closures can be augmented by adding Ba2+ at submicromolar concentrations to the cytosolic buffer. These data suggest that a conservative exchange of Ser for Thr in a crucial position of the filter gate increases the affinity of the filter for Ba2+ by >200-fold at positive voltages. While Ba2+ ions apparently remain only for a short time in the filter-binding sites of the WT channel before passing the pore, they remain much longer in the mutant channel. Our findings suggest that the dwell times of permeating and blocking ions in the filter-binding sites are tightly controlled by interactions between the pore-helix and the selectivity filter.
When the K+ channel-like protein Kesv from Ectocarpus siliculosus virus 1 is heterologously expressed in mammalian cells, it is sorted to the mitochondria. This targeting can be redirected to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by altering the codon usage in distinct regions of the gene or by inserting a triplet of hydrophobic amino acids (AAs) into the protein's C-terminal transmembrane domain (ct-TMD). Systematic variations in the flavor of the inserted AAs and/or its codon usage show that a positive charge in the inserted AA triplet alone serves as strong signal for mitochondria sorting. In cases of neutral AA triplets, mitochondria sorting are favored by a combination of hydrophilic AAs and rarely used codons; sorting to the ER exhibits the inverse dependency. This propensity for ER sorting is particularly high when a common codon follows a rarer one in the AA triplet; mitochondria sorting in contrast is supported by codon uniformity. Since parameters like positive charge, hydrophobic AAs, and common codons are known to facilitate elongation of nascent proteins in the ribosome the data suggest a mechanism in which local changes in elongation velocity and co-translational folding in the ct-TMD influence intracellular protein sorting.
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide gated (HCN) channels are important for timing biological processes like heartbeat and neuronal firing. Their weak cation selectivity is determined by a filter domain with only two binding sites for K+ and one for Na+. The latter acts as a weak blocker, which is released in combination with a dynamic widening of the filter by K+ ions, giving rise to a mixed K+/Na+ current. Here, we apply molecular dynamics simulations to systematically investigate the interactions of five alkali metal cations with the filter of the open HCN4 pore. Simulations recapitulate experimental data like a low Li+ permeability, considerable Rb+ conductance, a block by Cs+ as well as a punch through of Cs+ ions at high negative voltages. Differential binding of the cation species in specific filter sites is associated with structural adaptations of filter residues. This gives rise to ion coordination by a cation-characteristic number of oxygen atoms from the filter backbone and solvent. This ion/protein interplay prevents Li+, but not Na+, from entry into and further passage through the filter. The site equivalent to S3 in K+ channels emerges as a preferential binding and presumably blocking site for Cs+. Collectively, the data suggest that the weak cation selectivity of HCN channels and their block by Cs+ are determined by restrained cation-generated rearrangements of flexible filter residues.
The heart tissue is a potential target of various noxae contributing to the onset of cardiovascular diseases. However, underlying pathophysiological mechanisms are largely unknown. Human stem cell-derived models are promising, but a major concern is cell immaturity when estimating risks for adults. In this study, 3D aggregates of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes were cultivated for 300 days and characterized regarding degree of maturity, structure, and cell composition. Furthermore, effects of ionizing radiation (X-rays, 0.1-2 Gy) on matured aggregates were investigated, representing one of the noxae that are challenging to assess. Video-based functional analyses were correlated to changes in the proteome after irradiation. Cardiomyocytes reached maximum maturity after 100 days in cultivation, judged by α-actinin lengths, and displayed typical multinucleation and branching. At this time, aggregates contained all major cardiac cell types, proven by the patch-clamp technique. Matured and X-ray-irradiated aggregates revealed a subtle increase in beat rates and a more arrhythmic sequence of cellular depolarisation and repolarisation compared to non-irradiated sham controls. The proteome analysis provides first insights into signaling mechanisms contributing to cardiotoxicity. Here, we propose an in vitro model suitable to screen various noxae to target adult cardiotoxicity by preserving all the benefits of a 3D tissue culture.
Voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (VDAC) is one of the main proteins of the outer mitochondrial membrane of all eukaryotes, where it forms aqueous, voltage-sensitive, and ion-selective channels. Its electrophysiological properties have been thoroughly analyzed with the planar lipid bilayer technique. To date, however, available results are based on isolations of VDACs from tissue or from recombinant VDACs produced in bacterial systems. It is well known that the cytosolic overexpression of highly hydrophobic membrane proteins often results in the formation of inclusion bodies containing insoluble aggregates. Purification of properly folded proteins and restoration of their full biological activity requires several procedures that considerably lengthen experimental times. To overcome these restraints, we propose a one-step reaction that combines in vitro cell-free protein expression with nanodisc technology to obtain human VDAC isoforms directly integrated in a native-like lipid bilayer. Reconstitution assays into artificial membranes confirm the reliability of this new methodological approach and provide results comparable to those of VDACs prepared with traditional protein isolation and reconstitution protocols. The use of membrane-mimicking nanodisc systems represents a breakthrough in VDAC electrophysiology and may be adopted to further structural studies.
Due to the redundancy of the genetic code most amino acids are encoded by multiple synonymous codons. It has been proposed that a biased frequency of synonymous codons can affect the function of proteins by modulating distinct steps in transcription, translation and folding. Here, we use two similar prototype K+ channels as model systems to examine whether codon choice has an impact on protein sorting. By monitoring transient expression of GFP-tagged channels in mammalian cells, we find that one of the two channels is sorted in a codon and cell cycle-dependent manner either to mitochondria or the secretory pathway. The data establish that a gene with either rare or frequent codons serves, together with a cell-state-dependent decoding mechanism, as a secondary code for sorting intracellular membrane proteins.
Distinct lipid bilayer compositions have general and protein-specific effects on K+ channel function
It has become increasingly apparent that the lipid composition of cell membranes affects the function of transmembrane proteins such as ion channels. Here, we leverage the structural and functional diversity of small viral K+ channels to systematically examine the impact of bilayer composition on the pore module of single K+ channels. In vitro-synthesized channels were reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine bilayers ± cholesterol or anionic phospholipids (aPLs). Single-channel recordings revealed that a saturating concentration of 30% cholesterol had only minor and protein-specific effects on unitary conductance and gating. This indicates that channels have effective strategies for avoiding structural impacts of hydrophobic mismatches between proteins and the surrounding bilayer. In all seven channels tested, aPLs augmented the unitary conductance, suggesting that this is a general effect of negatively charged phospholipids on channel function. For one channel, we determined an effective half-maximal concentration of 15% phosphatidylserine, a value within the physiological range of aPL concentrations. The different sensitivity of two channel proteins to aPLs could be explained by the presence/absence of cationic amino acids at the interface between the lipid headgroups and the transmembrane domains. aPLs also affected gating in some channels, indicating that conductance and gating are uncoupled phenomena and that the impact of aPLs on gating is protein specific. In two channels, the latter can be explained by the altered orientation of the pore-lining transmembrane helix that prevents flipping of a phenylalanine side chain into the ion permeation pathway for long channel closings. Experiments with asymmetrical bilayers showed that this effect is leaflet specific and most effective in the inner leaflet, in which aPLs are normally present in plasma membranes. The data underscore a general positive effect of aPLs on the conductance of K+ channels and a potential interaction of their negative headgroup with cationic amino acids in their vicinity.
Potassium ion (K+) channels have been observed in diverse viruses that infect eukaryotic marine and freshwater algae. However, experimental evidence for functional K+ channels among these alga-infecting viruses has thus far been restricted to members of the family Phycodnaviridae, which are large, double-stranded DNA viruses within the phylum Nucleocytoviricota. Recent sequencing projects revealed that alga-infecting members of Mimiviridae, another family within this phylum, may also contain genes encoding K+ channels. Here we examine the structural features and the functional properties of putative K+ channels from four cultivated members of Mimiviridae. While all four proteins contain variations of the conserved selectivity filter sequence of K+ channels, structural prediction algorithms suggest that only two of them have the required number and position of two transmembrane domains that are present in all K+ channels. After in vitro translation and reconstitution of the four proteins in planar lipid bilayers, we confirmed that one of them, a 79 amino acid protein from the virus Tetraselmis virus 1 (TetV-1), forms a functional ion channel with a distinct selectivity for K+ over Na+ and a sensitivity to Ba2+. Thus, virus-encoded K+ channels are not limited to Phycodnaviridae but also occur in the members of Mimiviridae. The large sequence diversity among the viral K+ channels implies multiple events of lateral gene transfer.
Chloroviruses are large, plaque-forming, dsDNA viruses that infect chlorella-like green algae that live in a symbiotic relationship with protists. Chloroviruses have genomes from 290 to 370 kb, and they encode as many as 400 proteins. One interesting feature of chloroviruses is that they encode a potassium ion (K+) channel protein named Kcv. The Kcv protein encoded by SAG chlorovirus ATCV-1 is one of the smallest known functional K+ channel proteins consisting of 82 amino acids. The KcvATCV-1 protein has similarities to the family of two transmembrane domain K+ channel proteins; it consists of two transmembrane α-helixes with a pore region in the middle, making it an ideal model for studying K+ channels. To assess their genetic diversity, kcv genes were sequenced from 103 geographically distinct SAG chlorovirus isolates. Of the 103 kcv genes, there were 42 unique DNA sequences that translated into 26 new Kcv channels. The new predicted Kcv proteins differed from KcvATCV-1 by 1 to 55 amino acids. The most conserved region of the Kcv protein was the filter, the turret and the pore helix were fairly well conserved, and the outer and the inner transmembrane domains of the protein were the most variable. Two of the new predicted channels were shown to be functional K+ channels.
Some algal viruses have coding sequences for proteins with structural and functional characteristics of pore modules of complex K+ channels. Here we exploit the structural diversity among these channel orthologs to discover new basic principles of structure/function correlates in K+ channels. The analysis of three similar K+ channels with ≤ 86 amino acids (AA) shows that one channel (Kmpv1) generates an ohmic conductance in HEK293 cells while the other two (KmpvSP1, KmpvPL1) exhibit typical features of canonical Kir channels. Like Kir channels, the rectification of the viral channels is a function of the K+ driving force. Reconstitution of KmpvSP1 and KmpvPL1 in planar lipid bilayers showed rapid channel fluctuations only at voltages negative of the K+ reversal voltage. This rectification was maintained in KCl buffer with 1 mM EDTA, which excludes blocking cations as the source of rectification. This means that rectification of the viral channels must be an inherent property of the channel. The structural basis for rectification was investigated by a chimera between rectifying and non-rectifying channels as well as point mutations making the rectifier similar to the ohmic conducting channel. The results of these experiments exclude the pore with pore helix and selectivity filter as playing a role in rectification. The insensitivity of the rectifier to point mutations suggests that tertiary or quaternary structural interactions between the transmembrane domains are responsible for this type of gating.
Many potassium channels show voltage-dependent gating without a dedicated voltage sensor domain. This is not fully understood yet, but often explained by voltage-induced changes of ion occupation in the five distinct K+ binding sites in the selectivity filter. To better understand this mechanism of filter gating we measured the single-channel current and the rate constant of sub-millisecond channel closure of the viral K+ channel KcvNTS for a wide range of voltages and symmetric and asymmetric K+ concentrations in planar lipid membranes. A model-based analysis employed a global fit of all experimental data, i.e., using a common set of parameters for current and channel closure under all conditions. Three different established models of ion permeation and various relationships between ion occupation and gating were tested. Only one of the models described the data adequately. It revealed that the most extracellular binding site (S0) in the selectivity filter functions as the voltage sensor for the rate constant of channel closure. The ion occupation outside of S0 modulates its dependence on K+ concentration. The analysis uncovers an important role of changes in protein flexibility in mediating the effect from the sensor to the gate.
Reconstitution and functional characterization of ion channels from nanodiscs in lipid bilayers
Recent studies have shown that membrane proteins can be efficiently synthesized in vitro before spontaneously inserting into soluble nanoscale lipid bilayers called nanodiscs (NDs). In this paper, we present experimental details that allow a combination of in vitro translation of ion channels into commercially available NDs followed by their direct reconstitution from these nanobilayers into standard bilayer setups for electrophysiological characterization. We present data showing that two model K+ channels, Kcv and KcsA, as well as a recently discovered dual-topology F- channel, Fluc, can be reliably reconstituted from different types of NDs into bilayers without contamination from the in vitro translation cocktail. The functional properties of Kcv and KcsA were characterized electrophysiologically and exhibited sensitivity to the lipid composition of the target DPhPC bilayer, suggesting that the channel proteins were fully exposed to the target membrane and were no longer surrounded by the lipid/protein scaffold. The single-channel properties of the three tested channels are compatible with studies from recordings of the same proteins in other expression systems. Altogether, the data show that synthesis of ion channels into NDs and their subsequent reconstitution into conventional bilayers provide a fast and reliable method for functional analysis of ion channels.
Lipid bilayers provide many benefits for ion channel recordings, such as control of membrane composition and transport molecules. However, they suffer from high membrane capacitance limiting the bandwidth and impeding analysis of fast gating. This can be overcome by fitting the deviations of the open-channel noise from the baseline noise by extended beta distributions. We demonstrate this analysis step-by-step by applying it to the example of viral K+ channels (Kcv), from the choice of the gating model through the fitting process, validation of the results, and what kinds of results can be obtained. These voltage sensor-less channels show profoundly voltage-dependent gating with dwell times in the closed state of about 50 μs. Mutations assign it to the selectivity filter.
Plants acquire potassium (K+) ions for cell growth and movement via regulated diffusion through K+ channels. Here, we present crystallographic and functional data showing that the K+ inward rectifier KAT1 (K+Arabidopsis thaliana 1) channel is regulated by 14-3-3 proteins and further modulated by the phytotoxin fusicoccin, in analogy to the H+-ATPase. We identified a 14-3-3 mode III binding site at the very C terminus of KAT1 and cocrystallized it with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) 14-3-3 proteins to describe the protein complex at atomic detail. Validation of this interaction by electrophysiology shows that 14-3-3 binding augments KAT1 conductance by increasing the maximal current and by positively shifting the voltage dependency of gating. Fusicoccin potentiates the 14-3-3 effect on KAT1 activity by stabilizing their interaction. Crystal structure of the ternary complex reveals a noncanonical binding site for the toxin that adopts a novel conformation. The structural insights underscore the adaptability of fusicoccin, predicting more potential targets than so far anticipated. The data further advocate a common mechanism of regulation of the proton pump and a potassium channel, two essential elements in K+ uptake in plant cells.
Gating of ion channels is based on structural transitions between open and closed states. To uncover the chemical basis of individual gates, we performed a comparative experimental and computational analysis between two K+ channels, KcvS and KcvNTS. These small viral encoded K+ channel proteins, with a monomer size of only 82 amino acids, resemble the pore module of all complex K+ channels in terms of structure and function. Even though both proteins share about 90% amino acid sequence identity, they exhibit different open probabilities with ca. 90% in KcvNTS and 40% in KcvS. Single channel analysis, mutational studies and molecular dynamics simulations show that the difference in open probability is caused by one long closed state in KcvS. This state is structurally created in the tetrameric channel by a transient, Ser mediated, intrahelical hydrogen bond. The resulting kink in the inner transmembrane domain swings the aromatic rings from downstream Phes in the cavity of the channel, which blocks ion flux. The frequent occurrence of Ser or Thr based helical kinks in membrane proteins suggests that a similar mechanism could also occur in the gating of other ion channels.
The calculation of flux equations or current-voltage relationships in reaction kinetic models with a high number of states can be very cumbersome. Here, a recipe based on an arrow scheme is presented, which yields a straightforward access to the minimum form of the flux equations and the occupation probability of the involved states in cyclic and linear reaction schemes. This is extremely simple for cyclic schemes without branches. If branches are involved, the effort of setting up the equations is a little bit higher. However, also here a straightforward recipe making use of so-called reserve factors is provided for implementing the branches into the cyclic scheme, thus enabling also a simple treatment of such cases.
Phycodnaviruses are dsDNA viruses, which infect algae. Their large genomes encode many gene products, like small K(+) channels, with homologs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Screening for K(+) channels revealed their abundance in viruses from fresh-water habitats. Recent sequencing of viruses from marine algae or from salt water in Antarctica revealed sequences with the predicted characteristics of K(+) channels but with some unexpected features. Two genes encode either 78 or 79 amino acid proteins, which are the smallest known K(+) channels. Also of interest is an unusual sequence in the canonical α-helixes in K(+) channels. Structural prediction algorithms indicate that the new channels have the conserved α-helix folds but the algorithms failed to identify the expected transmembrane domains flanking the K(+) channel pores. In spite of these unexpected properties electophysiological studies confirmed that the new proteins are functional K(+) channels.
The goal of this study was to explore a route for introducing functionalities into agarose-based hydrogels to tune the physical, chemical, and biological properties. Several agarose derivatives were prepared by homogeneous synthesis, including anionic agarose sulfates (ASs), reactive azido agaroses (AZAs), and cationic agarose carbamates (ACs), as well as agarose tosylates (ATOSs) and agarose phenyl carbonates (APhCs). The products were characterized in terms of their molecular structure and solubility behavior. The results suggest that the native gel-forming ability of agarose is retained if the introduced functionalities are hydrophilic, and the overall degree of substitution is low (DS < 0.5). Thus, functional hydrogels from several agarose derivatives could be obtained. The mechanical stability of the functional hydrogels was decreased compared to native agarose gels but was still in a range that enables safe handling. An increase in mechanical strength could be achieved by blending functional agarose derivatives and agarose into composite hydrogels. Finally, it was demonstrated that the novel functional agarose hydrogels are biocompatible and can potentially stimulate interactions with cells and tissue.
The autocatalyzed ethanolic organosolv process is gaining increasing attention for the sulfur-free isolation of lignin, which is subsequently used as a renewable substitute for various fossil-based applications. For the first time, the mechanochemical influence of seven different particle sizes of two different biomasses on the respective organosolv lignin structure is examined. Wine pruning (Pinot Noir) and wine pomace (Accent) are used for organosolv process with particle sizes ranging from 2.0–1.6 mm to less than 0.25 mm. As particle size decreases, the weight-average molecular weight increases, while the total phenol content decreases significantly. Additionally, the distribution of the lignin-typical monolignols and relevant substructures, as determined by two-dimensional heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectra single quantum coherence (HSQC), is observed. The degree of grinding of the biomass has a clear chemical–structural influence on the isolated HG and HGS organosolv lignins. Therefore, it is crucial to understand this influence to apply organosolv lignins in a targeted manner. In the future, particle size specifications in the context of the organosolv process should be expressed in terms of distribution densities rather than in terms of a smaller than specification.
To respond to the increasing demand for hyaluronic acid (HA) in dietary supplements (DSs) and nutricosmetics marketed for the treatment of osteoarthritis or moistening, it is essential to have an accurate and reliable method for its analysis in the final products. The study aimed to develop and validate alternative method for the quality control of HA in DSs using low-field (LF) and high-field (HF) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at 80 MHz and 600 MHz, respectively. Moreover, chondroitin sulphate (CH), another active ingredient in DSs, can be simultaneously quantified. The 1H-NMR methods have been successfully validated in terms of limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ), which were found to be 0.1 mg/mL and 0.2 mg/mL (80 MHz) as well as 0.2 mg/mL and 0.6 mg/mL (600 MHz). Recovery rates were estimated to be between 92 and 120% on both spectrometers; precision including sample preparation was found to be 4.2% and 8.0% for 600 MHz and 80 MHz, respectively. Quantitative results obtained by HF and LF NMR were comparable for 16 DSs with varying matrix. HF NMR experiments at 70 ℃ serve as a simple and efficient quality control tool for HA and CH in multicomponent DSs. Benchtop NMR measurements, upon preceding acid hydrolysis, offer a cost-effective and cryogen-free alternative for analyzing DSs in the absence of CH and paramagnetic matrix components.
Bone is a metabolically dynamic structure that is generally remodeled throughout the lifetime of an individual but often causes problems with increasing age. A key player for bone development and homeostasis, but also under pathological conditions, is the bone vasculature. This complex system of arteries, veins, and capillaries forms distinct structures where each subset of endothelial cells has important functions. Starting with the basic process of angiogenesis and bonespecific blood vessel formation, coupled with initial bone formation, the importance of different vascular structures is highlighted with respect to how these structures are maintained or changed during homeostasis, aging, and pathological conditions. After exemplifying the current knowledge on bone vasculature, this review will move on to exosomes, a novel hotspot of scientific research. Exosomes will be introduced starting from their discovery via current isolation procedures and state-of-the-art characterization to their role in bone vascular development, homeostasis, and bone regeneration and repair while summarizing the underlying signal transduction pathways. With respect to their role in these processes, especially mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles are of interest, which leads to a discussion on patented applications and an update on ongoing clinical trials. Taken together, this review provides an overview of bone vasculature and bone regeneration, with a major focus on how exosomes influence this intricate system, as they might be useful for therapeutic purposes in the near future.
Statins are a group of hypolipidemic drugs that act by competitive inhibition of the HMGR enzyme. They are generally considered effective and safe but claimed to have side effects on skeletal muscles. A molecular side effect of statins is the block of terpene biosynthesis and hence of dolichol involved in N-glycosylation and O-mannosylation of proteins. Defects in O-mannosylation lead to α-dystroglycan (α-DG) hypoglycosylation and a series of hereditary dystroglycanopathies. The current project aims to get insight into molecular pathomechanisms induced by statins in mammalian muscle cells and to unravel a potential link between these effects and statin-induced decreases of α-DG O-mannosylation. The study was based on mass spectrometric proteomics supported by western blot analysis to reveal Rosuvastatin effects on cellular pathways under high (micromolar) or low (nanomolar) conditions. Differential proteomics revealed higher statin effects on muscle cell function in micromolar than nanomolar concentration, which is reached in the patient’s plasma. We demonstrated distinct and partially overlapping patterns of fold-changed proteins under high and low statin conditions. Gene ontology term enrichment (GOTE) analyses of fold-changed proteins revealed cellular pathways related to muscle function and development are affected, even under low statin conditions, typically reached in the patient’s plasma during prophylactic medication.
The human gut microbiota harbors untapped potential for biotechnological applications. Within the phylum of Bacteroidota, Phocaeicola vulgatus stands out as a promising candidate for sustainable production of key platform chemicals like succinate. However, genetic engineering of Phocaeicola sp. remains challenging due to its intricate molecular landscape. This study lays the groundwork for manipulating the central carbon pathways in Phocaeicola vulgatus, offering insights into overcoming genetic hurdles for increased succinate yields.
Striated muscle contraction is regulated by the translocation of troponin-tropomyosin strands over the thin filament surface. Relaxation relies partly on highly-favorable, conformation-dependent electrostatic contacts between actin and tropomyosin, which position tropomyosin such that it impedes actomyosin associations. Impaired relaxation and hypercontractile properties are hallmarks of various muscle disorders. The α-cardiac actin M305L hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-causing mutation lies near residues that help confine tropomyosin to an inhibitory position along thin filaments. Here, we investigate M305L actin in vivo, in vitro, and in silico to resolve emergent pathological properties and disease mechanisms. Our data suggest the mutation reduces actin flexibility and distorts the actin-tropomyosin electrostatic energy landscape that, in muscle, result in aberrant contractile inhibition and excessive force. Thus, actin flexibility may be required to establish and maintain interfacial contacts with tropomyosin as well as facilitate its movement over distinct actin surface features and is, therefore, likely necessary for proper regulation of contraction.
In memoriam Willy Lehnert
RELA haploinsufficiency is a recently described autoinflammatory condition presenting with intermittent fevers and mucocutaneous ulcerations. The RELA gene encodes the p65 protein, one of five NF-κB family transcription factors. As RELA is an essential regulator of mucosal homeostasis, haploinsufficiency leads to decreased NF-κB signaling which promotes TNF-driven mucosal apoptosis with impaired epithelial recovery. Thus far, only eight cases have been reported in the literature. Here, we report four families with three novel and one previously described pathogenic variant in RELA. These four families included 23 affected individuals for which genetic testing was available in 16. Almost half of these patients had been previously diagnosed with more common rheumatologic entities (such as Behcet's Disease; BD) prior to the discovery of their pathogenic RELA variants. The most common clinical features were orogenital ulcers, rash, joint inflammation, and fever. The least common were conjunctivitis and recurrent infections. Clinical variability was remarkable even among familial cases, and incomplete penetrance was observed. Patients in our series were treated with a variety of medications, and benefit was observed with glucocorticoids, colchicine, and TNF inhibitors. Altogether, our work adds to the current literature and doubles the number of reported cases with RELA-Associated Inflammatory Disease (RAID). It reaffirms the central importance of the NF-κB pathway in immunity and inflammation, as well as the important regulatory role of RELA in mucosal homeostasis. RELA associated inflammatory disease should be considered in all patients with BD, particularly those with early onset and/or with a strong family history.
The deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2) is an autosomal recessively inherited disease that has undergone extensive phenotypic expansion since being first described in patients with fevers, recurrent strokes, livedo racemosa, and polyarteritis nodosa in 2014. It is now recognized that patients may develop multisystem disease that spans multiple medical subspecialties. Here, we describe the findings from a large single center longitudinal cohort of 60 patients, the broad phenotypic presentation, as well as highlight the cohort's experience with hematopoietic cell transplantation and COVID-19. Disease manifestations could be separated into three major phenotypes: inflammatory/vascular, immune dysregulatory, and hematologic, however, most patients presented with significant overlap between these three phenotype groups. The cardinal features of the inflammatory/vascular group included cutaneous manifestations and stroke. Evidence of immune dysregulation was commonly observed, including hypogammaglobulinemia, absent to low class-switched memory B cells, and inadequate response to vaccination. Despite these findings, infectious complications were exceedingly rare in this cohort. Hematologic findings including pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), immune-mediated neutropenia, and pancytopenia were observed in half of patients. We significantly extended our experience using anti-TNF agents, with no strokes observed in 2026 patient months on TNF inhibitors. Meanwhile, hematologic and immune features had a more varied response to anti-TNF therapy. Six patients received a total of 10 allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) procedures, with secondary graft failure necessitating repeat HCTs in three patients, as well as unplanned donor cell infusions to avoid graft rejection. All transplanted patients had been on anti-TNF agents prior to HCT and received varying degrees of reduced-intensity or non-myeloablative conditioning. All transplanted patients are still alive and have discontinued anti-TNF therapy. The long-term follow up afforded by this large single-center study underscores the clinical heterogeneity of DADA2 and the potential for phenotypes to evolve in any individual patient.
Somatic Mutations in UBA1 Define a Distinct Subset of Relapsing Polychondritis Patients With VEXAS
Biallelic loss-of-function variants in NCF1 lead to reactive oxygen species deficiency and chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). Heterozygosity for the p.Arg90His variant in NCF1 has been associated with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjögren's syndrome in adult patients. This study demonstrates the association of the homozygous p.Arg90His variant with interferonopathy with features of autoinflammation and autoimmunity in a pediatric patient.
A 5-year old female of Indian ancestry with early-onset recurrent fever and headache, and persistently elevated antinuclear, anti-Ro, and anti-La antibodies was found to carry the homozygous p.Arg90His variant in NCF1 through exome sequencing. Her unaffected parents and three other siblings were carriers for the mutant allele. Because the presence of two NCF1 pseudogenes, this variant was confirmed by independent genotyping methods. Her intracellular neutrophil oxidative burst and NCF1 expression levels were normal, and no clinical features of CGD were apparent. Gene expression analysis in peripheral blood detected an interferon gene expression signature, which was further supported by cytokine analyses of supernatants of cultured patient's cells. These findings suggested that her inflammatory disease is at least in part mediated by type I interferons. While her fever episodes responded well to systemic steroids, treatment with the JAK inhibitor tofacitinib resulted in decreased serum ferritin levels and reduced frequency of fevers.
Homozygosity for p.Arg90His in NCF1 should be considered contributory in young patients with an atypical systemic inflammatory antecedent phenotype that may evolve into autoimmunity later in life. The complex genomic organization of NCF1 poses a difficulty for high-throughput genotyping techniques and variants in this gene should be carefully evaluated when using the next generation and Sanger sequencing technologies. The p.Arg90His variant is found at a variable allele frequency in different populations, and is higher in people of South East Asian ancestry. In complex genetic diseases such as SLE, other rare and common susceptibility alleles might be necessary for the full disease expressivity.
Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and distal limb anomalies (NEDDFL), defined primarily by developmental delay/intellectual disability, speech delay, postnatal microcephaly, and dysmorphic features, is a syndrome resulting from heterozygous variants in the dosage-sensitive bromodomain PHD finger chromatin remodeler transcription factor BPTF gene. To date, only 11 individuals with NEDDFL due to de novo BPTF variants have been described. To expand the NEDDFL phenotypic spectrum, we describe the clinical features in 25 novel individuals with 20 distinct, clinically relevant variants in BPTF, including four individuals with inherited changes in BPTF. In addition to the previously described features, individuals in this cohort exhibited mild brain abnormalities, seizures, scoliosis, and a variety of ophthalmologic complications. These results further support the broad and multi-faceted complications due to haploinsufficiency of BPTF.