H-BRS Bibliography
- yes (30)
Departments, institutes and facilities
Document Type
- Conference Object (23)
- Article (6)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Year of publication
- Virtual Reality (3)
- 3D user interface (2)
- Augmented Reality (2)
- Higher education (2)
- Survey (2)
- guidance (2)
- haptics (2)
- 3D User Interface (1)
- Focus plus context (1)
- Hand Guidance (1)
Todays Virtual Environment frameworks use scene graphs to represent virtual worlds. We believe that this is a proper technical approach, but a VE framework should try to model its application area as accurate as possible. Therefore a scene graph is not the best way to represent a virtual world. In this paper we present an easily extensible model to describe entities in the virtual world. Further on we show how this model drives the design of our VE framework and how it is integrated.
This paper describes FGPA-based image combining for parallel graphics systems. The goal of our current work is to reduce network traffic and latency for increasing performance in parallel visualization systems. Initial data distribution is based on a common ethernet network whereas image combining and returning differs to traditional parallel rendering methods. Calculated sub-images are grabbed directly from the DVI-Ports for fast image compositing by a FPGA-based combiner.
In Mixed Reality (MR) Environments, the user's view is augmented with virtual, artificial objects. To visualize virtual objects, the position and orientation of the user's view or the camera is needed. Tracking of the user's viewpoint is an essential area in MR applications, especially for interaction and navigation. In present systems, the initialization is often complex. For this reason, we introduce a new method for fast initialization of markerless object tracking. This method is based on Speed Up Robust Features and paradoxically on a traditional marker-based library. Most markerless tracking algorithms can be divided into two parts: an offline and an online stage. The focus of this paper is optimization of the offline stage, which is often time-consuming.
Robust Indoor Localization Using Optimal Fusion Filter For Sensors And Map Layout Information
In contrast to projection-based systems, large, high resolution multi-display systems offer a high pixel density on a large visualization area. This enables users to step up to the displays and see a small but highly detailed area. If the users move back a few steps they don't perceive details at pixel level but will instead get an overview of the whole visualization. Rendering techniques for design evaluation and review or for visualizing large volume data (e.g. Big Data applications) often use computationally expensive ray-based methods. Due to the number of pixels and the amount of data, these methods often do not achieve interactive frame rates.
A view direction based (VDB) rendering technique renders the user's central field of view in high quality whereas the surrounding is rendered with a level-of-detail approach depending on the distance to the user's central field of view. This approach mimics the physiology of the human eye and conserves the advantage of highly detailed information when standing close to the multi-display system as well as the general overview of the whole scene. In this paper we propose a prototype implementation and evaluation of a focus-based rendering technique based on a hybrid ray tracing/sparse voxel octree rendering approach.
This presentation gives an overview of current research in the area of high quality rendering and visualization at the Institute of Visual Computing (IVC). Our research facility has some unique software and hardware installations of which we will describe a large, ultra- high resolution (72 megapixel) video wall in this presentation.
Rendering techniques for design evaluation and review or for visualizing large volume data often use computationally expensive ray-based methods. Due to the number of pixels and the amount of data, these methods often do not achieve interactive frame rates. A view direction based rendering technique renders the users central field of view in high quality whereas the surrounding is rendered with a level of detail approach depending on the distance to the users central field of view thus giving the opportunity to increase rendering efficiency. We propose a prototype implementation and evaluation of a focus-based rendering technique based on a hybrid ray tracing/sparse voxel octree rendering approach.
Human beings spend much time under the influence of artificial lighting. Often, it is beneficial to adapt lighting to the task, as well as the user’s mental and physical constitution and well-being. This formulates new requirements for lighting - human-centric lighting - and drives a need for new light control methods in interior spaces. In this paper we present a holistic system that provides a novel approach to human-centric lighting by introducing simulation methods into interactive light control, to adapt the lighting based on the user's needs. We look at a simulation and evaluation platform that uses interactive stochastic spectral rendering methods to simulate light sources, allowing for their interactive adjustment and adaption.
Das Interesse an Virtual Reality (VR) für die Hochschullehre steigt aktuell vermehrt durch die Möglichkeit, logistisch schwierige Aufgaben abzubilden sowie aufgrund positiver Ergebnisse aus Wirksamkeitsstudien. Gleichzeitig fehlt es jedoch an Studien, die immersive VR-Umgebungen, nicht-immersive Desktop-Umgebungen und konventionelle Lernmaterialien gegenüberstellen und lehr-lernmethodische Aspekte evaluieren. Aus diesem Grund beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit der Konzeption und Realisierung einer Lernumgebung für die Hochschullehre, die sowohl mit einem Head Mounted Display (HMD) als auch mittels Desktops genutzt werden kann, sowie deren Evaluation anhand eines experimentellen Gruppendesigns. Die Lernumgebung wurde auf Basis einer eigens entwickelten Softwareplattform erstellt und die Wirksamkeit mithilfe von zwei Experimentalgruppen – VR vs. Desktop-Umgebung – und einer Kontrollgruppe evaluiert und verglichen. In einer Pilotstudie konnten sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ positive Einschätzungen der Usability der Lernumgebung in beiden Experimentalgruppen herausgestellt werden. Darüber hinaus zeigten sich positive Effekte auf die kognitive und affektive Wirkung der Lernumgebung im Vergleich zu konventionellen Lernmaterialien. Unterschiede zwischen der Nutzung als VR- oder Desktop-Umgebung zeigen sich auf kognitiver und affektiver Ebene jedoch kaum. Die Analyse von Log-Daten deutet allerdings auf Unterschiede im Lern- und Explorationsverhalten hin.
This thesis explores novel haptic user interfaces for touchscreens, virtual and remote environments (VE and RE). All feedback modalities have been designed to study performance and perception while focusing on integrating an additional sensory channel - the sense of touch. Related work has shown that tactile stimuli can increase performance and usability when interacting with a touchscreen. It was also shown that perceptual aspects in virtual environments could be improved by haptic feedback. Motivated by previous findings, this thesis examines the versatility of haptic feedback approaches. For this purpose, five haptic interfaces from two application areas are presented. Research methods from prototyping and experimental design are discussed and applied. These methods are used to create and evaluate the interfaces; therefore, seven experiments have been performed. All five prototypes use a unique feedback approach. While three haptic user interfaces designed for touchscreen interaction address the fingers, two interfaces developed for VE and RE target the feet. Within touchscreen interaction, an actuated touchscreen is presented, and study shows the limits and perceptibility of geometric shapes. The combination of elastic materials and a touchscreen is examined with the second interface. A psychophysical study has been conducted to highlight the potentials of the interface. The back of a smartphone is used for haptic feedback in the third prototype. Besides a psychophysical study, it is found that the touch accuracy could be increased. Interfaces presented in the second application area also highlight the versatility of haptic feedback. The sides of the feet are stimulated in the first prototype. They are used to provide proximity information of remote environments sensed by a telepresence robot. In a study, it was found that spatial awareness could be increased. Finally, the soles of the feet are stimulated. A designed foot platform that provides several feedback modalities shows that self-motion perception can be increased.
Telepresence robots allow users to be spatially and socially present in remote environments. Yet, it can be challenging to remotely operate telepresence robots, especially in dense environments such as academic conferences or workplaces. In this paper, we primarily focus on the effect that a speed control method, which automatically slows the telepresence robot down when getting closer to obstacles, has on user behaviors. In our first user study, participants drove the robot through a static obstacle course with narrow sections. Results indicate that the automatic speed control method significantly decreases the number of collisions. For the second study we designed a more naturalistic, conference-like experimental environment with tasks that require social interaction, and collected subjective responses from the participants when they were asked to navigate through the environment. While about half of the participants preferred automatic speed control because it allowed for smoother and safer navigation, others did not want to be influenced by an automatic mechanism. Overall, the results suggest that automatic speed control simplifies the user interface for telepresence robots in static dense environments, but should be considered as optionally available, especially in situations involving social interactions.
Telepresence robots allow people to participate in remote spaces, yet they can be difficult to manoeuvre with people and obstacles around. We designed a haptic-feedback system called “FeetBack," which users place their feet in when driving a telepresence robot. When the robot approaches people or obstacles, haptic proximity and collision feedback are provided on the respective sides of the feet, helping inform users about events that are hard to notice through the robot’s camera views. We conducted two studies: one to explore the usage of FeetBack in virtual environments, another focused on real environments.We found that FeetBack can increase spatial presence in simple virtual environments. Users valued the feedback to adjust their behaviour in both types of environments, though it was sometimes too frequent or unneeded for certain situations after a period of time. These results point to the value of foot-based haptic feedback for telepresence robot systems, while also the need to design context-sensitive haptic feedback.
When navigating larger virtual environments and computer games, natural walking is often unfeasible. Here, we investigate how alternatives such as joystick- or leaning-based locomotion interfaces ("human joystick") can be enhanced by adding walking-related cues following a sensory substitution approach. Using a custom-designed foot haptics system and evaluating it in a multi-part study, we show that adding walking related auditory cues (footstep sounds), visual cues (simulating bobbing head-motions from walking), and vibrotactile cues (via vibrotactile transducers and bass-shakers under participants' feet) could all enhance participants' sensation of self-motion (vection) and involement/presence. These benefits occurred similarly for seated joystick and standing leaning locomotion. Footstep sounds and vibrotactile cues also enhanced participants' self-reported ability to judge self-motion velocities and distances traveled. Compared to seated joystick control, standing leaning enhanced self-motion sensations. Combining standing leaning with a minimal walking-in-place procedure showed no benefits and reduced usability, though. Together, results highlight the potential of incorporating walking-related auditory, visual, and vibrotactile cues for improving user experience and self-motion perception in applications such as virtual reality, gaming, and tele-presence.
This paper introduces FaceHaptics, a novel haptic display based on a robot arm attached to a head-mounted virtual reality display. It provides localized, multi-directional and movable haptic cues in the form of wind, warmth, moving and single-point touch events and water spray to dedicated parts of the face not covered by the head-mounted display.The easily extensible system, however, can principally mount any type of compact haptic actuator or object. User study 1 showed that users appreciate the directional resolution of cues, and can judge wind direction well, especially when they move their head and wind direction is adjusted dynamically to compensate for head rotations. Study 2 showed that adding FaceHaptics cues to a VR walkthrough can significantly improve user experience, presence, and emotional responses.
Comparing Non-Visual and Visual Guidance Methods for Narrow Field of View Augmented Reality Displays
In presence of conflicting or ambiguous visual cues in complex scenes, performing 3D selection and manipulation tasks can be challenging. To improve motor planning and coordination, we explore audio-tactile cues to inform the user about the presence of objects in hand proximity, e.g., to avoid unwanted object penetrations. We do so through a novel glove-based tactile interface, enhanced by audio cues. Through two user studies, we illustrate that proximity guidance cues improve spatial awareness, hand motions, and collision avoidance behaviors, and show how proximity cues in combination with collision and friction cues can significantly improve performance.
We present a novel, multilayer interaction approach that enables state transitions between spatially above-screen and 2D on-screen feedback layers. This approach supports the exploration of haptic features that are hard to simulate using rigid 2D screens. We accomplish this by adding a haptic layer above the screen that can be actuated and interacted with (pressed on) while the user interacts with on-screen content using pen input. The haptic layer provides variable firmness and contour feedback, while its membrane functionality affords additional tactile cues like texture feedback. Through two user studies, we look at how users can use the layer in haptic exploration tasks, showing that users can discriminate well between different firmness levels, and can perceive object contour characteristics. Demonstrated also through an art application, the results show the potential of multilayer feedback to extend on-screen feedback with additional widget, tool and surface properties, and for user guidance.
We present a novel forearm-and-glove tactile interface that can enhance 3D interaction by guiding hand motor planning and coordination. In particular, we aim to improve hand motion and pose actions related to selection and manipulation tasks. Through our user studies, we illustrate how tactile patterns can guide the user, by triggering hand pose and motion changes, for example to grasp (select) and manipulate (move) an object. We discuss the potential and limitations of the interface, and outline future work.