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Document Type
- Conference Object (8)
- Article (2)
- Contribution to a Periodical (2)
- Report (1)
- Smart Home (3)
- Eco-Feedback (2)
- IoT (2)
- Living Lab (2)
- Aneignungsstudie (1)
- Case-Study (1)
- Consumption feedback (1)
- Context-awareness (1)
- Design (1)
- Digital Energy Management (1)
Kleinere, günstigere und effizientere Sensoren und Aktoren sowie Funkprotokolle haben dazu geführt, dass Smart Home Produkte in zunehmend auch für den privaten Massenmarkt erschwinglich werden. Damit stehen Hersteller und Anbieter vor der Herausforderung, komplexe cyber-physische Systeme für Jedermann handhabbar zu gestalten. Es fehlen allerdings empirische Erkenntnisse über die Rolle von Smart Home im Alltag. Wir präsentieren Ergebnisse aus einer Living Lab Studie, in der 14 Haushalte mit einer am Markt erhältlichen Smart Home Nachrüstlösung ausgestattet und über neun Monate empirisch begleitet wurden. Anhand der Analyse von Interviews, Beobachtungen und Co-Design Workshops in den Phasen der Produktauswahl, Installation, Konfiguration und längerfristigen Nutzung zeigen wir Herausforderungen und Potentiale von Smart Home Systemen auf. Unsere Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das Smart Home immer noch von technischen Details dominiert wird. Zugleich fehlen Nutzern angemessene Steuerungs- und Kontrollmöglichkeiten, um weiterhin die Entscheidungshoheit im eigenen Zuhause zu behalten.
Residential and commercial buildings are responsible for about 40% of the EU’s total energy consumption. However, conscious, sustainable use of this limited resource is hampered by a lack of visibility and materiality of consumption. One of the major challenges is enabling consumers to make informed decisions about energy consumption, thereby supporting the shift to sustainable actions. With the use of Energy-Management-Systems it is possible to save up to 15%. In recent years, design approaches have greatly diversified, but with the emergence of ubiquitous- and context-aware computing, energy feedback solutions can be enriched with additional context information. In this study, we present the concept “room as a context” for eco-feedback systems. We investigate opportunities of making current state-of-the-art energy visualizations more meaningful and demonstrate which new forms of visualizations can be created with this additional information. Furthermore, we developed a prototype for android-based tablets, which includes some of the presented features to study our design concepts in the wild.
Smart home systems change the way we experience the home. While there are established research fields within HCI for visualizing specific use cases of a smart home, studies targeting user demands on visualizations spanning across multiple use cases are rare. Especially, individual data-related demands pose a challenge for usable visualizations. To investigate potentials of an end-user development (EUD) approach for flexibly supporting such demands, we developed a smart home system featuring both pre-defined visualizations and a visualization creation tool. To evaluate our concept, we installed our prototype in 12 households as part of a Living Lab study. Results are based on three interview studies, a design workshop and system log data. We identified eight overarching interests in home data and show how participants used pre-defined visualizations to get an overview and the creation tool to not only address specific use cases but also to answer questions by creating temporary visualizations.
Smart home systems are becoming an integral feature of the emerging home IT market. Under this general term, products mainly address issues of security, energy savings and comfort. Comprehensive systems that cover several use cases are typically operated and managed via a unified dashboard. Unfortunately, research targeting user experience (UX) design for smart home interaction that spans several use cases or covering the entire system is scarce. Furthermore, existing comprehensive and user-centered longterm studies on challenges and needs throughout phases of information collection, installation and operation of smart home systems are technologically outdated. Our 18-month Living Lab study covering 14 households equipped with smart home technology provides insights on how to design for improving smart home appropriation. This includes a stronger sensibility for household practices during setup and configuration, flexible visualizations for evolving demands and an extension of smart home beyond the location.
Die Entwicklung intelligenter Technologien zur Unterstützung im Alltag und in den eigenen vier Wänden begleitet unsere Gesellschaft schon seit dem Zeitalter des Personal Computers. Mit dem Aufkommen des Internet der Dinge und begünstigt durch immer kleiner und günstiger werdende Hardware ergeben sich neue Potenziale, die das Thema Smart Home attraktiver als je zuvor werden lassen. Eine Vielzahl der aktuell im Markt verfügbaren Lösungen adressiert die Bedürfnisse Komfort, Sicherheit und effiziente Energienutzung. Die versprochene Intelligenz – smartness, wie sie der Begriff selbst suggeriert – wird vor allem bei Lösungen im privaten Nachrüstbereich überwiegend durch die Interaktion der Nutzer selbst und entsprechende regelbasierte Konfigurationen erzeugt. Diese notwendige Art der Interaktion und die damit verbundenen Aufwände sind jedoch von starker Bedeutung für das gesamte Nutzungserlebnis Smart Home und führen nicht selten zu Frustration oder gar Resignation in der Nutzung.
Getrieben durch kleiner und günstiger werdende Sensoren und der damit verbundenen Messbarmachung immer weiter reichender Teile des Alltages, hat sich die Gestaltung von Verbrauchsvisualisierunen bzw. Verbrauchsfeedbacksystemen zur Unterstützung von nachhaltigem Verhalten zu einem sehr aktiven Forschungsfeld entwickelt.
Designing consumption feedback to support sustainable behavior is an active research topic. In recent years, relevant work has suggested a variety of possible design strategies. Addressing the more recent developments in this field, this paper presents a structured literature review, providing an overview of current information design approaches and highlighting open research questions. We suggest a literature-based taxonomy of used strategies, data source and output media with a special focus on design. In particular, we analyze which visual forms are used in current research to reach the identified strategy goals. Our survey reveals that the trend is towards more complex and contextualized feedback and almost every design within sustainable HCI adopts common visualization forms. Furthermore, adopting more advanced visual forms and techniques from information visualization research is helpful when dealing with ever-increasing data sources at home. Yet so far, this combination has often been neglected in feedback design.
Eco-InfoVis at Work
Frequently the main purpose of domestic artifacts equipped with smart sensors is to hide technology, like previous examples of a Smart Mirror show. However, current Smart Homes often fail to provide meaningful IoT applications for all residents’ needs. To design beyond efficiency and productivity, we propose to realize the potential of the traditional artifact for calm and engaging experiences. Therefore, we followed a design case study approach with 22 participants in total. After an initial focus group, we conducted a diary study to examine home routines and developed a conceptual design. The evaluation of our mid-fidelity prototype shows, that we need to study carefully the practices of the residents to leverage the physical material of the artifact to fit the routines. Our Smart Mirror, enhanced by digital qualities, supports meaningful activities and makes the bathroom more appealing. Thereby, we discuss domestic technology design beyond automation.