650 Management und unterstützende Tätigkeiten
Departments, institutes and facilities
- Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (242)
- Institut für Verbraucherinformatik (IVI) (57)
- Centrum für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (CENTIM) (27)
- Fachbereich Ingenieurwissenschaften und Kommunikation (16)
- Graduierteninstitut (4)
- Fachbereich Informatik (3)
- Sprachenzentrum (3)
- Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technologietransfer (ZWT) (3)
- Fachbereich Sozialpolitik und Soziale Sicherung (2)
- Institut für Medienentwicklung und -analyse (IMEA) (2)
Document Type
- Conference Object (121)
- Part of a Book (96)
- Article (89)
- Book (monograph, edited volume) (60)
- Contribution to a Periodical (11)
- Working Paper (9)
- Video (8)
- Conference Proceedings (7)
- Doctoral Thesis (5)
- Dataset (3)
Year of publication
- Lehrbuch (14)
- Betriebswirtschaftslehre (7)
- Controlling (6)
- DGQ (6)
- Entrepreneurship (6)
- Melcher (6)
- Digitalisierung (5)
- Nachhaltigkeit (5)
- Global Software Engineering (4)
- Business Process Management (3)
Das Buch zeigt, wie Führungskräfte durch gesunde Führung die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten fördern können. Denn Studien belegen, dass Führung einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten hat. Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der gesunden Führung erfolgt eine nähere Betrachtung der menschlichen Grundbedürfnisse, welche im Neuroleadership die Grundvoraussetzung für das mentale Wohlbefinden darstellen. Die Grundbedürfnisse nach Self-Esteem, Control, Orientation, Attachment und Pleasure (kurz: SCOAP) und deren Messung mit dem SCOAP-Profile werden anhand von Praxisbeispielen veranschaulicht.
The study aims to investigate how agentic and communal demands, different resources, and the work-family-interface influence female and male entrepreneur’s financial success and health; address urgent calls from several researchers to include gender as a fundamental element of heterogeneity (Chadwick & Raver, 2019; Stephan et al., 2020; Stephan et al., 2023); Combine knowledge from job-demands and resources theory (JDR) with gender role congruity theory to incorporate a more gender-sensitive perspective.
The datacontains a sample of 300 respondents obtained at a German university of applied sciences (Bonn-Rhine-Sieg) from October 2023 to December 2023, and consisting of students, scientific and non-scientific staff and alumni. It was part of the evaluation of the project "SUPRA- Start Up Manufaktur St. Augustin".
Das Fach Wirtschaftsinformatik gilt als etabliertes Kernelement der betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung. Es hat im Zuge der Digitalisierung vieler Lebensbereiche neue Impulse erhalten und erfordert ein Ausbildungskonzept, das den Lebenswelten der aktuelle Generation entspricht.
Viele Studentinnen und Studenten der BWL kommen bereits mit fundierten Kenntnissen in der Nutzung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in die Grundlagenvorlesungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Häufig fehlen aber Kenntnisse aus der Berufspraxis (Ausbildung, Praktika), welche für die Wirtschaftsinformatik als angewandte Wissenschaft essentiell sind.
Hier setzt das Buch an und erklärt den Lehrstoff möglichst anschaulich am Beispiel eines Start Up Unternehmens, welches von einer Gruppe von Hochschulabsolventinnen und -Absolventen gegründet wird und nach und nach mit Informationstechnikthemen in Berührung kommt.
Ausgehend von der Unternehmensgründung werden die Phasen des wachsenden Unternehmens durchlaufen und hieran die (meist prüfungs-)relevanten Inhalte der Wirtschaftsinformatik erklärt.
Statistik im Fokus
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Purpose: The presented paper aims at providing novel evidence on entrepreneurial intention and it’s antecedence from the perspective of theory of planned behavior and identity in the entrepreneurial university context.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on a sample of 300 respondents obtained at a German university of applied sciences and consisting of students, scientific and non-scientific staff and alumni. The data was analyzed through IBM SPSS and Smart PLS to test the four hypotheses related to entrepreneurial intention and its antecedents.
Findings: The study provides a critical perspective on the usefulness of the TPB framework extended with identity for predicting the entrepreneurial intention in the entrepreneurial university context. Based on the study results, it is hypothesized that entrepreneurial intention is best explain through a combination of entrepreneurial attitudes, social norms in relation to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial identity, while excluding behavioral control as the least important predictor with lowest relevance. This has implications both for TPB-based research as well as self-efficacy based research on entrepreneurial intention, as the two are considered to be related concepts.
Research limitations and implications:
Practical implications: Practical implications relate to demonstrating the usefulness of the TPB and identity for evaluating the entrepreneurial intention in terms of broad and diverse range of activities of an entrepreneurial university. Transfer managers, officers in incubators and accelerators can deploy and expand this approach to use it in diverse and mixed settings for comparing and mapping entrepreneurial intention among diverse set of stakeholders.
Originality/value: The article empirically tests the combined theory of planned behavior and identity theory in a sample of diverse rspondents, beyond students to include also scientific and non-scientific staff of a university and alumni as important stakeholders in the entrepreneurial university. This is an important empirical and conceptual adition to existing literature with theoretial and practical implications.
This study presents a gender-focused perspective of entrepreneurship education programs, aiming to understand variations in entrepreneurial intention, reasoning on entrepreneurship, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial education preferences. The present research grounds on Entrepreneurial Event Theory to examine entrepreneurial intention, desirability, and feasibility in the context of entrepreneurship education. The research was conducted in Germany in 2021 and included a sample of 156 university students. The study deploys the Mann-Whitney U Test to examine gender differences among university students regarding entrepreneurship. The findings highlight a heightened perception of risk among female students, influencing their focus on positive/negative entrepreneurial events compared to male students. Moreover, the research reveals a greater inclination among females to engage in both curricular and extracurricular entrepreneurship education activities, corroborating previous studies suggesting greater benefits for female students in such programs. The study also underscores the importance of distinguishing between curricular and extracurricular offerings, indicating promising avenues for future entrepreneurship education research. Overall, this investigation contributes new insights and explanations regarding gender dynamics in entrepreneurship education, shedding light on potential areas for further exploration in the field.
BWL-Formeln für Dummies
BWL kompakt für Dummies
"BWL kompakt für Dummies" bietet Ihnen eine verständliche Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, egal ob Sie sie für die Aus- oder Weiterbildung brauchen oder sich einfach schlau machen wollen. Tobias Amely stellt Ihnen die wesentlichen Elemente und Grundbegriffe der Betriebswirtschaftslehre vor und zeigt die Bezüge zur Unternehmenspraxis auf: Materialwirtschaft, Leistungsbereitstellung und Produktion, Marketing, Investition und Finanzierung, Unternehmensorganisation und -führung, Rechnungswesen und Controlling. (Verlagsangaben)
This article deals with the under-researched phenomenon of rural health entrepreneurship and its major characteristics. The purpose of this study is to explicate the process of providing health services in rural areas of a developing country and their relation to SDGs. The paper is based on six semi-structured interviews conducted with Serbian health entrepreneurs in rural areas (two private practices, two policlinics, and two dental practices), a review of laws and strategies relevant to the field, and three sessions of discussions with eight experts (four authors and four additional experts). The research methodology follows an empirical, mixed-method case study research procedure. The results are presented in relation to the aspects of frugality, family orientation, and sustainability-oriented innovation. The timeline of the six case studies demonstrates the increasing importance of health entrepreneurs in rural areas due to the aging population and, therefore, increased needs for quality healthcare in these areas. The financing instruments have also become more formal and substantial in recent years, enabling the growth of healthcare businesses in rural areas. However, a major obstacle to further sustainable development remains the non-refundability of services before the state-owned, obligatory health fund, creating major social inequalities, especially in rural areas.
The Peren Theorem
The Peren-Clement Index
Network Analysis Method
Dynamic Programming
Heuristic Methods
Sequencing Problems
Queueing Theory
Linear Optimization
The Decision Tree Procedure
Interne Audits können mehr
Dieser Beitrag zeigt, wie das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) Zufriedenheitsanalysen aus zwei Sichtweisen durchführt: Aus Sicht der Auditoren und aus Sicht der Managementbeauftragten der auditierten Institute und Einrichtungen. Die Ergebnisse fließen in die jährliche Auditprogrammplanung ein. Damit wird der Nutzen von internen Audits gesteigert.
This study addresses the underrepresentation of women and the so-far neglected process perspective in empirical entrepreneurial research. It aims to identify the personality traits that differentiate successful female entrepreneurs from their less successful peers and to determine which traits are crucial for pre-launch, launch, and post-launch success. Independent t-tests on 305 female entrepreneurs (and 476 male entrepreneurs) from the DACH region highlight the role of self-efficacy, proactivity, locus of control, and need for achievement for female entrepreneurs. Multiple regression analyses further reveal the importance of self-efficacy for every phase of women’s entrepreneurial journey. While the need for autonomy was critical during pre-launch and launch, locus of control significantly predicted female entrepreneurial success in the pre-launch and post-launch phases. Contrary to previous research, risk-taking was not a crucial trait for female entrepreneurs when compared to their male counterparts, while both showed similar levels of need for autonomy, proactivity, need for achievement, perseverance, self-control, and locus of control. The study offers valuable insights into successful entrepreneurship and highlights the need for female- and phase-specific support programs to enhance self-efficacy among female entrepreneurs.
Statistik im Fokus
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Hochschulen und Gemeinden sind einem zunehmenden und permanenten Veränderungs- sowie Finanzierungsdruck ausgesetzt. Zudem haben Kommunen einen hohen Bedarf an Know-how, Kreativität, Innovationen, Personal sowie an Fachwissen in bestimmten Bereichen. Hochschulen auf der anderen Seite verfügen durch ihre WissenschaftlerInnen und Studierenden genau über diese Ressourcen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist im Rahmen des BMBF-finanzierten Projekts „Innovative Hochschule“ ein Transfer-Kooperationsprojekt („Kommunale Innovationspartnerschaften“) zwischen der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein- Sieg und der Kommune Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, ca. 30 km östlich der Bundesstadt Bonn gelegen, durchgeführt worden. Die im Rahmen dieses Reallabors gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden im Format eines Toolkits zusammengefasst. Dies kann als Handlungsleitfaden auch für andere Hochschul-Kommune-Kooperationen verwendet werden. Eine Hochschul-Kommune-Kooperation stellt dabei eine projektbasierte Zusammenarbeit zwischen einer oder mehreren Hochschulen mit der politischen Vertretung einer oder mehrerer Kommunen sowie deren lokaler Wirtschaft und/oder Zivilgesellschaft dar.
Project Management
Companies are increasingly developing into dynamic and project-oriented organizations. Globalization, innovations and organizational dynamics require more and more projects, and thus a more project-oriented corporate organization and management. As a rule, managers as well as employees already work parallel to their line function in projects or completely from project to project.
At the same time, cross-company and especially international value chains lead to the cooperation of cross-departamental and intercultural teams. For this, the specialists and executives need above all knowledge and experience in project management and the corresponding concepts as well as in the special form of cooperation, team development and communication. Because the most problems in project management are not caused by project goals and methods, but by the many different problem-solving behavior and attitudes, e.g. between engineers and business people, different departments or the different country cultures. The international IT project specialist Tom DeMarco puts it in a nutshell (in Peopleware - Productive Projects and Teams: The major problems of our work are not so much technological as socio-logical in nature. In terms of content here, in contrast to traditional professional textbooks, not only the technologies are priority, but also the social and intercultural aspects of project work.
The book is aimed equally at students of all disciplines with a focus on managerial and project-related work as well as practitioners and entrepreneurs in all private business sectors as well as in NGOs, public projects or PPPs as public-private partnership.
„Ich kann jetzt nicht krank werden – ich muss arbeiten“. Diesen Satz hat wohl jeder schon einmal gehört oder sogar selbst gesagt. Dahinter steckt das Phänomen des Präsentismus. Präsentismus wird ganz allgemein bezeichnet als behaviour of working in the state of illhealth (Ruhle et al. 2020). Der Begriff entstand in Anlehnung an sein Gegenteil, den Absentismus, welcher das Fernbleiben von der Arbeit beschreibt (Hägerbäumer 2017). Die negativen langfristigen gesundheitlichen und arbeitsbezogenen Auswirkungen des Verhaltens, trotz Krankheit zu arbeiten, sind in der Literatur gut belegt (z.B. Gustafsson/Marklund 2011). Vor allem im Home-Office, welches während der Corona-Pandemie häufig genutzt wurde und nach der Corona-Pandemie in vielen Bereichen Normalität wurde, tritt Präsentismus aufgrund der geringeren Barrieren (z.B. keine Ansteckungsgefahr, kein Pendeln) noch verstärkter auf (Steidelmüller et al. 2020). Auch bei Studierenden, die im Rahmen von Online-Lehre öfter von zu Hause aus lernen, ist davon auszugehen, dass dies den Präsentismus begünstigt. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema ist also von großer Relevanz. Es fehlt eine strukturierte Zusammenstellung geeigneter Gegenmaßnahmen, die zur Reduzierung von Präsentismus angewendet werden können. Darüber hinaus wurde vor allem Präsentismus mit dem Schwerpunkt Hochschule und damit den Zielgruppen Hochschulmitarbeitende und Studierende bisher kaum untersucht. Diese Forschungslücke soll der vorliegende Beitrag schließen und Präsentismus an Hochschulen beschreiben sowie mithilfe eines Literaturreviews mögliche Maßnahmenbereiche aufzeigen.
Das Konzept von Purpose, Travelling und Connectivity: Drei Säulen der Organisation und Leadership
The purpose of this study is to extend previous research on brand innovation by uncovering the process of family winery branding in relation to the new product launch in the VUCA market on the case of three Serbian wineries. The study deploys qualitative oriented and empirical approach in presenting a multi-case study. Three semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with owners and/or managers in these three wineries. The results demonstrate that all three family wineries are offering high-end product for the domestic market with smaller one still experimenting with strategic direction of innovating for high-end market while the two larger ones putting focus either on autochthonous grape varieties with eye-cathicng labels or authentic brand identity with strong storytelling. Another important aspect identified is the frugal nature of product launch in the family wineries due to limited resources. The paper presents is among only few studies on new product development in wine business literature.
Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa – Conference Proceedings 2022
These proceedings are the outcome of the 10th annual joint conference on "Universities Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa".
These proceedings document the culmination of the 10th annual joint conference on "Universities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa," which was held on the 8th and 9th of September 2022 at the Campus Sankt Augustin, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. The conference was a collaboration between the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
The access to electricity and water in rural areas in Côte d’Ivoire as well as in large parts of Africa is limited. According to Ivorian government sources, the national coverage rate of drinkable water and electricity was about 80% in 2020, whereas there are differences between rural and urban regions. The coverages are lower in rural areas that are situated far from the governmental infrastructures. The poor supply of electricity also hinders education, since petroleum lamps are often the only source of light for learning after sunset. Besides, increasing demand for electricity is predicted in Côte d’Ivoire due to economic growth. The economic power is also affected by the poor supply of electricity, so only a limited production of goods is possible. A further big concern in Côte d’Ivoire is the employability of graduate students, as the educational system has a strong theoretic character, not yet taking enough into account practice orientation. Scientific public universities in Côte d'Ivoire often offer only subjects such as mathematics, physics, or chemistry but hardly any engineering.
The paper investigates the nature of Kenya's entrepreneurship education ecosystem (EEE) through a comparative analysis of three entrepreneurship education programs and an examination of how the institutions foster a favourable entrepreneurial environment. This study looks at the entrepreneurship education ecosystem through the lens of universities, NGO's and private institutes in Kenya.
A systemic analysis of EEE is provided by utilizing the Actiotope Model as a conceptual framework. The exploratory research adopts a pragmatic mixed-method methodological approach best suited to understand the research problem.
The results reveal that entrepreneurship education at higher education institutions was primarily theoretical and relied on traditional forms of entrepreneurship education. Recurring rigid patterns show minimal personalization of content and learning styles within the University, with more personalization reported in the Mully Model of education and the more specialized entrepreneurship program of the Identity Projects.
The adaptation of the Actiotope Model provided a new and unique approach to analyzing entrepreneurship ecosystems. The person-centred approach of the model provides valuable insights to learners and to entrepreneurship education institutions and researchers.
Enhanced collaboration between the different entrepreneurial education stakeholders could be a more effective short to medium-term solution to addressing the gaps in entrepreneurial education at tertiary institutions.
In the long term, the study recommends adopting practical-based and goal-oriented entrepreneurship teaching models.
Social businesses have a great positive impact on communities and are a sustainable way to do business today and in the future. This impact can be amplified through the means of digitalization. In the past, traditional for-profit business models have been used to understand the structures of business operations. However, the underlying business model of digital social businesses has not yet been explored. This study presents a building block analysis of business models and a subsequent typology. Digital and social business models are identified via a literature review. The building block analysis encompasses an assessment of the individual business activities contained in the business models. The typology is developed from existing literature utilizing a matrix for the evaluation of digital social businesses. Additionally, five semi-structured expert interviews are conducted to inform, extend, or content the findings of this study. To this end, an inductive coding procedure is applied to the transcribed interviews for the detection of themes within the text. This study contributes to social business model research by providing a first insight into the unique building blocks of digital social business models. It also creates a typology tool based on two parameters, which enables the comparison of digital social businesses.